tectnth seaso:i wit1h a brilliant and interc'sting' prograin in! keeping; if not surpassing in nlany respects, ail former years of the club's historv. F.vervone, young and old, mwho, follow%%s this great array of celebrities, front the openirrg tiîitil the closung programn. wihcon on, the last Sündav ini Februàry, cannot help b)ut be infornied. inspired and ul)lifted. The m eetings will be, hcld in% the First Congregational church, at 7':30 o_'clock. S e ve n churches in %\'il- 'mette and Kenil- w o r t h cooperate :with this clu.b -whic.h is support-. edyi yearly suh- ,scriptions and the e v en ing collec- lioins. Every onie is ini- vited, including al new residents of Edgar A.,Guest t h e communityý who have not attended ini the past. The program for the season follows: Sumglay, October 29--Y Palestine' and Syria-Shrine of Five Hundred Nfil- lion," a travel revue in motion and sound p)ictures. %vil] be presented by the travel-lecturer, George 1_. Dick, costumed as a Tiberian chieftain. and the Holy City of Jerusalem. Mr. Dick will present authcntic irst te- cordings of thJie riniging of -the ch imie s in the. Church of the Na- of Jewish prayers à t t he Wailing 'V È,T/w Ca4hedfýi Artïs.ts (aboz'c) fresh-authenéltic-. ---Doctor Colton îs iot a propagandist. His %vhole, idea is to.help toward a-keen utnderstiand- ing of the exciting human drama fnow unfolding in.Germanv. Wells, the popular explorer, 'author and radio artit, who is ealled "the mani who niakes facts fascinating." ln -Let's Do the Mediterranean" he iil be the inimitable guide on a grand motion pic- ture and colored ~?' . slide cruise to en- chanting NMediter- ranean places. M r. Wells was the -- leader of the Massie e x )e di1- , t i '&n to Central ~ en 'two thousand Dr. 1- M. Gould tumes in AAmerica and five hundred times 'in the British: Isles. Su*aday, Noveinher 19-.The -world- famous conductor, NLme. Margarita Slaviansky and lier Russiani choruis will Présent a stupendous musical prograin of Russian and Slavic mu- sic. They 'will wear gorgeous native costumes. 'This great organization, founded in 1858, by. Diitry Agreneif, a Russian nobleman and father of zvili Présent Tir Liýht iîf the [f'orld' k nown Ivrie. tenor ;Helen 1Freuîîd and' Consi.tanice Eherhart, bothi fornii- erly with, thé Chicago :Civic opera, and E~ric Russell Cooke. pôpular coi>- cert. artist. Cadman, a prolific Song, composer. first becam-e famiious for fis work iii that forni. Lillian 'Nor- dica I)eKan ihisý populari$'r 'I" in-tr'o' ducing -Froni the Land of the Sky- blue WVater" to the concert public. John McCormack followed quickly With "At Dawning' and "I Hear a Thrutsh at Eve." Other singers sucli as Alnma Gluck and Dlavid Bisphani took up his - songs almost immnedi- ately. Promn thattme tuntil the pre s- eut his. lyric works' have occupied an, honored position on 'the prograw'; of practically, ail our leading 'vocalists. a~ a diî aain governl- ni eni t . On' tlis trip lie founid cvi-' dences of the ill- f a t edSir' Johii Franklin' A r c t i c exl)edition. H c. will l)resent at the club>Ih i s invalu- ab>le mlotioni pic- tu re lecture, J. on Oriental art, Suma.y, January 14-'Studenit Lift at *Oxford" a "picture of the charmi, value, and pecularities of- English upiversitv life,, will be discussed hy Vant Wormer Walsh.. Mr.* Walsh.. who studied at, Oxford. ànd,. al-er ai Harvard, is unus.uall.v able to'dûscribe student life.at this 'venerable IEnglish seat of learning and culture. M r. Walsh is an Englishman and an in- vete rate globe-trotter. He h)eli'ees that travel and an exchanlge of view- points, both ini school life.an'd ini later y'ears, will create world unde rstand- ing. He. is magnetic, gracion. s 1a td a' sparklitig raconteur. Sunday, Janiuary 21-B3raîîson D>e- Cou., whose coin- ing is an annual evetfor tlîis Club). ill sh ow his liewest and per- haps most beauti- fu D re a m Pic- turcs of *'Old: MNexico," a land of pictorial beau- t.romance and mystery. The ar- Carv.th WeUs chitectural riches of Spanish colon- ial days, the .Aztec period, and more distant elaborate an-d sophisticated Mexicani civilizations of _wjich we arc Just now learning through exc- vations, ivili heshown to the usual DeCou accompaniment of appropriate music. souday, January 28$-Branson De- Cou. wil present "Magnificent Nor- wa"(Including Iceland and Spitz-, hergeil) in~ a pictorial record of threc trips to the I<and of the Midnight Suni. Beautiful music accompanlies these I)rcarnPictures. 'sunclay, Fehruery .4-Arthur Pis-. htîrv, naturalit, ,author and explrr in th 'rilling ,nioving.pictuires 'and col- ored 'slides, depicts "Life In and Un- der the South Seas." In the harbor of Pago Pago,. Arnerican Samioan *Islainds. Pillhiîr,, ,fhout . alitt- ;eeker. Hie presents to his1( an authoritative picture, IJ ng of Arthnr ' ' Icu na 'une, iris givîng îolen- E ~ast n cIu d in g eproduction. 1 ' IManchoukuo, where lie interviewed lecéanher 31 -Dr. Fred'- high officiaIs and leaders in the' n, one of America's fore- Itroubled affairs of the 'Orient. He ers. pastor of the Central jWil11 disctîss his expeine.bp~ ch meets in' Orchestra iions years,.Mr. Weri as Is r- eiiey and ,riter on' W wi chu, rg