A TRUST COMPANY located at'.;Viliietté, State of Illiiiois,'ati these of business on the 29th day of Septembl-er, 19331 as made to, theAdto of Public Accountsý of the State of Illinois,, purstiant to laiv. RE.SOURCES Cash, Other Cash Resources and Due fromn Baniks................... U. S. Government ItîvestientS........... Other Bonds and Securities........ 1...... Loans on Collateral Securitv .......... Other Loans ............................ Loanis on Real Esitate ............ Overdrafts............................. Other Real Estate................ Banking House,, Furiuiture and Fixtures ... Cuistoniers' L iabili ty under L.etters' of. Credit- Custoitmers' Liability accoint of Acceptatices O-ther Resources............ W»53,33.14 4271,069.70 252,287.34 66,401.27 240,313.70 1 14768.93 1509001.00 None Non. Total Resources.... ...............191585 Capital Stock .. Surplus ....... LIABILITIES ... . . . . . . . . U.ndivided Profits (Net)......... Reserve Accounts .................. Ii.Leýinand Deposits .............. Tim'e Deposits....................... Due to Banks ............... Bills Payable ........................... Re-Discounts------------.......... 2009000.00 100,00)0.00 339552.99 .61,796.06, 946,12229 588,758.49 None None None I If the worker in your block lias been unable to reach you. or if you have been away froru home, do flot Jet this fact interfere with your sharing in the splendid wvork of the chest. Send your contributions to William D. Leary, treasurer, at Xilmeue State -Baànk. Hiuman needs must be met! ATTEND GAMMA PHI TEA A group of north Shore ahimnae member s of Gamma, Phi Beta sororitv. attended he tea given last Friday at the chapter house at Northwestern university forthe new house mother, M.Margaret Spencer. Mrs. Spen- cer was formerly at the Delta Delta Delta house at 'the University of Minnesota. Mrs. Gordon Taylfor, 558 Hill- terrace, Winnetka, will be host- ess next. Mondayr afternoon to the NLorth. Shore alumnae. association of Gammla Phi Beta. 11rs. J. H. Cullings, son Johin R. and datngiter M1ary., of Elwnwond, Ill.. spent the week-end with their relatives,.Vblert A. .\IcKeigliatiand famnily, 1025 (,reretleaf avenue. Ilr. a id -Nrs. \Xlctor L.aFave- (Ma r- jorie Crabb) of 925 xr.eenleaf ave- nue have be called to MOntreal, Canada, by the serious illness of' Mlr. T.aFave's mother, WVaves guaranteýd fur ait women Who have had bad texper irnceý and fatilures.withh :1v other svsten. EspeviaIiy hentficial for m h-te., dlyed, bIe4whed, .hentiaed, baby - fine, Ii~1isOr da niaged hair. We Are Featuring t/he New -ous committees of the Chicago Loni- rnittee of the United Foreign Mis- sionary conference, to be held in Chicago fromn November 5 to 10. Some are assisting in the prepara- tions being made for a huge all- Protestant mass' meetingý to be held. on the *afternoon of November 5, at the Chicago Staclium, where Dr. E. St anley Jones, world Christian leader and author, will.be the main speaker.. SOthers are working one the plans for round table conferences and oth- er meetings of :varions. groups throughout the city and s.uburbs. These affairs will be addressed by Dr. Joues and four other members of the team of missionaries who' are touring the United States this fall forý nearly, thirty such. conferences. Included in the personnel besides Dr. Jones, who is missionary to India and author of "The Christ. of the Indian Road," are Miss Yi-fang Wu, president of Ginling. college, Nanking, China;, Dr. Herman Chen-en Liu, president of the University of Shang-, hai, China; the Rt, Rev. Logan UH_ Roots, bishop of the diocese of Han- kow,, China; and Miss Lillian L. Picken, evangelist and. social worker'. 1 These meet 'ings are being spon-ý sored b%,,.the' Foreign' Missions Con- ference of North Anierica,, which unites. "alilthe .major Protestant ýde- nominations. Many of the conferences wiIl be held at Chicago temple, home of the First Methodist- Episcopal church of Chicago. GUESTS PROM INDIANA Mr. and Mrs. James G. Badger, 801 Forest avenue, had as their week- end bouse guests, Mr. and Mrs. John Badger of'Logansport, Ind., and Mr. and Mrs. Stoyan Bichacoiffand their. daughter and NIrs, Enna Youlg of Fort Waîyne. The, Bidgers took. their guests tlo the . Nôrthw,ýesterti-tidiaàna ýfôbllgame aànd ,al'so to the. Fair. Earlier in the week Mrs., J. Carney. Howell anid her son. were guests of the Badgers for several days. The Howells have mnoved from ,Evanston to Washington, 1). C., as MIr. Howell bas been appointed a new officer in the N"R:A govertimental %work. s........ to before mie this Z4th VERA PRIEBE, Notary Public 411 Lincen Avenue Watches, docks, jewelry, silver. wsre, optical, beads r.utrung. 1166 WILMETTE AVENUE' WILMETTE .10i61 I 4. and (SEAL) I .............. ............