ber of Commerce for the pu~rpose of considering, and adjusting if pos- sible, complaints of non-compliance -wit.h the letter and spirit of the na- tional recovery act. Th e board is composed of Bettini E. Stalling, chairman; A S. Van Deusen, representing the employers; WV. B. Rkobinson,: Jr.,. representing the employes, and Mrs. Johàn V. Smnith representing the ýconsumers. Get Anonymous Complinte Several complaints. have already been received and are being bandled )y thle board in a way to accomplish the best resuits without any publi- city as to the nature of:,the com- plaints% or- the identity of 'persons about whom complaint is- made.. A number of these complaints are anonymnous, and this, said,. great- ]y hampers the board in its work, xnaking it impossible to confer witbh the complainiants during.investiga- tioni of the charges., The board emphasizes the fact that the naie's of complainants art never divulged, but are kept strictly secret. The only way in which it tan accoDM- plish its %ork justly and. fairly iS ta kntow the identity of persons makinig complaints. While it does not go s o far ýas ta state that it will not con-J sider cases where signatures are w ithheld, ht does urge that comiplain- arIts sîgn their names and thus coop-. crate %wýith the board in arriving at just decasions. Arthýur Meyers, 411 'Main street. Charles Gregory, 731 Eleventh. street. jim Badger, 801 Forest avenue. The next XVîLmmE LwFE Foot- bail Contest will appear in the Oc- tober 26 issue and will provide free choice seats for three 'con- testants, for the -Northwesterni- Mlinniesota:,game on November 4. Everv football fan will want to get into the contest. Watch, for the;'issue of October 26> for details. 1Baptist Ch urcli Society, Progdram Well Received The Woman's society of the Rap- tist church held a very successful Plunkett -luncheon Friday, with'an attendante of one-hundred. The pro- gram was under the direction of theé civics chairman, Mrs. George Green. The speaker, Mrs. Margaret Cole of Winnetka, gave a stirring address on "Disarmament." M rs. William J. Benner of Wilmette sang a group of compositions, among which %%,as the beautiful and Yery popular, "Trees. The program closed with>,a nost appropriate devotional hy 'MNrs. C. 'Herbert Jones. The next meeting of the societv %vilI be November 10, with "A Ven- tutre Aniong Near Neighibors." supply water to No Man's Land. Mrs. Donald H. Max<well, 1414 For- est avenue, bas retturned from a ten days' motor trip in the east with Mrs. Jonathan Noyes, of Kenilwortb. XVhile Mrs.,Noyes* drove bier daughter, Lillian.. to Radcliffe college >(wbere the latter won a scholarship from New Trier).. Mrs. Maxwell v'isi.ted ber 'broWther in, Ipswich, Mass. FOR SKI LLED and courfeoui OPEIRATOIR5 an àch..wy, sunshifty uIbp Phone WiImette 4582 for Appoinim.nt' LOVELlNESMADE LOVELIER 1. àEA CGREEN B EANS 2 qte. 2-3 LIMA BF.ANS CELERY HEARTS 'Criap> > HEAD LETTUCE 2 lm& 15 CAULIFLOWE.R TOMATOES *.25NC Il Stl ha Fruit or TOp.Ssbb4 we baveItSI board ta different schenxes evolved to Gregory avenue, resurned her piano frustrate the success of the national classes- this wéek, hav-ing returned recovery act, such as discharging froin Canada where she was called emplovees, receiving more than the by the death of her sister, Mr. ohn mninimnumn wage provided by the act, Blakely of 'Hamilton, Ontario. and employing ot.hers at the lower. figure. This, -it is pointed out, is a di- \r~HnvBad rie a' rect violation, conviction for whi ch Satrday frmBeatce, Ne avsit ineans that the guilty'ero 1 ~ill ty peson". w her son, Henry J. Brandt. 1530 W'ash- * lse he lueeage.ington avenue, and his fainily, for a t is not necess$ary, according ta wetek or ten davs. Mrs. Brandt %vas the board, for a complainant to be an acmpne yhrduhe-nIw employée in order ta register a cor-1acmnidIybratgtein plaint. Any citizen having knowl -_____________ cdge of violations is privileged ta r.PulBad. bring: the inatter to.the notice of the Board.,, RA, care Wilmette Chai- .... .myBEATYNEEDS cost onI>y HALF 1 etn muck other or pu THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE a CHUJtCH SERVICES AND VISIT THE RP.AWNG BOOM i.hioald 'o0 >*lm£ni' MI'u. L k v a n ls . f é e ai s kound i