Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Oct 1933, p. 3

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school. Saturday night of this week II IID.gvrii u anaw In addition to those prominent per-! OpCKUfg Program to torium of the Woman's Club of Wil- oaesro h rorm i a an- Sunday, October 29 milagrswill recail the success of touriced that two other staro well known. Unforeseen~ circumstances have other. shows staged under Chamber in the radio wovôrld, Alice Joy, "radio's. necessitatedý postponement of the of C o mm er ce. auspices, notably dran il, an ffeJames, will be opening 1Of the l9th Wilmette Sun- "Sweetheart 'Towni," "The Colleg there in person:- Miss-James. whoôse day.Evening club season.to October Qiri".and "Aunt Lqcia."' "The World's home is in Wilmette, has won faine as 29,. It. had been announce b W1Al igt is expected to attract audi- a Whistler. Miss ýjoy, Who will be , i Frank, McClure,, president of the1 ences even. larger than tht previons Chicago for* a, brief. stay, this week-end club*, that the inaugural meeting was Chambet of Commerce plays, did. between out-of-town engagements, con- to, be held Sunday' evening, Octo-! The scene of the p lay is ini a sented to appearon the "Stars of. thé ber 2.bodatn tdo h atro lther" program. The opening programn will be given ceremonies, acting as radio announc- King, Appears as M. C.- by George- L., Dick, lecturer-photog- er, tells tht story of each scelle and jean Paul. King, free lancé announicer, rapher, whô .wil1 present bis motion each situation to thé audience. who appeared in. tho, "Stars of thé 1pictures with - sound represefltiiig1 a The World's Ail Rig ht" is stagedl l!'ther" show at New Trier last year, travel review on- Egypt,. Palestine, ini eîght elaborate scenes, including igiving up a hunting 'tnip he had Syria, and Greece, depicting scenes of many . musical numbers, and with spe- planned, in order. to tatke, part in the 'Riblical history f rom Genesis to Rev- cial entertainment between curtains. program agairi this year, according to elat ions. Sound equipment will bring; Rehearsals will start about. November F.D. Frisbie, facuilty advisor for the to the audience for the lirst, time the1,iisaoned "ri-Ship -club, which is sponsoring the "uwailing wall of tht Jews," the ,sound Tt UniversalPoducnopn radio -,show. Mr., King will be 'master lof' the belis in the Church, of The j of Fairtield, Iowa, tht same companly 41f ;ceremonies for, part of the program, Natîvity in Bethlehem, the, calling of '*that staged "Aunt Lucia" here sev- a ewas last year. the fitbful to. prayer. by a Moham,- as ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i 1eNrhres opsdo eanpis nttMuto lvseral Yt8ft ago, wili send an experi- The Nrhres opsdo eigh%'mdn ret nteMon f lvs enced director to Wilmette to take 4if. Chicago's leading soloists unider the and other fascinating features. M r. charge of the~ rehearsals for "~The direction of Harry S. Walsh, wilI be i lick's lecture subject will be 'The \olts l ih. :inother stellar attraction. Story of Religion." olsAlRih" . : , . TaetTh uda veigclbmet n The cast for the production wili hé' 1, N Sho Taent he Snda Eveing lubmeet inlarge. Details concerning the assem-'. U)octors Pratt and Sherman, whose the auditorium of the First Congre- bling of a cast and plans for rehear-, * wasecracks added much to the success gational church. sais will be announced next week. &,f the first "Stars of tht Ether" show. year. Sherman isa resident of Winnit Wewer ProCoupt kw. ie be on as to neran in a gi tis et o eRle ka.Htis non s 'ndan iI'sWed Fifty- Years' Is Abandoned by Board oradio."1 Atnother north shore resident, \%et)- Thîis week brings the announce- At a public meeting held in the lil Hall, who lives in Wilmette, will m nent of another golden weddingr h VilIlage hall. Friday evening of last 1)e inclUded' in the list of radio stars Itlird on the north short in October. week. residents living south of Green- appearing on the progratu. Hall is NI r. andj Mrs. Herinan Herbon .of leaf avenue and east of Eighth street known in the radio world as "the Red-î 1427 Central avenue, Wilmette cele- decidtd that they did not want to I-leadd Musî Malce.' brae h ffyyears of their .mar undertake tht construction of a ne-] Rex Maupin and, His Aces of the ried life at a reception for sixty. lief sewer in that section. The prop- Air, one of Chicago's most popular .ra- friends and relatives last Saturdav- osition was to construct the sewer dio orchestras, will play several nuni- 1wt oe euadfo h eo, 1evening. Preceding the reception wt inyscnd rmttRcn bers. ýi service was .held for them at St. struction Finance corporation. -Tht ..etrIeeRiL John's Lutheran chunch. committee on sewers and water, undeir Feaito tte sasalieu. i ra rsJronhv rsddwhose auspices tht meeting was held, lii~~~ ddtotohesasardye- rand Mrs ebnhv eie reported the adverse decision to the tiuned, others who will appear ýin per- i l Wilnmette for forty-six years. They Village board Tuesday night, and ini soli on the "Stars of the Ether"j show f were born near Berlin, Germany. Mn.cosqeethpnet was dropped. iliclude Irene Rich, who won faine as Ilerbon seventy-four years ago and ________________the__________ a niovie actress and who has now en- I bis. wife seventy vears ago They .. Tenth Istret.-7 The speaker will'.be Charles G.ý Sauers, general supeintendent of ýtht Cook County Forest -Preserve .dis- trict, who will discuss "Tht Reclama- dion of the Skokie Marsh." .Mr. Sauens is *the man Who conceived. tht plans for tht deveélopme nt,. and he bas gencnal supervision of tht work. . - .: Evr7body . tvit.d, Because of, unusual local interest inthis great project, say league offi- ciaIs, the meeting will be open to al nesidents of ,tht e W Trier, villages, and a special invitation is extended to membens of ýcivic onganizations and officiaIs of .Kemilwonth,, Winnetka, Glencot and Wilmette. to attend' and bring their -friends. .Tht work of reclaiming tht- Skokie mansh is now going fonrward rapidly as a, part of- ?resident Roosevelit's plan for unemployment relief. Since e.enly in tht summer a large group of men fnom the civilian conservation corps has been busily engaged ini constructing dams and lagoons for tht purpose of tiffectively draining tht mansh. Cite& He *iatiAdvantages In announcing plans. for this meet- ing Prçsident George H. Redding of tht Civic league, stated that "the health advantages resulting fnom tht eradication of .mosquitôes frèn. the Skokie marsh are obytous. However, the other . if ects which this project wil have upon north short villages will depend upon the manner in which the land is used. That. is what we should know." Parents of Freshinen to Have Day at New TrieCr Thursday, November 9, bas been set as tht date for tht, first parents' nieeting of the yean at New Trier High school. This meeting will be for the mothens and fathens of atia- away.last Monday H.Ip Ney Studtents ness trip i Tht Tri-Ship Boys club oi New Cape Nome, Trier, which is sponsoring this second tle, a ten d annual appearance of radio talent on had been k tht north short, will use the net pro- property in cetds to help students who are finan- Cape Nome. inig over somne e Anctic cincle n n ue.

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