Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Oct 1933, p. 46

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e on 1I - Greatly Reduced Rentais, Highland Park, white brick colonial, 5 bedrooms, 3 bAths, boQk room, recreaL- tion rooff with fireplace, screûned porcli, 2-car attached garage,,o11 heat. OUI hot water heater. $125. GIlencoe, stone house. 3 bedroonn.i4"1 bath. lav. on first. screened and .4leep- Ing porches, oil heat. $90. alencoe, 3 bedrooma, .1% baths, sun- porch., hot water coal. $0 ANN MQRELAND 463 Vernon Avenue Olencoe .305 97L1TN24-Ite Ideal Home for Childreil WHIpCLAPBOARD 9 RM. 1OUSF. OùIe nlosed.yard with beautifuil tes.Nr. achools and transp. .Prieed now furn. or unfurn., at $100. Mrs Fuller & Wm.. Pickard 746 l Street Winnetka 3722 97L'1'N24-ltc DEERFIELD., 43 MINUTES TO 1,0OP. 1,7... Cloiaàl, hot water -heat, double garage, $40. Good transp. Owner j Deerfield 200.. 97LTN24-ltp * TWO JHOUSES FOR RWNT IN NOWTI-W field on Harding Rd. $25 and $35. Phone Wiimette 888-Y2. 97LTN24-lt t MODERN 4 ROOM HOIJSE AND GAR. 14ot water het. Reasonable. Refs. Phone Glenview 117. 97L24-ltp 50B FOR RENT-FUNN#SHED HOUSES. CHARMING 8 ROOM HOUSE, exclusive location. East Wilmette, nr. Evanston, Lake Mich. and transp. 3, baths, 2 car att. gar., vapor heat, gar-1 *den, artistic decorations and furnlsh-1 ings. F. Wanner. agent, Kenilworth I.oa( 101nu t', lu rms., 2% bath Very moderat Mrs. Fuller 746 Elm Street Winnetka 3722 111LTrN24-ltc FOR SALE OR TRADE. - BRIcrm; house on private road, large ravineé lot. Four bedrooms,- three bathe, and lavatory, private maldaLroom, garage. By ,appointment only. :1416 Wildwoo-1 Lane, Ravinia.. TelePhone H. P. 3725. 1iILTN21-4tp lia wANTcD TOsuUY-ýHouszU IWANTED - COMPLETE MODERN home wltli 7 master bedroomfs, al cash. P refer Wlnnetka.'Address B-80, Box 40 'Wllmette. Ili.,. 113LTN24-ltc 114 FOR SALE-VACANT 50-FOOT* WOODED> OAKDALE A VE - nue lot, East 0f direenwood. Price $40 per foot on terms. SUbstantial redUction for cash. . -SMART & -GOLEE, Ine. A 1&64 'Sherman, Ave. University 0283 114L24-tp 129, FORSIJftWt 000D3P*P DINING SET, 8 FT. HAN!> CAflVED table; davenport with feather cush- ions: new Bohn Sanitor refrig.; birds.. eye maple bedrm. set; 2 exceli. Royal Wilton ruga. Howard Deluxe radio; Oriental runner and rugs. Other house- hold gbods. 1224. Fore9t Ave., Wiliette.. 2 BEDRM. SETS, bookease, office Wicker porch fui ceflaneous. 735 9 BM. SET, s, mîrror, iens. Mis- ARDR LM 4ôzFZY.ý i covndiion 'ait very zeasonaue picei~. 104'1'23-tpCali Wlnnetka 349M after- 6 :45 P. mu 129LTN2-)4-ltp ~2! ENT L!L 1WIN SIZE SIMMONS BED, SPRING Wilett W mans Cub and mattress. Console mirror~. 17041 THE ENTIRE CLUIB OR ANY OF ITS Wiu Aeu,129LT'N241tp' fine roome available for cards, din- ----WA 1VTQUE AN nom o dacilgparie. ilmtt Ichina cabinet, solid panel doeyrs. *Véry 1488. 106LTN.20-6tP good condition, ýreasonable. 568 Elm St., Winne tkaâ343. 129LTN*)4-lte 111 OR SLE-HUSESLARGE HEATING STOVE OVER OOKNG S OKI First-class condition. Cal Highland E< Park 3845, or 132 S. Firt St., H. P., Gf Cuh or(nds- w re ofN.inÉ, a ifter5, 'eS i 9LTN2!~4..tn sic festival, which is held eact May in the Memorial auditorium and the .City churcb of Gary- Hammond, GCary, East Chicago,1 Indiana Harbo r. Whiting, Hobart, and Crown Point join in the presentation of this. event. Mrs. Howard L. Hodgàins and Miss LuÈcille Wilkinson of Washin g- ton, D. C., arrived Sunday to visit Mrs. Hodgkins'ý son and fainily, Col. H!oward W. Hodgkins of 431 Abbots- ford road, Kenilworth. Mrs. W. :H. Wil lianis, 6 14 E arlston road,, Keénilwo)rth, entertained four guests at luncheon before the bridge partvý at the. Kenlwvortli club on W Xednesday. of this week. 0o Mr.. and Mrs. Walter F. Shattuck, 755 Greenwood avenue, Glencoe, en- tertained their dinner bridge club last M?%on day. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Warren, 1140 Ramona road, left Tue sday for a week's visit in New York. - Mrs. George Turner, 1019 Ashland avtenue, entertained ber book club at luncheon Wednesdav. Mrs. George D. White, 1101 Greeni- wood avenue, wvas luncheon hostess tc the Tuesdav club Octobèr 17. 0o $anford S., Holden, 527 Warwick roà. Kenilwvorth. returned Sunday rom a business trip to Minneapolis. Mrs. B. G. Calloway, 920 Linden avenue, was hostess at -a lunicheon at the Drake hotel Monday. NOTICE The followlng merchandise will..'b soid for charges if flot called for on or before October 20th, 1933: Mrs. J. H. Buechler, 720 Hinman Ave.. Evanston, Ill. Sununer Ermine Jacket .......... $35.50 Mrs. P. Miller, 849 Lincoln Ave., Win- nAn I,,. t A pageant was given >in the city auditorium Tuesday night in which three thousand Girl Scouts par- ticipated. The convention was opened with a, world. peace ceremony in. which the flags of ail nations where Girl Scouts a re organized were carried down the aisie. Three tabioids were- given showing the three aims of ail Girl Souts, love of home, Ioyalty to coun- try, and search for -God. Mirs,.-Herbert Hoover, of Palo Al- to,, Calif., gave a very inspiring talk as she bas done at previous Girl Scout conventions. Dean Robnet of Northwes.tern uni- versity was. a speaker at the banquet held -Thursday. night. Much stress was laid. upon the idea of reachifig upward, and outward and that it. meant a sacrifice- in doiîig Scout work. The leëaders should ail have high personal, standards. Those who attended the convention from tlhe Wilmette cotuncil were: .Mrs. Stanley S. Smith, delegate: Mrs. George Wright4 alternate; Mrs Ralph Moulting, Mrs. H. J. Dernehl, Miss Norah Palmer, Mrs. C.. Mý. Prus- sing; Mrs. Ira Reynolds, Miss Dor- othy Taylor, Mrs. R. N. Perrill, Mrs. L. P. Denoyer, Mrs. E. H. Freemnan, and Miss Lillie Mac Humphries Christian Science Churches -Doctrine of Atonem ent" was the subject of the Iesson-serrnon in ail Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sun, day. October -15. The golden text was, -'All things are of Gqd, who biath reconciled us to bimnself by Jesus Christ, and bathgiven, tn us. the m!nistry of reconciliation" (11 Cor.5:18). Among the citations which cornprised the lesson-sermon was the following f roui the Bible: "Therefore if any mani he in Christ, he is a new creature; old things are - passed away: behold, ait things are becorne new. Now then we are ambassadors for Christ,.as though McGUI R] 316 Park Avenue att- garage. Lo Mr. and Mrs, C. C. Ley and daugh- )Ving, East. Just ter, Mrs. R., W. Hopes, Wilmette. & ORR Mrs. L. E. James, mother of Mrs. Glotlco. 13 John P,. Marris, 944 Sheridan road, IIILTN24-ltc s1 -in. St. Louis. visiting ber son. For Informî 424 Linden Ave. 1710, Gleneoe Rd.. ti0n Cai WlIInette 49834 Qlencoe dot' 235 Ralegh road, Kflorh or. a fem- days this week. 0o- Mr. and Mrs.- J. C. Irw-in of New- tonville, Mass., were the housé guests last week of -Mr.ý and, Mrs. H. E Poronto of, 901 E:lmwOod avenue. .1

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