25cents a line. Advertlsements rmn ln al thi'ee papera. Rates-' IMfllIM CHARGE ONE DOLLAR. Average of five words to the lins. No black face type used.. 200% discount on ail cash advertise-- mente when brought te our office at 1232 Centrai Ave., Wihnette, or 561 Lincoln Ave., WInnetka. ffl% discount on ail advértisements rufl four consecutive issues. Deadne or ,,S,,,Classilfied advertisemeflts wil be'c Deafin or rins-cp.dup to Tuesday 9. P. M. for WILMETTE. LIÉE or ail three papers; Wednesday 9 P. M., for, WINNETKA TALK and Thursday *5 P. M. for GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wlmette 4360, Winnetka 20Ù00.(Wnetka 500 after 6 P. M.). Greenleaf 4300 or Sheidrake 5681. 3 LOUT A140 POUND LOST -FEMALE POLICE O,4 montha, old, 1* week ago, in Kenil- worth. Child'a pet. Please ruturn. Reward. Ph. Keniiworth 5524. 3LTN24-lte LO$T-MOND)AY ON CENTR AL AVE., Willmette, a large black leather, band- bag, containing bank book, keys, purse. etc. Liberal reward. Ph. Wil- mette 4531. 3LTN24-lte LOST - DOO., BLACK AND1 BROWN Beagle hound. Answvers to name of "Brownle." Ph. WI-Imette 1310. 31,T'N2-t tOST-TA'N AND) BLACK MALE PO)- lice dog. Has habit of seratchîng hlm- qelf. Answers to name of Boy. Phone Gieacoe 1378. 3L24-ltp LOS1T - BLACK COCKER SPANIh answers to name of Jet. Reward. Phone Wlmrette 4506. 3L24-ltp LOST-WIRE-HAIRED DOG, No COL- lar, recentiy clipped. Reward. Glen- cee 248, 3L24-ltp LOTSP.1. RW'AT robe. Will finder klndly address B-78, Box 40, Wilmette. 3LTN24-ltp COLLETTE SOEURS DRESSMAKERS Gowns--Wràps-Suits--Coats, Made to Order-Restyled-or Altered 833 EIM st. Wlnnetka 1011 22LTN22-5tp D RESS DESIGNING A N D MAXINO by artist-dressmaker to suit your com- plexion and persojnalty. Artlstlc rýe- modellng. ORCIID SHOPPE 544 Ezmobr Road :Keiiworth 4226 22LTN23-4tp WVILL MAKE A NEW FALL FROCK. Also bring your old clothes-Claire, Modiste will make thein of the new- est mode. Wlnnetka 147. 22LTN22-4tp WANTED-SEWING Plain sewîng and dressmaking. Sweater dro)p stitches inended.- VEiRY REASONABLE. WINN. 110. C21LTN24-Itp 30 INISTRUCTION DRAMAT1CS - ELOCUTII Public speaking and - stammner specialty. Class or indi' Mrs. Miller. Ph. Wlmette- 25 ing My; vidually. ini your home. - Conservatory graduate. BUSINESS SERlVICE $1 a lesson. Phone Winnetka 47!), MOT PROFMiss Eisendrath. 31LTN23-3te Your woolene, furs, rugs, ufflolsterY. PRIVATE INSTRUCTION IN PIANO.' Secure f reedom from moth attack , Y Curtis Class Lessons 50c. Studio equip- spraying wtth H. & I. Moth Proa'fing ped with two pianos. Edith Ray Compound. Easy to apply at honie. Young. Phoneo Wilmette,3651. WILMETTÉE 1ABOLATORIES I 31LTN2-4tn Salesmen wanted. Wilmette 5042Î 16ILTN24-tP' 34 LAUNDRY ELITE,WINDOW CLEA NER S ix fEXPR. WHITE WOMNAN TO TAKE Residential and apartments. Intérior! home lauindry, bundie- or basket,' out- cleaning. Stormn sash put ui). Esti-j side drying. W'ill caîl and deliver. mates c.heerfully- givel. .J. Kitchèn, 1)ay work, $3t per day. l>htnt- Wil- Winnetka 415. 16L,24-ltp nette 45,52. 3ý4lT'N24-ltlp CARPENTER AND CABINET MAKER; WEI;T WASII 10t-RUI. H DRY. & YDRO 44 PETS WANTED- A PUIPY, WIRE-HAIRÎ- ced, Scottý, 'or Cocker Spaniel pre- ferred, to.be given.as prizeat éharity benefit. If own*erwill donate dog to this worth3' cause we wlll give floor epace at benefit for advertising pur- poses. Or will pay a reasônable price.' For further detallis address Ë-76, Box 40, Wilmette. 44LTN24-itp FOR SALE - TWO. YEAR OLD PEDI- greed male' Rusisian -Wolf, Hound, a beauty., For further information ad- drèss Mrs. E. L. Shugrue, R. 1, Box 34, Bloomingdaie. Mich., 44LTN24.rltp FOR SALE--COCKER SPANIEL PUPS, 10 weeks old, blaek, pedigreed, and reasonable. Ph. Kenlworth 1690. 44LTN24-ltp. FOR SALE - WIRE-HAIRED TER- rier, thoroughbred, year oId, nicely marked. Prive reas<>nàb1e. Ph.. Wil- mette 2126. 44LT.N24-Itp 45 PIANO TrUNING EXPERT PIANO TUNING $3. UP- rikht ôIý kfan.hd also srèpair work guaranteed. 16 yrs. Steinway, N. Y. H. C. Thomas, Park Ridge 699-R. 45LTN22-4tp 53 SEWIN 1MACHINE REPAIRIN6» IMPORTANT SEWING MACHINE REPAIR SH-OP Estabiished more than tif ty yea.rs ago in Evanston, is now iocated at 1008 Oakwood Ave., Wilmette. Also re. palring of ail Electrical tiome appji- ances. Tel. Uni. 2200 or Wil. 4368. T. P ... h 4 ý1 r9q 'MAI4-f,!, PRAC. INURSE, CARE 0F JNVALID, dittahandie miid mental cases, or take care of home for'one. Years o(f exper.. best N. S. refs. Ph. Wil-, mette 1170, BohannanVs ,Emu. Agency. 68LTN24-ltp AN EXPERIENCED -WOXAN 0F EX- ceptional abillty, backgrounid and ap- pearance to take full charge of a 1home; ali4o secretary-compan ion. Will travel. Phone Davis,1763. 69LTN24-ltp POSITION AS (IOVERNESS ORt CARE of chlld wanted by young lady with college and prlmary tralinlng. Thôr- oughly experlenced: In child trailng and problemns. Best N. S., reft. 'Ph. Wnnetka 3284. 68L24-ltp GERAN,24, WANTS. GEN., 2 YRS. *present employer. REINHARTS EMPL. AGENCY 748 iclm st. Wlnnetka .1399 68LTN24-Itc HICYH SCHOOL GIRL WOULD LIKE position, as mother!s helper Ii ex. *change for roorn and board.. Write B 174, Box 40, Wilmette, Ill. XtEFINED WOMAN WANTS TO TAKE vare of children ln the morning or afternoon. also over week endsi, in my hoinv., Ph. W"ilmiette 12S3. 68LTNI41t NORWEG IAN, 27, WANYTS GEN., 1 mnos* formier emiployer. RPINHAR"SPL. -ýAGENCY 748 i St. Winnetka 33" 68LTN24-1tcý EXPER. W-HITE GIRL 'WISHES GtEN- eraj housework. WI stay nights. Good plain co)ok. $8to $10 wéi il. M~8I Ln. Ikeis. Phone Willrne:tte "54. 59 WEAfINGAPPAREL _ I EIA ILWSE A OK Wahn.sewing, taking car*e oni li- FRuçSALE t irefl. wàiting un taî>lê', etc,. Phone SA L C A Wilinette 4.866. 681,TN24-Iltp SABLECOATEXPER. Wl-lITE WOMAN WANTS Size 38, suitable for tail woinîan. i pnsition, general hrusework or cook- Caîl mornings. inig, by day or* week. N. S. ref. M'in- 198 FOREST AVENUE, WINNETKA tletka t 8. 68LrN24-ip __59LTN24-Itp f (XLORED GIRLWANTS fGENER 1AL FOR SALE * GIRL'S' TFFEiýTA housewisrk.. Fond of éblîdreni., Or' semi-formnal, evening, dre.s.., Never work 0f any kind . lho>ne Davi-s 2758. worn. gBtowh wo-(ol desgrey silk bgLTN24-Itli dress, excellent condition. Outgrown. EÉXPER. GIRL. < (LORED, GENERÉAL Ail sizeý 14-16. Reasoniable.-. Phone hou-iework.. Stay on place. Ref.. Glencoe 1520. 59LT24-ltp t eriv ilis re 27 FOR'SL-GR' BROWN SUEDE 68LTN24-ltp. leather coat, sizEý 14, excellent condi- YOUNG' GIRL WANTS GENERALý-, tion. Phone Winnetka 1508. housework by day. Good reference. 59L24.4tp f Home nights. Phone Glieneoe 1611. - L IK REPIRuI. abie 55 LOKEXýPERT. CHIME. HALL, Wilmet UWtqUe çqpk repairlng. Learned ALL-SHi trade tu Europe. <Formrerly with Exterlors q4Mfny sud Feld .) WIll cal. Free. ship. estigate. lDavid Johansson.-Phone -prices.: Mleay241., 2OLTN21-StP rrlors. , aréiul wurkxn maerals. Moýbist re nýetka. 1300; Glencoe l1 42LTN21. ýrst GERMAN, 31 WANTS (G ENERAL, n- 11%-year WInn. ref. mne, REINHART'S EMPL. AGEN CY 4tp 748 Elm St. Winnetka 3399 U2E 68LTN24-ltc am- NEAT, EXPERIENCE!) COI, MAI D, ýas. . expert cook, wants general housework, 2R- whoie or haif. dayrs. Excellent,'S. Itp. refer. Greerileaf 7É42., 6gVrIN 4.tp Ph. Gël ece122. 334 Park Ave., G lencoe. 6fiL24-Itp HANDY HOUSEMAN, WHITE, SIN- gie, sober, neat appea rance, depend- able. Drivlng experlence. Good N. S. ref. Winnetka 3552. 69LTN24-ltp -4 1 *