eharacter should be able to say what is on bis mind ini twenty words." Griffith wbo filned "Holiday," "Re- bound," and other screen bits, direct- ed Helen, Hayes. and Robert Mont- gomnery ini "Anotbèr Language,!' a cretMetro-Goldwy n offering. COMMUNITY I HOUSE FRI.-SAT., OCT. 21-22 wlth Jan, Kiepura Adults 25e ChiMren 10e SATURDAY MATINEE, MAJUIONETTES Adulte 35e OhIlésw lic COXINQi UQGJ4 »iggers" TVARSI TYI 71EATRE Friday and Saturday. eveniîngs, how- ever, "Be Mine Tonigbt" will be Sihown. T'his is a musical romance produced in Europe with aEuropean cas t. Jan Kie- pura, a goldený-voiced tenor, 'wmiil deligbt yeu witb bis iquid mlodies-especially in the bit froM '"La Boheme" staged for your benlefit. Magda Schneider' is a delightfully, .v iva cious heroine who witb Sonnie Hale, will. entirely divert and amuse, you.* Critics everywhere agree that "Be Minle'Tonightý*,is indeed above the ordinary run1 of musical, romances -it is a picture One.could enjoy seing t wice or even tbree times. ."Be Mine Tonight" will be shown, continuous f roin 7 o'clock, both, Friday and S at- urday nights, October 20,and 21. PIGS AMD' BIC BAD WOLF. '.Three Little Pigs," a-tolor cartoon with the Big B7ad Wolf, h'a's heen he14& over for two days at a north shore theater. 'lis said the pigs are nueet- >ing with popular approval. BUCK JONES 15 BRAVE Another chapter of the thrilling serial, "Gordon of Ghost City," is -featuring a. matinee one day this week at a local theater. The intrep- id Buck Jones bas the leading role. "rHREE LITITLE PICS" 1560 I5 C.>Ior Cartoon with Bad Wolf Clark & McCulough Cômdy Fr1., Set, Oct. 20-21 A , GARY COOPER inBA 6"Oie Sundy AMtrnoon" 10 !-.VZ ByPourIdroà Valencia theater patrons are look- ing four dazzling after- noons and nights of inelodi 'ous, mnirth- fui fun Sunday to Wednesday. Oc-* tober 22 to' 25, reserved for od Diggers -of 1933.» Rated eveni better than 4d Street," the "Gold.Diggers"'extrava- ganza of fun , and action will1 off er the talents of 'Ruby Keeler, Dick Powell, Joan Blondell, Guyý Kibbee, W arren William, Ginger, Rogers and Ned e~p4rks, flot to nie ntion the scores of beautiful girls who dance to ,the captivating, tunels which ai- ready ba've, the nation by the ears. D)irector Mervyni LeRoy'and danceý impresario Busby> Berkeley- have built music, ensemble numbers and acting that are 'splen did. The plot is fetching, too. The surprise of the , show * is joan BlondelII, Cast as a'tradi tional gold digger, she achieves compelling eno- tional power,-A.nd wait, tili you hea'r. lier iead that "Forgotten Mani" finale! Today and tomnorrowN, October 19. and 20, the Valencia offers "i- night Club," thrilling storv of a de- tective who plays crook to catch crooks. George Raft' Helen Vinson. Clive Brook, Sir Guy Standing, Ali-, son Skipworth and Alan 'Mowbray heàd the excellent cast. "Tomorrow at Seven" is theV- lencia -feature this Saturday-. S5UEU -- FlUNZ UNI- 344 Evans*'on's Perfect Sound Theater OAIN MATINER DAILY OPEN 1:30 P. M. -CONT. b CMON. TO SAT. TO 6--30 P.ý M. -Fans to wlmette *G(old Diggers of 1933," super spec- tacle of ail tinue, wbich is now playing to. large crowds at tbe Wilrnette theca- ter, complefes its run there Saturday, Octoher 21. Wilmette patrons who havée *een the great. picture are uriling their îriends to'get their share of li fe.s jov by3 viewing and bearing the filmn before'it leaves that theater, "X"ou simplY must see "Gold lJiggers, of 1933!" is the'current watchword on the no-rth shore, thanks to the Wil- fiette theater's po>licy of . showinig a superh film whileit. is still f resh., The .ýfilm *,should be good. A great studiio placed alits resources at the disposaI of Direc- tor Mervyn Le Rov wheni lie start- "Gold Diggers ef 1933." Here is the mnost iavislh use Of stellar naines, of tuneful Music, of. .... ensemhled beauty ini c h o r nusse -*WarerehWillialà quences 'that are positively thrilling, ever to corne out of Hollywood. The brilliance of the cast assembled for this picture is a, fair gauge of its extraordinary enter- tainment value. There is Warren XVil- Iia. rd,()(inarily- starring in his owil pictures, heading the cast. There is alsco Joan' IJjIondell, also a star in hier owvn right, and Ruby Keeler *whoj juniped over night into the1hearts. of the movie fans with the rele ase of hîr first picture, ".42nd Street." joani Blondeil, Aline MacýNahion. Ginger Rogers . .. .. ..and Ruby, Keelr- et- are, the, four goId .dçigging. show girls whù setý out to tonite3.. Di-ck nie Lightner supplies tnany ot the lighterrpuoeents. $àMidnight Club," a detective-crook thriller with George Raft, Clive Brook and Alison Skipwortb, shows at the' Wilmette Wednesday- and. Thursday, October 25,and 26.