t was fi1eldi n t olp gyrnnasiiutn and it was a most agreeable surprise to those present to see.the. inipro.veincinn *in the appearance of the au'di toium11 t brouglit about by a thorougli cleani-C *ing of the. brick walls, and the jici-e ous uSe of new paint. *Mr.. O'Brien discussed t'le purposeç of education from several nev angles,. and his talk was ifterspersed ivith1 flasheés of ironic hurnor that kept the audience -chuckling. .He &riticized our educational policy that tauighn at child to read, but did flot. teach it 'to criticîize its reading. As. a resuit we, arc turning out an enormous popula- tion of gullible' people who believe anything they hear' or read..'l'li "lîiooey" that cornes to us over theI radio and through the magazines. and press would flot be. tolerated by a critical (iscrimiflating public.that had beeri tauglit in school to pick the false from the truc. The purpose ot educaion, in his opinion, was. to f re the soul, to produce a- happy, pro- ductive, integrated human, being, and. toward this end a person should be* tauiglit ho.w to spend the leisure hours in.pleasurabe creative interests. Theý reai educators wer'e those who found J the sensitive spots in ,a cliid's 'soul ind1 (.Iveloped thern: To this devel- opnent the practical edtucation iiof the thrve R'S Sh(->tld be added. M \rs. b ',ellD.' Snorfpresi(,el dat thce meeting. NIr.: Harper spoke. of .the >chooI this vear. NMrr..NI. H. * -ickamn, a. îiinmbership claïinan. 11lade a plea for parents to support the school by joitnîng P. T,. A.TFli prigratiicliairiian, Mrs. G. A. Quiii- Ian. i to, be-.ongratuIate<1 upoil pre'- ,(!Itlllg "as interesting. a speaker ais. Mr. O'Brien. - sociaI hour iollowNed lu charge. ut ibis sca'.bn's balirooifi (lancing classes. coimmenced Friday, Octoher 13, Mi Stolp Assembly. hall, with a. plnid enroliment. A sflit change inI t1fe grouping lias been mnade anid the class'es ineet as. follows: ,JhIird alld fourth grades at .3. Fifth ani sixthi grades at 4 o'clock. Sevent h grade'at 5 Ç) ,c1ock. . Eighith grade -onily-fortiiighitly-oi October 27, Novçmber 10, and Dec- enilier 8 and 22. waa lidaer the auspices ot Miss1 Mr. and Mrs. \Villiami W. Liii, 1191 Therese. Cuny, a graduate and a 1Abingdon avenue, Kenilworth, enter- mnember of the Chicago 'School ofl tainied eigliteen guests .Friday of last Expression and Dramatic Art. After week at dinncr in honor of Mildred having recei.ved the degree of miaster Leo Clnens, who is hiere in an offi- of oratory, Miss Cuny tauight dra-, cial capacity for the City of San matic art for sevieral years ini the Francisco. I)uring the evening, Missý sèhools of. Chicago's north side. As a Clemýetas., who is, a cousin of Saanuel* inember of. the board Of directors. of Clemens- (Mark -Twain*), gave a, the. Lo)-ola. Community theater, Miss delightful talk, fronm her slides taken.. Cuny has.played an important pat in Haiti ls itr The Lis spent in the development of that project. two nonths visiting, there. M iss Among, the m>ain characters are Clemens was gathering data for lierl twoA representatives of 1eiwrh new book, on Haitian, territory. B3efo r y ou Youmr Dollar G~oes Futlme With RENSCH Servi.. 521, MAIN ST., WILMMTE Phones WILMETTR 32 Ur4ivuasrr.7317, RoçERs PAuk 4675 'i e or der fue M rs. Hernian Lapat, 515 Central avenue, entertained at a bridge lunch- eon Tuesday in botior of Mrs. Mary Garside of Scars-dale, N. Y. anîd of Miss Gladys Hoiden of Lonîdon, Eng- land, who are. bouse g uests of1 the Lewis- Edmoinds family 'in Winnetka. heating season.i soot. House Heating Division PUBLIC'SIEI'RIE COMPANY 0F NORTHERN ILLINOI& ...................... ICity .................~..... Nê. Importanti Mail Coupon to us IHcatin& Dlvisjori off YOUýua t learn. akuj' MÀe new /ow-codt GAS ..HE, A T i *1~