Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Oct 1933, p. 39

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A., will address the membérs and guests ori an important and interesting mili- ttdr%, subj.ect, it is stated. Ail oficers of tbe arnmy-reguîar, national guard and reserve-are invited tn attend. The affair will be informai. Major Geor ge R. Harbauigb of XVil- inciéteiS president of 'the. \Orth Shore Philharmonic Quar tet to 0.Pen Concert Series \t a meeting laste cek of tiue q-omîiufee of the North Shore Chani- ber Mu isic association ià was (lecided to jostpope the opening series of.. -con'cert s until Sunday afternoon, Nýov eîîber 19. and on that' date the l>hilharnion-ic quartet of Chicago -ill. give the programn at .4, o'cloick in the iistial location-the Kenilworth club. The. quartet is c omposed of John Weicher, first violinist; Walter Han- cock, viola; Robert ýQuick.. 'second viol i n ist. and Richard Wagner, cello. T'heir prcbgram will he anniolîîned *CONDUCT NOVENA. l'le Solemn Feast Day Novtia >in honor of St. Jude Thaddeus, "Patron of Difficult Cases," opens Friday, Oc- tober 20, at the Sbrine of St. Jude Tbaddeus in St. Pius church in charge of the Dominican Fathers at I 9tb street * and South Ashland avenue, C hi cago. There will be four services daily at 10 a. mu., 3, 6:30, and 8 p. m. du ring these nine days of 'prayer which will be con- * cluded on Octoher 29, the Feast of St. Jude, The Doniinican missionaries, Rev. J. M. Eckert of New Y'twk City, and the Rev. E. J. O'Toole of Minune-. apolis, Minrî., wil1' alternate in condiict- ing the daily services, wbile the closing exercises' on October 28 will be in charge of the Rev. Williami A. 'Mar- chant. HALLOWEIEN PARTY 'J'lie Alumnae association of ýthe Na- tional College of. Education is bavinig a Haîlowe'en party for the Students at the college Thursclay afternoon. Octo- ber 26, fi-rn 4 o'clock to 6 o'clock, The Lake. Sho.re Playters. . undi'r the auspices of the Wonian 's Club of Wilmette, are gizilg a s.'rieS Of; plays for children t/us zr4nter. .Ufic- /or Mi-ceqhan of 1025 Greenleaf avenue, is te> have thue leadinq mnale role ini "The Poor Iit t/e Rich Gl*rl," iehich opens the setetiS oI .Voveuzbcir4. Otlier productions ànd thei days u.pon which they ill be given are: "ýPenrod"- on February 3, and "Tr'easuî,tre. Island,'- Ap)ril 21. Tickets may be purchased through the Womian's club ùr by notifying Mrs. A. ýE. Hall of 1725 Lake avenue- Ulir Uceîî of .azvanston. Th e iuneral services were held on Monday at Scott's funeral chapel in Evanston. B ilrial wvas at Memorial Park cernetery. ASSOCIATE EDITOR Thomas E., Byrnes, of, 109,'upçe Place, Wilnmette, a senior, initbe col- lege of arts and sciences of Loyola university, Was recently made one of I the associate editors of the. 1933-34 'Quarterly, all-university literary 1-mîag-, azine, by. Mervyn Molloy, editor. Mr.: Byrnes is a member of the Philosophy club,. Debating gociety an~d Literaryý club 'of. the, university. For the past three years he bas been a consistent contributor to the Quarterly. Mrs. George E. Hartman, 1129 Elm- wood, avenue. bas returned f rom a sev- era1 weeks'- vi-sit witb bher daugbter. Mrs. Chartes G rossart in St. Lo)uis.i PERENNIALS- 100 VAnRnEES AT HALF PRICE We are forced to clear our floweî garden for a new hlghway. We speclalize In ail Garden work. Ail jobs guaranteed; Cash or Credit. JOSEPH ZRAZIK L4s,&r.apeGardene. and Florist 942 Qiencoe Rd. Glemicoe 1328 jureci. Granath sustained minor ini- juries to bis head and back.. Heý will be brouglit back for proectioô. Mrs. S. H. Dars, 831 Central ave- nue, entertained hier bridge club at lunicheon, Friday of last week. FRANKEN. BRO S. HOLLAND TULIPS Are Here, for. Faeu Plaonting. Skop Early A sk 1eor oser Catalogue.. First Street, .West of Tracks Deorfiolci, IIL Phono 241 Fred, .JScbroeder, jr.. ake aveýnué. ente, L~. I Jr.. in MNrs. R. J. Finnigan, 1724 Eimmwood avenue, wbo bas been ili in bed al simrner, is nowv conv'alescing and is, able to bc up. Puaupklns With every purchase and Saturday in c - il J.eR FOOTE LÂNDSCAPE SERVICE. Wi*nnetka 914. i J.Owest cost

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