I -~ $119 ôfl 0ftwo-pe .75 Thilhk of tMisp.$I.. .1 ~ i ~II Here is one fime you won'1 wànt +0odelay uy- ing-4or thaf witI mean another golden oppor- funify will b. .lost. H.avy, thick, fI.qcy, fuil b.d, size 'blankels, size 72x84, made -in pastel shades, and only $6.45 each. Easy to W,asb Easy to Wear Neyer an uneaty moment. An this conscient ious new Vassarette Girdiel Put if on She wav vou want if VA SSA R ETTE --Girdles KAYSER: FABRIC. C LOVES 6 9c pi ~i1 Ne w,'Fali Styles in *Men's Cravats, New icolors end patierni. Underwear for MEN CottOn -and .-w o o combè.ination. Superior mak UnonSutfs. s'i- ver gray, parf wool. $250 Boys' Sweat ers Very Special $1.25 VESTS..........$10 Dept. Men's Cub Scout Headquarters velue. 6 .45