Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Oct 1933, p. 36

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- Ur f h lbitretdi reenwood avenue: the main course Mehrs f te cub nteestd ~at the home of Caroline Converse, social service will hold a luncheon 1610 Highland avenue: the dessert meeting Monday at 12.30, ait the club, courge ait thé home of Dorothy Kuel- to' discuss plans and projects o f the >o,61Genefaeufloe coming year. The following day at .11 zow;bridge a lte a avenue pled oclock, in the Illinois Hr-st îHouse at by ride wat .ivthe Mzsor emple A Century of Progress., Dr. Edith Ab- tahberew ilpvt.rzsfrec bott'of the Universi-* of, Chicai - will tbe On Thursda', November 2. at, the -peak on *"Social Service as a Pro- home of Clara Jones. at 1 ( in the fession" onig 'w Ill have our. last sew7. Mrs. Ethel Colson Brazéit(-n .w ing for this year when we will finis-h talk on current events and will discus5 up everytinrg. several books at the. club at 1l :30 )d On Nôvemb'er 6, the ',fficeens of oiesday morning. The books she uWilI Pentaipha chapter. 'Evýanston, wvill be consiier will include: "Busine5ss tnder our gues ts - and w 11l1 exemplifv the the Recovery Act<' hy L. Xalens.ejn wcrk, A goDd attendanc>e 1; requested.1 andý E. B. Weiss: "The Farm.ý' hy The Style show put on by. anie Louis Bromfield; *"Miss Bisho-,p., bY Smaie and Mininie. Bachrnan uvàs in- Bea Steetr ldrch:* .rn 1in isdeed right' smart and Up to the mi- Bosom," by Caroine. Miller: Strang-t, an.a prce wihi1 th 1a, er's Return," by Phil Stong. of aIl. At 12:30 Wednesday there %vifl b e Word was received Ir.um Eva buffet. luncheon, following ýby Brumbaugh, who. is now makine her bridge. Play will be interrupted dur- home Ini Stuzrgeonl, Mich- Laura Hum- r ing the afternooni for atalk on "T he phryes, was mo-ved ta hèr horde in Art of Make-up." ýPalatine, WU., having trderz- ,ne an1 * Horace.Bridges, who has recently operation recent!y. *returned frorn Europe, -will give' the Caroline Converse gave a verv inl- club mnembers late and _ýuthentic in- teresting report of. the pro-_ceedings formation oni "The Sign-ificance -of held.at, Grand chapter. Hitlerism," at, an ev eningr meet ing Ethel Compton, svho hâs been ill. Friday, October .27. His' talk is 's getting alang nicei. scheduled to begin at 8:15. > Cakes, were doniatedby ýCarol11n ef _______________ Covese, Bessî Smith, Car ons VMay Saville,. and' Frances ýcClintt"a Vassar 'Club Halds First kr (Dur cake-walk and »,ert won by Metig iNe Sasnirent Anderson, Lillian Christy-, Nf.a- s Meetningeoious, (Season Sheilman. Mfabel The first fait Meeting of the Noý-rth \<rr s dd1e McDonald and Abr ta Shore v'assar club w.as held at the 17n ' *home of Mrs. Arthur Case in Evans- O ro yLr.lo i erea ton, Monday, October 16. Sarah Be - matronL. t uenz-taîpha chrveai- deet McKeldinwas co-hostesentathha chat-na ntMr'.Cae.ýnwsc)hot,;xt' ter o-n7Octob.er 19. and as assistingT M es. Case. ~matron at Mfa-vwtood on October 2,3. t The programn of the afternoon xas A.J Kezw iisev s sît- happîly reminiscent of :%assar col- iîiz patr' n-ria.t Pentaipha October 19. lege, with three, speakers~ giving Crln Converse wIll serve as echoes of last .June's commencement, Martha at B~nerrankln on October and with the latest movies ot Vassar 25, 'and Joc Converse wl serve as shown. The pictures were taken dur-" ade't atr hptr orth ing the festivities of last june: Ç> hi cago on, Qctober 18. and. as ward-f Mrs. BruceScott, whose daughter, ef ait Constellation on October 21, and gî Roberta was in'the 1933 graduating, as patron at Park Ridge on 0Octber ý1 class, described Comnmenïcement,.irom 24, and as warder at Ben Franklin on0 the point of view of a visiting mother. October 25.. Dr Eleanore Leslie of the class of Bessie Smith's daughter, Dorothy, L 1916 talked about Vassar f rom a has a daughter, born. October 8, at Gr graduate's stanidpoint, and Mfiss Eliz- F.vanstoni hospital. rý abeth Kelly of the class of .193.3________F__, slcetched the events Leagues Le ga S tutu by one of the actors. Leaperiencedtatu Mrs. J. 0. Karstrom of 2528 Sheri- Stcudy Group ta Met. i danroad. Fvanstj-n. ;so AJee o couiîee consists ai Mr;. mober M4%fckay. in charge of colllectîng aId books from each league member:. Mrs. Rob,-ert Semn in charge :of north -hore collections ; Mrs. Ken- neth Burnis, the decaratimz cai the, shop.. The ald-wcrld beock stalIdea 1il he carried iont and ll 1e )aced out-side of the shop. OtherS on thée ca-mmîttee are Mrs. Porter Eurteigh. Mfrs. FranciS.Huif-t ma-i. M sMarian. Carpenter. .ý1Mrs Percival Case, Mrs. Gordon Cannin,1, Mirs. W. Grordon M-vcKeidin, Mrs: John NfMcPherrin, Mrs. Alfred> Tavl-',r. MIrs. Lu:Tildeni. andM A 11.Mc ïa BaT -er. A E vanstoti, Bridge. Tea Hastesses .1Mrs. O. G. -Cortus and, \[r,;. .C. Ct-.rns; are giving a b ridge tea on Tues- day. October 2.4. at the hrme f .Mrs. .. Corris, 116, Ash street. Win- netka. -in hor.oraif M iss, Li-rraine Briggs otf Hizhland Park. Whase ma,âýriage tb Robert Gôàdel aof New York takeS place on ovebe 14. Guests af H anar Mrs. Thomnas Grîsamrore. 1 Lake avenue, .w;11 entertain at..a -bridge luncheoýn Friday in honior. ai her si-;ter., MrJs. A. B. Beall af. Sioux ýCitv, Iuwa. a:nd Ntrs. Arthur Allen oi Wilmette. Mrs. Grisram:.re. will be hostess at a smarparty the ïrjllwir.g'da%. Guests ai Hanar 3Jiss Hazel Kraft, 12,k.renac avenue, entertained at abrde.at. ru ra ' ai ast ;ee.in.hnr . heMisesAnn d Cro , %-!, ~:~3Laur7el avenuIe. Gizves Lecture on Christian Scien'ce 1Edilr'"s note: Append ed is an -xcerp-, from)r a lecture on- Christian Scien,-e given ln FJrs.-t' Church 'of Christ, Sei- entist, in Wtlmette Monezay e-ning. )ctnber.9 by« Miss MNargaret Murney xlenn of Basltrn. Mass. Fier -ujc a "Christian Scienceë:, The Revelation of .o.ve as a Divine Principle." Mfiss rIenn la a . mmbc-r --f the Brard of ,e-ctureship oif The. Mother Church, The FirstI Church o Chri-t, Scientisi,, in Boston, Mass. Christian Science 'brings the co-m- forting assurance to ail men that there is. a correct solution. to every. fram divine Science sprang from the belief that thoe man jesus, rather than his. divine Principle,* God, saves man, and that 'm4teria medica' heals hin,' (bid., p* 348). .In orcler, then, to solve in a scientîfcwaythe many ýprob1ems which corne into the experience of every individual, and to 'be happy, healthv, intelligent, unlimited, and free, we must understa.nd Gori as divine. Principle., I5aiah. Zechariah, ani Amos per- ceived and described CX;od's exact, un- de via ti n g, aI.solute nature as Princi- ple when they bchcld HIim cxpressed as a plummet or plumubline, Amos descrbes his concept of God as' one with a plumbl ine in If is hand, stan.d- ing on a wall, mfade by a plumbline. anid as saying, "Bchold, 1I will set a plumbline in the midst.of my people I.srael." That which is plumb is exact, level, true., and a pflumbline is, used for the me4surement, of perpendicu- larity or uprightness.. Could MNrs.. Eddy have founid a better'namne than Principie. to express this undeviating, exact,. upright nature of, .God? M uch has been written within the las;t few years about, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science',' for thie false impression- seemns toi persist that the Christian, Science movement %vas and is dependent on. her person- alHty, As long as the*,:statemnents in bier books cari beand are proved to be true, the Christian Science mave- mqent wvill continue, and, Mr9. Eddy~s place -as the Discoverer'and Fourider. ai ýChristian Science, as well as its Leader, wvIll remain inviolate. Shudanyvone care to know the saý:ent events of her life which le:d ner ta this dîscovery and to the- ioundizig of this great movemenit,. the% will find ber autobiographv. Retospctin.and Introspection,". rotinspiring and instructive. 'Eut7 on o a IMr. and Mr:s. james Krafthefer, 901 Oakwood avenue, accompanied, by J. D. Porterfield, who attends Notre Dame universi.ty,ý spernt the, week-endwih bis .famiJy.ý "ut and -his sister, Patsy; *enter- taintd friends at the Harvest Home dininer dance Saturdav at the Evans- toýn G-olf club. 1 r ý. P. F. Delamble, 1232 Green- Wood avenue, was luncheon hostess -Mondav to eight menibers* of the fois 110E nouse at A L..entury uî Progress exposition on Tuesday, * Octôber 24, at Il in the morning. Dr. Abbott will speak on "Social Service as a P ession.h This is one of, ai ýserses o! lectures on "Woman's Con- i tOrtion Io Civiliztation."1 ________________Science of the Scriptures wvhich not .elar . Ps, 328 Leicester road, only makes plain the events andl Kenilworth. AT KENILWORTH WELFARE statements contained therein,> but *-o--- The Kenilworth Infant We Ifare. ena hIes us to repeat the works of! Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hedrick, 304 center had a business meeting on the prophets, aposties, and Jesus, and MNelrosé' avenue, Kenilworth, have as Wednesday, October 17, at the resi- to prove for ourselves the great factj their guests this week, Mr. and Mrs. dence of Mrs. Cedr ic H. Smith,. 205 brought out'-in the Bible, namely, that C. F.ý Ames of Rochester,; N. Y. Mrs. Essex road, .Kenilworth'. Godi, good, is., ail and that ei and Ames is a. sstroMs.H rck

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