Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Oct 1933, p. 32

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A dayr replete with informnati< pertinent *ta young people and the eductionbas been. set apart f( mhembers of,the. Woman's.Club Wilmette.anld their guests, on We< iietday, October. 25.- The Occasion President's day. Commencing: in th .morning.at 10:30 o'clock, will, be- poamwhich rncludes.Matthew1 GAffilÇYI'superintendent. of Ne' Trier 'High school, and Miss Florenc White Williams,' painter, 'illustratoi writer, and teacher.ý After the lunch ton hour, interlude, Miss Isabel De faut, violinist, will open the after noün session at 2, with -Miss Loi Hammett of Wilmette,, ber1 acconi panist. Charles D. Hurrey will bi the speaker of the aiternao addressing the assemblage> when thi music progranfi is ended. The entir( program is in charge of the chil< and home department whose chair- man is Mrs. Gale M. Brooks. -'College Preparation~ instead of College Credits, the subject upor which Mr. Gaffney will speak, is tc Lie a. discussionf of a move amopg various high schools in the country, ini connection with a large numbr aio colleges, to work aut better means of coordination between high school and college than is at present afforded by the credit basis or the entrance examinatians. What colleges really want, Vr. Gaffney will emphasize, is a student body capable. of doing work at college level. Cati secan- dary schools achieee this more suc- cçssfuIly than at present ? will be the question to which hé will respond. Mr. Gaffney is one of the autstand- ing educational leaders of the couni- try and his tàlk is to be of 'special interest ta. mothers of high school students. "Art Travelogues in Portugal, and Spaini,"' will have for their guide Miss Williams, wvho will start-lber programn at noon.' The speaker, a well-known Chicago artist, a professional mcmn- ber of the Chicago Galleries associa- tion, ex-flrst vice-president and pyhi. e Cisarles 1).irrey~, anba.s.çador eof. good u-ill t' fiftY . nations£, anid d onte of the Imosîtsîadiq ork- ers ailongy college studenis iii. the Country, 1$ t/e speaker- of the aller- f nofl tai t/he *Wo»rnt.t it4h) of lWii- 1 Mette next Wednersday, bin ipinq*l a Message abolit Youth iii flic, world of today. Mr. Hurrey was bonui ini Michigan *and is a graduate of the Universit. o 'f Michigan and bas done graduate stud%- in Great Britain, Spai*and South America and bas devoted twenty years ta extensive travel hère andà abroad, acquiring ilitiniate knowledge of the lands of bis journeys. He lia., crossed the Andes on unule-back and spen t some tinte. .among the Incas and anuong natives in South Amierica and hsmtpresidents and leading oflkcials of countries there. He was receivèd 'by the President of China ini the "Forbid- den Palace of Peking," bas glin-ipsed the aborigines of Australia and New Zea- land, and made a motor trip across Tasmanja. Mature leaders, university students and achool boys and girls alike in many lands acclaint Mr. Hurrey as their understandinig friend. He is genI- eral secretary of the Committee on1 Friendly Relations Among Foreign Stu- dents in North America. He cames here froin the World Associates ini New York. Daguerre Stùd-if, . E .. Klunder of 9j8 C/sest- Mit avenue, weill Preside neg 'Wed- nesda~y for fthe second tinte i his, hier irst year of office as president of the' Womnak's Club of Wilmnette. The occasion is ait auspicious okie in thSe club year, for it is thSe initial ail-day programi of anoîher seaston and is President': day as 'well, the limne zhen presiding officers of nom-t/ shore wfomen',ç clubs iwill be guiesis of honor.- Florence Williams Speaker on Junio>r Auxiliwry Pro graM Florence *White Williams, well knôwn in Chicago art circles, -the art- ist whose charming exhibition of col-. orful pictures of Portugal and Spain bang on the walls of the small audi- torium af the Woman's Club of Wil-t nmette, will be the speaker giving the next 'pragrani for the Junior auxil- iary of the club Thursday evening. October,26. Her talk, which ini itself draws a clear picture of those sunlny tinnounces Lard iParty By M. L. On Fridày, October 13, the WVoin- an*s Catholic Club-of Wilmett-e-opeýn- ed anoth er-year of'club, activi ty in 1 the fine arts. The lounige of the ,Vm an's -club was the locale. Mrs. Frank Thale, hostessand fine artis' chaîirnian, introduced -Mrs. «M ichael Morri .s, ,who, arranged the' progr'an. Miss Penelope Hall, a beautiful dancer, singer and scholar -of> dra- miatic art,,interpreted, Brahms' Hun- gainDance No."5, in costume:' She possesses a beautîful soprano, vaice and, sang somne of her radio selec- tions. She also entertained with sev- eral readings di -splaying ber i'ersatilitv as an. artist. Miss Audrey Çall,, with- ,i-olin se,- lections,' brought ber audience' into woodlands to w atch the procession of the fLuns, thence swiftly mioved tao Spain ith the Spanish dance, across to Chia-nd baeck to America to aur sad' American Indian lamenting. the los of bis country. Miss Call was 'eysuccessful in ber vivid inter- J)pretations. Mrs. Morris acconipani- cd both artists. She is a snember of the club and is well known to north shore music circles for ber -skill. MNrls. Henry Schmidt read a report of the important 'pictures studied bv t heclub at the Century of Progress Art exhibit. An invitation from Miss Margaret Hayes, president of the Evanston Catholic Womari's club, was extended to the club to attend an interesting lecture on October 23, on the leper colony in L,ouisiana. .Nrs. William Otter, music chair- -man, reaci an invitation froni Mrs. M. E. Smith, district music chairman. to attend. Prograni Study classes given' through the courtesy of. Marshall, Field anid company and conducted, by Marx and Anne' Oberndorfer preced- îlg the afternoon .concerts, of the Chicago Symnphonyý orchestra., Clas s- es will be giVen each Friday marning at Il beginzning October 6i, and on the ing World," will abroad are saying about Amnerica. Sspeaker of th'e He knows personally thousancis of D. Hurrey. For former students froni aIl lands, who rrey bas made it. todlay occupy influential positions )%Y wbat leaders among tlieir people. new year for the Junior àuxiliary, the first session being, entirely' a social one. (AdditioleiClub News on Page 34) home af Mrs. J. Ml Robsart road, enlor fWomen ,at the 'wn, 99,

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