Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Oct 1933, p. 1

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1 Conduet ( Entire Community Di vi d ed Into Districts for Campaign Beginning October 23. Comûpletion of the. machinery for the aànnual Wilmette ýCommunity Chest. campaign isnow an accom- plisbed fact, and a veritable army of entbusiastic men and,,womnen awaits, the opening hour whicb is to arrive Monday morning, October 23. The, drive will continue -throughout ýthe The Community Chest board, members- of ýwhich have had the re- sponsibility for establisbing the or- ganization that, is te place before WVilmette citizens the appeal of s ick and suffering 'childhood and mother- hood, -has clone a splendid work in recruiting to the banners of charity so fine a graup of outstanding pe o-, * pie, a group wholly representatlve of, the civic-spirited, humane and phil- anthropic citizenship that distin- guishes Wilmette and insures a geîî- erous response to any caîl f rom af- flicted humnanity, wherever it niay be located. "The Community Chest board." said one of its members yesterday. "fias .cqmipleted its work. It bas placed before our people the extra- ordinary demands that are now being macle upon the beneficiaries of its funds. It bas told in somne detail of the practical everyday work of the Infant Welfare,,,_Arden Shore and, the Red Cross. It lias related howv the depression has vastly increased uindernourishmieflt an.d malnutrition. with ail. tieir horrible and tragic ef- fects upon babybood and cbildhood. It bas giveni the public an insight ii to the, daily routine >of doctors and nurses wbhoare giving-up their lives tothe savinig of other lives that would soon be snuffed-out but for their help. And nlow," she added, hIfant Welfare atid Arden 'Shore has upon children, they have onily to look at companim pictures such as these," said another ardent Comnmunity Cbest worker,1 exhibiting the pbotographs reproduced ini this.article. "They are. actual pictures of real children, taken when received for treatmènt and.af- ter having been in the'hands of Ar7- den Shore or, Infant--Welfa re for only ashort time. MVen one considersi how' very littie rnoney it takes to.,ac- complish such astonishing transfor- 1mations ini physical condition, the wonder is that Wilmette cati build a community chest large. enougb to- hold thé gifts that sliould flow isito The plans for the campaign as outlined cail for a house-to-bouse aùd store-to-store canvass that ivili thorougbily finecomb the village.' As ~(Continued oni Page 6) An AppeaU to You 'l'he Wilrnette Communlity Chest board apl)eals to you for fuiids with complete confidence that you wiIl, as always, respond' generousi>, anid thus share fully' iii its efforts to ren- der that humani service to unfor- tutiate women and cbildrei--espe- cially children-that makes for a heaithier, happier aod better citizenl- ship. Witb budgets cut to the lowest level possible without serious cur- tailmenit of activities, we niust have $15,OOO to carry oni the progranis of the participating organizationis. This is, to be divided 1O/23ds to !infantWelfare,, 10/23ds t, Arden Shore and. 3/23ds to the Amiericat. Red Cross. Because of the rulinig that funids .,derived f rom the 2 percent occupa- tionial (or sales) tax will be dis-, 'pensed only through the comnty or- Charles G. Çaittis,.Ieeieral super- 1 iintcnd.'ntt, Forest I>reserz'e district pf Cook ' ewt ,v.will addré,es the imeegtingil l.onday. October 23, oIz t/he .çubJecf of the' Skokie nmars/i dev.lopn'nIpro jed npoz.e iiiPro y- r'CSS. 7/i.' (j' 4ai l'gi' is ivitilig leaders. of tti, tzPsitip tbattefld t/he meeting to be held in t/é, Ryrosi .Stotl' sc/ol auditoriiwi, Tf 'ilimett, *at 8 o 'dock. Law. Prohibits Burning of Leaves on Asphait Supe rint endent of Police Henry Brautigani this week issued a warning that the burning of leaves or otiier refuse on asphalt pavements is strictly Citizens Express Opinions nt Board Session IRegarding Wilmette Ordinanco ýThe proposeéd bone-dry liquor ordi,- nance was not passed. by the, Village board at its meéeting Tuesday night, as'per schedule, but was.deferred un- til a-later session,. probably the next regular meeting, which oc .curs on No-ý vember 7 A large, number of- interested vit- izens were present at the mieeting to, voice, their approval. or- opposition to the ordinance. Routine work of the board was ha stily, done or dfre for the moment, and the meeting thrown open for expressions of opinion by the audience. STwo,,letters, one _from James B. Orth,' 522 Laurel avenue, the other from joseph Wipperfurth, 1237 Main street, hoth. expressing emphatic op- po~sitionl ta the ordinane, wwre read. Wante tLiberal Law Attorney joseph H. Heinzen, 1518 Lake avenue, representing a group of restaurant owners and, it is said. other merchants, presented a petition said to. bear the signatures of 575 citizens, requesting the board to en- act a liberal ordinance permitting the sale of 32'beer over the counter or at tables wbere food is served. Mr. Heinzen spoke in support of the peti- tion, stating that neither lie nor the other petitioners desired an ordinance that would legalize the sale of hard liquor. He explained that the state regulatory act prohibits the u~se of the name. "saloon" in any mnanner, and that therefore there can be no saloons. Asked by President Dubbs if sucb an ordinance as lie described would be acceptable to -the *thotsand citizens whom be claimed to rep- resent. IMr. Tleinzen replied ini the-af- firmative. Favor "BournDy'" Dr. John' G. Hindley, pastor of the First Congregational church, favored passage of the .bone-dry act, asserting Ithat he did not think the people of uui wiu ilvutiçl.D ae* o t., aa..t am. st and most severely The appeal is to YOU. Obey that a nd1 wopen's shoe fmi efects?"imnpulse to give generously. .1=rs. A. L. Grin v i dEffects? Wilmette Community Chest Board, M Vimual Evidene. IMrs. L. F. Gates, .oe enm ~lrs t knw u~twba .President. by the Woman'sg id of treatment given by__________________ op is eonducted ib of Wllmette. ni that a permit (Continued on.p ."If onei effect the,

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