taxpayei n oif ui r he New. BR UCE HUN C"HROýME. Displayed in our window and on ortbles is thie premier showing of new ware that is des- tined to go far in the serving of food and in general table appointments. In the field of plated articles, we feel it holds an uncliallenged'supremacy for practical worth, especially where economy is sought. It needs no polishing, it is stainless, non-breakable and of such weight to insure a lfetime use, since the -base- under the chrome is of pure rolled copper. The charm lies inîts 'brilliance and the grace- fui linos of the respective pieces, each of whch was skillfully designed so as to suggest the use for which it was intended. Relish dishes, plat- ters, trays, ascdishes,' covered breakfast dishes, in fact a complete:table service is avail-* able. The price of these items is an appealing fac- tor for they are welI within, the range of 'all. For r I i - - ~ t-L~.J.. ....~I payer carry his burden for luni. -principal and in[ereVt 1 bondsU isUVU -Also. he is adding to bis own' tax to pay for public buildings,* etc. costs and penalties which he ulti- These cannot bé avoided and they mately must pay or lose his~ property. coiistitute. with warrant interest, a 3. Te prpery ower ho i inload. that in some cases is much lar- dire financial. straits is doing the ger. than any possible compensating same thing as the tax striker, only he savings thro'gh'cut payrolls, etc. Ta may not be able to pay even when he, give anl ideaof this load -the folloing wants to do so. And :he is run ning figures, are, the respective funded the dangeroç oin 0 roet debts of the ,New Trier taxing.bodies. not paying bhis legal, share. of the Thes 'e figures do not include water public expense. debts. or special assessment bonds, Warnt mteeetBurea neither, or. which are payable frQin 4 Igeneral taxes. 4,Al these types of propt.rty- G 1 e n c o e- School District owners hecause of 'delinquencies, are '(No. 36) . .......... ........ $ 284,000 paying or.being charged with heavy Village of. Glencoe. .......312,000 intres o ta anicpatonwaransGIencoe Park.District .. 626,000 intret n ax ntciaton aransGlencoe- Public Library ........ None witliout which the municipalities Winnetka 'S ch 001 District could- not obtain f unds> with which to (No. 36).............. ... 736,000 operate. Village o f Winnetka.......Nohe 5. Generally speaking, taxes c an- Winnetka Park District.. 367,000 Winnetka Public Library, ... 53,000 îiot be adequately lowered, notwith- Schooi District No. 37 (Coun- standing reduced actual running ex-, try)........... .. ... . 5,000 4penses, so long as tax warrants niu'st Tenilworth ,S c h o o District .be used.. (No., 38). ..........09,000 i~r gie amor prctial deaof.Village of Ken1lw>rt.h . ... 104,000 Togie mreprctca ieaofKenilworth Park District 54,000 the extent of tax delinquencies the. -wîîmi1rette School Di s t r ict following data as of October 1 are (No. 39).............. 369.000 the amounts of taxes Ievied but Village of Wiimette ..... 57,M0 unclicte ad be erentgeofWi miette Park Dsrc. ..213,000 tinolecedan th prcntgeOfWilmtette Public Library i oue these amounts of the total Ilevies of School District No. 40 (now New Trier Township High Scbool; rnerged withi Wilmette) g0,000 district for five years. Tbe total New Trier High School District delinquencies of ail the municipalities, (No. 203) upon completion of in tbe township would be nearly four bidn.........,6,0 times these amounts, or roughly Total .............$4,634,000 $5,OOO,OOO, including the 1932-33 no-, In view of the fact that these bondq billed. . i Lproharbly. bear--an average o -f.4Y,-per. Year Taxes uncol. Pctg. uncoI.' cent interest. the aggregate interest 1928-29... $ 29,214 4.08 load of the various municipalities. 1929-30 .... 91,397 14.06 1930-31 .... 169iO9O 24.01 incttidin.g tax warrant interest, very 1931-32 ,... 348,201 47.3 closely approximates $300,OOO a year. 1932-33 (not billed)735,000 100 [Xet the delinquency in the currently Tota......$1372.02 16 * collected 1931-32 taxes for New Trier *Fer cent of current tax leviefi. High school alour is far above this total lfoad. To the steady fixed ShowWha ShURdB. .~d charge for bond and warrant interest. For 'the, past two years the higb must be added the yearly payments school tax levy bas been $735,O0O. It' of maturinig bond principal. If on an f ill readily be seen that if ail delin- 'average the total bonded debt of ail 1 quenciles before 1 932-33 were paid. the municipalities in the township is, the tax' levy for one year could be being amôrtized at about the sanie cut to below .$100.000, or to less than rate a s the interest paid this would 15 per cent of the current figure. mean another fixed charge of over, ipts warrant issu-] s be curtailed, thus1s LC assesseat vaiuatJios .o arposes will bé cut on the e lost 3year in the drastic ,f 25 per cent. Bunt the local ce of that order is another *0