Mi'. and Mrs. Edgar F. Zelle, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Page, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Benson, and Mrs. Caro- lfie Hayden. Mr. and Mrs. Edyward B. Raub and daughter, Marilyn, opf Lafayette,[ mnd., were recenit guests o'f. Mrs. Raub's parents, the Arthur Ham- monds of 500 Gregory, avenue.. Mr. Raub came to attend the 'Insurance convenition at the. Edgewater Beach hotel. Fancy Leg fLA&MB l.19C .MIN LAMB CÔiPS l.29c RIB LAMB Chops, Shouider o f. . Lamb, lb. .'. 22 Lamb PattFies, l . . . . . . . . 4ANCY FRESH DRESSED. Chickens. l25c, lic Stewing lb. 1 7c' I BON ELESS ROLLED Pork Loi Roast lb. 1 5c ,A odSoe Mr. Kashian explaineci that bce did not have suffiiient cash to give her the $25 change, but suggested that she give .him. one check and pay the balance Jwhen the rugi were clelivered. This ýhe did. and left.. Mr. Kàashian called the Evanston bank anid found that the woman had no account. there, but had iss ued other checks in. paymént for merchandise. He. called the Wilmette police, and Ser- geant Herman.Vance atonce responded, but a North Shore line. train passed- just at that time, and as the woman could flot be located, it is thought-shc lef t: on the train. Investigation disclosed that there is no such number a s 400; Indian Hill road., It was also learneci. that the woman had secured $26 lu change from a diess, shop in Winnetka. where 'she had purchased dresses to the amount of $124. givilg a hiad chëck for $150. M rs. C. G. Litt'eli, 322 Woodstock avenue, Keitoth iIl be luniche<m hostess to fier bridge chlb XVdnùs- dav. October 25. Edwina ,Martine WECKLER 0f thse Martine School of Dancing Is Opening Oalroomn Dancing Classes ai the Wl LMETTE MASNICTEMPLE Friçiay, October.27 CHILDREN a+ 4:15 p. m. JUNIORS et 7:30 p. M. ADULTS a+ 9 P. M. inu dan4 Jegeil to see tprices, only one-haif of those charged fuýr loop recitals. Parent-Teàcher as sociations along the north shore, the Highland Park Music club, the North Shore Congre- gation Israel, and.other- organizations, wishing to give aduitsand children. the upportuiiity of.seeing the foremost art- ists of the day, are cooperating in' the sale ýof. tickets.. Groups and organiza- tions are purchasing blocks of seats, suipporting a project which they believe. gives north shore residents the finest entertaanument at the lowvest prices. Phenefmenal Sucées& i ~ _______________ 1 Shani-Kar and his troupe .came. to I i Orchestra hall last spring for one ap- Mrs.. Clément J. Miirl'h v. 'ezl pearance but.. iu site of thé worst suôw: appointed Presidènt. Will preside ai storniT of the. winter, they were c'hligçd tefrst genteral »zeetisig of the St. -to )gi ve four extra ýperformanes tO F rancis Xavier -P. T, A4. of the ýapacity houses. Shan-Kar has dauced year to lc- held this F r id a y lutepicia cities f Frpe e aft-iroon at 2 o'clock,.iii tii,' school, ccîving ovations from press and public. hall. lus success in the past few yvears has - -bren pheniomenal,_ for lie interprects, the. The Rev. Jh ;Keanw s straiîgely beautiful and fantastic art of sistanit pastor at St. Francis Xavierlifiawith sk'll.> church, will speak on "Our Childreni li performance of thé typical re-' following a word of ,greeting Ihy thie m -, fohad o (lancesad dth- Rev. Bernard Brady, pastor. mias is ait excellent sho Wiha le A reôrtof pecal iterst vil heelemients of the spectacular, the colorful miade by, Mrs. Marshall V. Kea ru'adth xti."hr s ui uo regrdig te rcen me.tig ~ huiudred, odd and, foreign instruments, hegad ail' heWilnme't lubsoftthe nmusié which, is, exciting: there is a .home of Village President Dubbs rs. trupîe of dancers,, mimes and musi- ciatis who are aIl personlable and con-. J. J. Tracey will make a detailed re- teadthearcsumstrasl j port on the work ofthe BetrFuue - hee. 'lhere also is that eluisive qual- I conci. duingthe ummr. ty called atmnosphiere, an intangible but filnms, 'both those recommended and '- those disapproved will he discuissed. wcels ise-dent l th thae. vA social hour \Nill be enjoyed after PasdL alw the program, meùx'bers of the board Shaii-Kar hiniself hias dauced lu thi'ý acting as hostesses foýr the afternooii. ic,'itry before as the partuer' of the 'l'le llst of ho)ard imemhers flos incomparable P'avlowva, and hie was the rsident, Mrs. C. J. Murphy; first 1clioreographer of lier Radha-Krisn v.%ice-presidenit, Mrs. E. L. Georger;1 ballet. Ile is a Hindu of high caste, ,as oial chairman, Mrs. P. H. Newman; [are man-y members of his troupe. ,Pav- recor(ling secretary, Mrs. James W \ard; Iowa said of him, "He is endowed with corresponding secretary, Mrs. C. H. oneC of the flnest and most perfect. bod- Kavanagh; treasurer, Mrs. Robert les I have .ever seen in. men in ýany Markham; mfoving picture chairmran, country. God neyer gives such rhythniic, Mrs. J. J. Tracey; child welfare chair-. bodies to paint ers1 and sculptors. They, mani, Mrs. Marshall V. Kearney; pub- do iot need such bodies'. But Shan- licity chairman,, Mrs. Eugene Quay; Kar's entry inito the dance world will programs arranged by Mrs. H. G. Dal- enrichi the art of dance. He is a born ton. dancer. He mnust dance. Oh, he must :UrN.IYb TWILIGHT MUSICALES 5 P. M. to 6 P. M. ini the B.Ilroom CONCERT-Marin. Dining Roorn 6 P. M. -9 P. M. W. wift b. glad t. show our rooms. suites, *n.d litchen.ttes a+ special rates for win.r occupancy. W. M. DEWEY.O Managing. Dr.ctor Woul n't a new modern bath- roorn or a iiewly paneled living room impro*re y o u r. residence greatly? . This can be done very reasonably, and flnancing can be arranged. Write B-81, Box 40, Wiiiette. 111. joseph William Jogi. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Jogi of 21 Catalpa place, Wilmette, an officer in the R, 0, T. C., has been ordered to V'anicouver Barracks for six months forestry service in Washington * his câpacity as second lieutenant. He Ieft .wilmnette last Friday.