of Mrs. G. S. Roberts, 1135 Lake ave-1 nue, Wilmette, Monday evening, Octo-1 ber 16. The whole-hearted cooperation and interest the neighborhood theaters have Showù,.the Wilmette council,. bas. been an inspirationto the. entire group, the couricil members state, whîlé observing that family pictures are almost invari- ably run at the ýend of the week, mn Friday nights and Saturday ail day, so that the cbilldren can be assured of gooxýd, wholesomne entertainrnent at these performances. Lists of the pictures showing at the neighborhood theaters for the week- ends are posted in- the pIublic scbools by memb ers of the council, tnd com- plete, lists of outstanding films. are dis- played on -the bulletin boards of the wo-man's clubs. During the past year, seven preview-. ing committees have served under the- direction of -Mrs. Richard McClure. president of the Better Filmus couticil of Chicago and Cook coutity. Each comi- mittee consists of a. chairman and three other members who are chosen because of their special fitness for the work. Their dtity is to .preview ail pictures as they are first shown in the Loop and then to pass upon their fitness for presentation to cbildren or the family. Mrs. Robert Halliwell, president of the Wilmette council, read a letter f rom MIrs. McClure, congratulating the many film councils on their achievements dur-' ing the past year. * ~at tme vouas Itnof'.c -..ilz who is librarian at the Iowa State, * Agricultural college, is attending the ibrary convention in Chicago and the Fair. This week-end the Dodds will ha-ve as their guests Mr. and Mrs. A.- T. Sackrider and their two chil- dren of Battle Creek, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Masters of Connersville, Ind., are the guests this wee orf Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. --mmuummr h Keç,ly;1 red Me- .ArthurPATO ZE UR DV ud. ARNZ OU DE Te World's Larg<est,. Fastest, Roomiest, Most Ecosomical: and Beau tiful Low-Priced V-8 Car FORD oV- and GasI l-COMsýumnption. "The use of 8 cylinders does flot mean the addition of two or four extra fuel con- sumers . Our 8-cylinder engine takes the fuelA supply of an ordinary 4-cylinder engine and divides. it 8 ways. And why? By reducing four larger explo- sions into eight smaller ones, we get engine smooth- ness and quietness. Eight cyliriders indicate the WAY the gas is used, flot, the, AMOUNT. It is just- hedifference in going upstairs in four long jumps or in eight ordinary -stepso." HENRY FORD Mrs. Harry Cumberland, 119 street, is èOnvalescing at ber1 following an emergency opei performed a number of weeksa the EFvanston ,hospital. 714'ELM STREET WINNE17KA 158 ISERS