5ýei us au.a7 inAW - W5xue. Miss Erna Rounds, director o f music, lias prepared the toIlowlng musical pro- gram for' the morning service; Prelude, "An Autupin Idyll," Cyril. Scott; An- theni, "'I'e King of. Love My Shepherd ;s" Shelley. The Choir; Ofeèrtory Solo,' "Tire Lord in My Làgit," Speaks, Mr. Woerner; Postlude* "Mardi in D, Buck. Our Sundaysohool mteets at 9:30 oMcock In ail departmnente and classes. You are invýited to meéet with us. Our oombined Bible classes meet at 9:45. W1 are studying the priniciples of Jesus.. 1Tis week We wil study Jesus' téaching about "Solf Sacrifice." We in- vite you -to Join us. The Christian Endeavor s»ciety will meet at 5 :30' 'clock.. The. higi scirool group will have ' a speciai speaker who will speak on the question,'*My In- fluence at Scirool." Jane, Lam;prey and Marguerite Curli will be hesteeses with refreshments. Thre moqi hily'-luncheon of'tire Aux- Iliary of the Chicago Christian -Indus- trial leaguewill be heid et the league Mônday, Pétober 28. The Wiltnette women wiil be hosteaffls. Mrs. Hlenry Seymour of the Federation of Women's clubs will be speaker. There wiil be aq musical prograpi. Mrs. Gillies, Miss Fridman and Mrs. Marquardt are in charge of thre local arrangements andq will provide transportation for tirose who have no way of reaohing thej league. Boy Scout Troop No. wili mieet at .tie ciurch at I7:30 èIclock ont Monday evening. Spoke, No. 6 o! the Woman's -societY will meet with Mrs. R. W. Young, 922 Ashland avenue, on Tuesday at 1.o'ciock for, luieheon. Spoke No. 10 wil meet with Mrs. R.- Lamprey, 730 Washington avenue, Tuesday promptly at 1 o'clock, Spoke I. le meeting with Mrs. W. A.ý Mockler, 595 Sunset road, Winnetka, next Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Tirere wlll be, sewingý and a meeting. Spoke il. wil i eet -with Mrs. 'James. liowley. '1128 Greenwood avenue, next, Tuesd'ày for an .ail-daymeetintg.ý- The Young Ladies' Guild wiil mneqt' Tuesday eve.ning, October 24,' at the' home of Miss Florence Lawrence, 1932 Ewing avenue, Evanston, at 7 'cloc-k for dinner.. est mission fields are, flot among thie un- civilized but lni the very centers of civil- isation and culture. and ln. the very shadow of our churches., Experieflce bears out tihe fact that faithful Chris- tians have ample opportunity eveiy day ln sonie way lep do personal niissionary work tin their contacts. with people.,Y ou are invited to hear more on tis subject at the missionary services at our churchi niext Suiiday morning and eveninig. Re- menherf that, you .are always Welcome at ST. JOHN'S. Thre musical part ef our service wll be enhanced next Sunday by several. violin numbersto be played by Mr. Toy of the Northwiestern Schiool of MUSIC. Mr. Toy will play a~ Sonata by Porpora, and thé' Romanseby Beethoven. 'The cehoir will sing thre antheni, "Send-,eut Thy iIght." ini the Il o'ciock service and "'Tra'e, thre1Lord" by Rànde.gger ln the' evening service.. The f ree will offereings at ail of the' services are to be devoted to missions. Sunday' morning, October 2 our ûhurch wiIl celebrate the' Festival of thre Reformnation, té) which everyone 1s cor- dially invited, especially such as have no dr'urch home in Wflltte. The' St. John's Players, a dramatic club made Up of young mnembers of St. John's are presenting a Play entitled "Attorney for the Defense4",next Thurs- day and Friday evenings, OCktober 26 and 27, at 8 o'clock, at the SundaY school rooni of the churcir. Tt Is a gripping play with many tense situatiorns, and well wurth seeing. Rnglisk Lutheran Grtenleaf avenue at Seventir strf--ét. - A Rouse cf Worihiti" Rex'. David R. Kabele, pastor. MUNDAT ISVRVICESS Sunday ' ciool 9 A45 a,.n. Morning worship , ila. nm. Thre Woman's society will hold their October work meeting this afternoon (Thursday) et theO home et Mrs. Frank Hfayson, 241 Laurel avenue. at 2 o'clock. The. Senior 'Luther league will have a Hallowe'en party tis evenIng et thée vhurch at 8 o'clock. A novel party has been planned, and ail tire young people are Invited te enjoy it with us. Choir rehearsal Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock. TiLhe schedule of regular activities during the week le as follows: Sunday-3 :30 p. m.-Wilmiette Camp Fire Girls. Tuersdav-7 :30 p. m.-Boy Scout Troop No. 2. Wedntsday-7 :30 p. m.--Boy Scout Troop No. 1. Thur.sda- -3 :30 p. m,e-Girls' Choir re- hea rsal. 4 p. m,.-7Boys'ý Choir rehe arsal.- 7 :15 p. m.--Senior Choir rehearsal. FridaY-7 :30 p.. m.-Wekeaéafila Camp Pire Girls. Saturday--9 M3 a. mu. Cub Pack meet- Ing. à0:~ . m~Grs Choir rehearsal. Il a. m.-Boys' Choir rehearsal.. St.17Auguistine' s Sunday, October 22. will be the nine- teenth Sunday after.Trinity. There wilI he Holy Communion at ý8 a. m.. church Fchool, and Bible classes at 9 :45 and norning prayer with sermon at Il a. m. The East circleo ~f the Woman's guild, Mrs. Phillip -Bright, chtairman, and Mrs. Peery Smithers, oo-chairman, wiil give a.dessert bridge at ,Mrs.SithOri' bhrme, 711 Lake avenue, Friday aeternoon, Oc- tober 20 at 1:;30 o'oiocl<. Reservations -ShouId' be made wlth Mrs. Smithers, telephone Wlmiette 19. *The North Shore Normal tE'hool 'for teachers of nertir shore churcir achools began lest Monday a't the parish house of Christ chureh. Winnetka. Mrs. I. K. Stover, Mrs. J. W. Edge, Nerman Stine- man, Henry Cutier and the rector et- tended from St. Augustine's. Thre ses- sions will continue next Monday et 5:45 p. m., 6:30 p. m. and 7:15 p. m. Thre first session efthtie Wilmette Suu- day Evening club will b. SundaY. Octo- ber 29, 'at .7:80 o'clock at thre Congre- gat'ionaI cliurch. Methodist'Church Rev. Oscar Thomas Oison, D. D., minister "The minister's sernion theme for the il o'clock worship Qervice next Sunday will be "How God Speaks to Men."' Tire music for next Sunday rnorni ng will be as follows: I'Carlloôn"I. ...... -.........Delamarter introit--"Grant Us 'Drue Courage. Lord" Anthem--"Open Ouj' Eyts"Macvaerianeý Offrtry ol-"Aleuht .Hummel Miss May Strong Ore,-n Postlude-"Marche Triomphale".............*.Dub(o14 at 15 'milmette avenue.AMr§. C. AE. Burgessi Wlmrette, 4051, Is the chairrnan. There will be,.no more Red Cross bew- ing at the church on Tuesday morrnlngs until furtirer notice. *The. third division will nieet at thre churcir tornorrowb Fridày October 20. at 10 o'ciock. There will be no meteting of tis division next week. Thie- Sixtir division wilI ineet Tuesday, October '24, at Il o'clock at tire home of Mms Ireiie G. Everitt,32 Sterling road, Kenitworth. Thursday, October,26, i. Division day. The following divisions. will meet:_ First-Mrs.. C. A. Lundberg, ý1010 1Eltn- w6od avenue.* Second-i0 :30 a. m.,. Mrs. A. L. Fuller, 915 Tenth street. Fourtir-lO:30 a. ni.,-Mrs. Ralph Cla rk. 620 PForept avenue. Mrs. Carl Zipprich, co-hoStes. Fih-10,:30 a. ni., Mrs. W.- W. Rtoger>s: 6922 Central avenue. A musical and dranatic tea wilil bt givarr by thee Ulgli SlooI bague Friday evening, November 3. Memibers of' the churcir are urged to Bave this diate and reeerve tables for tis new and unique_ event. Chgir rehearsai le held each Thursday eveniing at .8 1o'clock under tire di rectiop of Misa marie Biriel. Kenilworth Union Kenilwortir avenue and Warwick rond Dr. Herbert L. Willett, minister Dr. Willett's subjeet for Sunday, Oc- tober 22, will be "'The New Christen- dom." The cirprcir' service is at 11 o'clociç. Tire Wornen's guild will meet Monday morning, October 23. Thre heurs. of meet- ing are frein 10 te 4 o'clock. Thre mern-, bers, are asked te come in for as much tume as they are able to devote to thiq good work. Thre Wednesdlay evening imeetingý foi, Bible study and conference will be held Wednesday evening, October 25j at Dr. Willett's residence at, 8 o'clock. Thé' Fubject 'wil.l be. "Paul in Jerusaleni." Thre Sunday Fchool will ineet as~ usuai at 9.45 o'clock. AIl chilldren Ibetween thre ages et 3 and the hiigh scirool are cordially invited. * se D. o J * . 1C m* *. '.'or'.'. 'j' .7 , w. qn r- * ltd-lu, --- -1lWub l iA ai, * LiaI ve3 *as me ie £aur. J.ick 7:r46 p. m T.-liuRov. Paul E. Meyer, Anthem: '.'The Lord IBM y Light" . >... Hickmnan le chie! of thre tribe, and ail Next week is notable for B aptists, in 'speaker. Mission service....... ............. ............ ...... Par'ker bobvm S, 9, 10 and 11 yparis et age are that thre Illinois Baptist convention will Senior Choir andi Quartet urged te attend. Football practice is be ireld ýn Chicago at the Woodlawin IVEXTIN08 Postlude: "Çrand Choeur" ...Rogers held eaci Snturday morning at 9. Meet chu rcir <rom OCktober 26-29 inclusive. Mnday. et 7:45 p. m.--Ciroir re- 'aitirhe churcir . There will be inany interesting features p. .-iase fr ht 'Monds.y at 12:30 tire East End circle and a large delegation Of Wilmette Bap- TusO;day- ai 4 r.7-àSi o h wili meet for, luncheon aitirhe homne of. Thie annual Harvesi Hom' inraitssl xetd