Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Oct 1933, p. 12

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Secrets of Fly's Foot Are Shôwn by a Micfiôscope In the room of ie fs tévenh. our science teacher. we bave been look- ing through the microscope lately and have found things very interest- ing. The first thing we, saw I thought was the most interesting.: It was-the foot of a fly throngLh theftiicrosýcoée. We saw that.the flyha 1tte claws at the, bottom of bis foot, and be- tween these claws there was a littie cap-like thing-a kind of.glue cup. This, littie Cap is to provide suction to hold the fly on the wall when it crawls upside down. The fly's foot is ful[of little bairs ail the way.up. We also saw under the microscope cotnfibers, a torn piece of paper and a fly's wing.- Eleanor. Altman. Stolp 2A. Enact Stories as Nat'1 Book Week Approaches National Book week will start November 12 and end the 1Stb. There are somne onderful new books at the public ibrary, and those of, you who have not got cards-,at the.h-, brary would do well to get one befort then. Girls especially will be glad to know that there are some fine and better-than-ever girls' stories. At Howard schoot Miss IFaskered is having sonie of the children take the parts of story book people and dra- niatize thetn.-Louise Meyer, How- ard 8B. "*LIGHTS" BEAT WINNE TKA Satnrday, the Wilmette 'lights" played a teani from ,Winnetka. The score at the hiaîf was 0 to 0, but ini the ast half Dick Hall, playing, left end'oni the W'rilmiette teani, blocýked a> kick, and Ed Ives fell on the bal over the goal.'tne for a toucbdown. Or next'gamne is with Ravinia.,W are practicing bard for this contest.- Bob Cochran, Howard-8B. .:i Listen to Those Pire Relis Ring! Eire drill I1tHoward 8A is in Miss Donnelv's oomn when the bell rings tbree t imes-and that n-eansý thatî there isa ire.- We gét un and, marich ont. We go out the eighth grade door. Then we rtart to mun and play. It is not long.,till we go in again. Later some police boy cornes tothe roomandtehîs ns that wben we were marching out we should flot bold ha nds but shonld. separate and eacb marcb fnext to a banister. for if We shonhd stuùmble we would bave 'somfe- thing to hold to. If there was.a ire it would be easier.to get'out. be says. -Milan .May, Howard BA. Junior Nichols Writes Play About Fair of '93 Wc are ýnow pra'cticing phays for Miss Flaskemed. We first bad silent plays with ont and two scenes, but Mow we hoive tàlkinz plays. junior Nichols Iad 'a playr About the world'-s faim forty yeams ago and also about how money and tirne did fly. First it was botel expenseg And then it was about paying to get into the faim and then he wanted to ëat but there.was only one cheese sandwich.-Ro)bert Huettel. Roward ?A. FACIATNGHOME WORK Our class had bomework in gram- mar Tuesday, October 10. 'We had to wvrite the definition of a noun, a pro- nonn, and also- a verb. After we had written that on a piece of paper we had to cnt cippings ou~t of a paper or magazine and mark~ off the nouns, pronouns and verbs. That was the xnost fun .we have bad in bomewomk. -Lonise Grahami, Howard 7B. ORCHESTRA IS LEADERý This yeam in the orchestra we bave, four-fist violins, six second vioins, five 'cellos, two carinets, oneFencb horn. four trumpets, one flute and two pianos. We have more children in the orchestra this year and -,,c hope it will be better than anyv other of theschool orchestras.--Betti Heavyweights to Victory The heavyweigbts won their first football game. 20 to 6. Saturday, October 7. Tom Carney. "Tazz' Za- remba and Doug Huck were respon- sibît for inost.of thé, gains andtbe, scoring.' Logan played -a wonderful blocking gamne also. Tom Carney made a wide, end mun for the first touchdown. and two otbers by Car- ney.and Zaremba with Huck and Lo- gan making thée t xtra. points at- counted for-the-margin of. victom.- Hary Siefiert, Howard 8A. Students. Now Awaiting Hallo ween* Costume Fun Wyell, it won't bée long no w. In only a. few weeks the event wil1 coffe to whicb every. child is looking for- ward. Pm- sure you, ail know it is October 31, Hallowe'en night. You ar e..surely hucky if 'yoù are in the dancingk class, for there wilh be a nmas- querade given for the pupils by Miss Stade. There will be prizes for the best costumes, but you are not to wear anything elaborate;-Virginia Hinnewell, Howard 8A. Stôip E-1 Wins Tipsy Grid l3attle Prom E-3 Stolp E-i ecentiy won a tipsy, game f rom Stohp E-3 by the score of 12, to 7. E-i was winning 6 to O in the first half and losing 7 to 6 in the second. balf wben with two minutes- to play, E-I made a touchdowvn and won, 1 '2 to 7. The touchdowtns were scored by Richard Rogers. E-3, and Arnold Abrani. E-1, wbo made two T'he extra point was made- hy Ken- ieth .Byrn-e. E-1. -Richard Hersb. St.olp 2B. SEEK CHAMPIONSHIP Howard AB-1 is still one of the, leading teanis. We. have only lost one game, and ony October .19- w' iuleet tbe tearn whic.h defeated us, XVe will play bard ini that game be- cause if we defeat that team we w\-ill he the, champions of the AB dlass.- nape rUjJ 1i.unurcu for Twenty-Five ~Yeairs' Service On Tuesday, October -10. the Stolp assembly club celebrated the twénty- fifth anniversary of Mr.' Harpem't superintendirqg' of the, WiImette schools.: Friday, October 13, mamked bis completion of twenty-five years as superintendent. >Mr. Harper was escomted to thir front of the.rocm by the fiag bearers wbere-he gave a speech telling about bis appreciation and- admiration of the Wilmette scbool children. Mar- jorie von Frankenbe rq read a poemn called "The Helping Hland" and dedi- cated it to Mr. Harper. Mr. Horm played the cornet and xylophone- for us. 1. is music was greatly appeciated by all.-Janet. l3ichl, Stohp 2B. Olympie Gomes Pictures *Help Build Letter Fund On Friday, Oc tober 13, the XiI- mette Recreation baàrd showéd ic- turesý of the 1932 Olympic games held ai Los Agle.Al -children vere tiot. invited but ônhy. the boys and girls in the, sixth. seventh and eighth grades and those who had .made let- ters in a sport or had tied bard. A dime wasi'chargied for admnission be- cause the schoo hâbs no. monev to buy letters for the boys and girls.-. Bob 'Matthews, Howard 8B. PEEWEES TIE RAVINIA Saturday, October 7, the Wjjxinette peewees battied Ravinia. to a score- less tie in their first football gamie of, the season. While tbe peewees were being held, to a tie. the WNihniette lieavywçigbts aridiehtweights wtre going on to victory, 20 to 6, and 6 to 0,ý respectively.-Rilh Roberts, Hovv - ard 8A.- PLAN THANKSGIVING PLAY The 8A Citizenship club of Howard decided on giving a play for H-a'lo- we'en to get Soule money for Our treasury. We found we had so little tume and so mucb to do, we cbanged our minds. Instead of a Hallowe'en play we are giving a Tbanksgiving play.-Marshall Reagen, Howard 8A. HOWARD Eli EYES TITLE IE-1 of JHoward schoo1 is. trying jiard fdoc the championshîp. We bave lost urne gane and'won thre.-GIlen Samueson, -Howard 8A. TWO KICKBALL TEAM. AL.ADDIN AN4D LAMP Howard 8B bas two girls' ki In Miss Flaskered's room the SA's teanis. They are, 8B-1 and are working out the play, "Aladdin The Iast three gaines, 8B-2 bas and, the Lamp."ý-FIorënce liens, victo.rious,- Marian Goode, Howard. M;. ard 8B. Ma.e uropeJ.-LN47 bman. t-iow- arci 8A. WRITE ABOUT DEBUSSY We had our fimst homework froni __ IMrs. Clark. on Friday. We are to filD 'in answtrs in our red book-and then iWrite a story about the French com- poser, Debussy.-Betty, Haleyto- ÉI

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