COFFBY'S, AUTO REAIRt cb"Ëo. for Winter Drivmng, Difforenial md Transaiission Grease-Crankcase 011 1»17. WASHINGTON.AVE. Ubaz et Telephone Co. PHONEl WILMETTE 3M Monda>', Tuesday Speci 'I shampoo a"d 7c CYRILLE-MINNIE Opent Eveitin ga by Appoin f me at 417 4th.St. Wil.'4545 WILMETTE HOME BAKER Personal Attention go AUl Orde, s opposite Village Hal 1193 Wilmette Ave. Wil. Ajax Shlibgle ct OnIy Johns-Mamville Appro' Roofers in titis section Turne in on WMAQ every Monday evqning at, 7:30 Ù37 Centril Aveo. Wil. 12 EXPERT SIHOE REPAIRING, Haif Sole and Heel Mens $1-W > Ladies' $125 Shoue Dyed B41ck SOc We Cal! and D#liper free CENTRAL SHOE REAM' 1128 Centra Ave. WiI. 5361 1ANDLEV.S Everything Electrical 1165 Wilanette Ave. Phone Wil Mette 214 W1LUETrK -music a RADIO CO. .oe Marty, Jr. See The Now RCA-VICTOR RADIOS Here-Now, 1177 Wilimette Ave. WiL. 3006 That Mr. Miller vas attempting to depict by meaws of bis pen the biarshiness and cnnelty of a poverty. to which he was no stranger is evi* dcnccd hy bis bistory. Born witbout the senses of speech and bearing, lie hecamie a bal f-onphan while stili a babe in. armns. and left to tbe, cane of a widowed mother who wvas witb- ont. meanis and ill-equipped to under. take the stern 'duty of, snpponting herseli and child. but. she tmanaged it somehow. and sncceeded in send- ing the'afflicted boy through scbool. i daer. thnongh their. combined ef. forts. Ralph was enahled to, enter the etate school for the (leaf at Ja ck- sonville, Ill, %where lie acquitted hn- self with hionor. He w as a star ath- lete. engaging in football, basketball. -hasehait. track and othen events. Aft- er graduation be came to, Chi1cago and secuned employment as an ap- prenticeý in Mr. Fnykman's office.. wherehe bas heen for the past sevpr yeans. and is now a regular memiber of. Ille art staff. 1Mr. M~iller is now 27 veans of age. M'hile playing hasketball at the Indiana school for the deaf lie met* a charming girl whom he afterward mannied. Trhey are tbe pnoud parents of two fine boys, and bave a comr- f ortable home. Tbe, experience of Mr. Miller (leons raeswhat cati, he acconi carryingaccoulnts of the activities of "Machine Gun" Kelly, Harvey B ailey and other notoriôos characters. in four short acts it unfulds the story of how John Hampden, the bard, unscruptilons prosecuiting attor- ney, discovers the daughter who was kidnapped in ber infancv. Thre many dranîatic. situations in the play are interspersed with coin- edy provide&bý-;he efforts, of. Fred- die to. prevent -the threatelneE loss of bis hair. baldness beinlg so, Nnhiecorn- ing to a senior in high school. The cast tbat gave "'Welcomie Home, Jiimly," last season is again ap pearing 'in '"Attorney for the IDe- fense," and it is anticipated th-at. a large auidience Will attend. Kenilworth Cubs. Plan Drum and Bugle-Corps A druin and bugle cor ps will be or- ganized at the first meeting of the Kenilworth Cubls .oni . ednesday, October 25, it w'as aninonnced tbis week by Robert W. Townley. .direc- tor of phy sical educationl at the jo- seph, Sears school. wvho bias charge ofý the Cub work ini Kenilwortb. The boys who are mnembers of the or- ganization are looking forward to this first meeting of the new scbool terni, M..r. Townilev states. * llislied hy determination and bard _____________________ work in overcoming adversity, even SEEKS CAMP SITES 1110ulevard ~~~~when handicapped hy aseriotis afflic- i oetW oneý, tltcd- t ion. It also shows what can be ;ioercV.-w e;atlti i complishied for the unfortunate by rector at the joseph Sears school in -i holding onit the heiping band at the Kenilworth, is planning to take a Personal Profeslouu Servle Proper tixue. exploration hike to the vicinity of --________Deer Grove Thnirsday of this week 429 Phone ilmette 42 afier school for the purpose of find- 111ICnrlAeu RUMMAGE SALE ing .new camiping places and sites for ___________________________ Arumag sae t be~q~usoedfuiture hikes y Kenilworth Boy. A runinae ' ale o beSconits1 and Cubs. He will take sev- Ibo SHAWNEE TAILORS by the First' Methodist chtirch Of eral Scouit leaders with him o 1n the FURRIERS ýVilnîiette- will be held on Fridav anid'trip.: kredi Saturday of this. week aI 1147 \ViI- Have your Alterations and. mette. The'doors will be open at 8. O ATIDEHN Relining donc now before o'clock in the, morninlg, 'is an- ~- ~ ~ (l i -1r. nd rs..Lr' d:XL Ch t48 521 4TH STREET accepted at tleir face 'Value HILL'S SERVICE. STATION 421 main St. Wil. S410 uf 1.32 Abingdon -avenute,- Kenilwortb, -Iare returning Sunday* from a two weekcs' Cullison Motor Co.'I Service Enfrance in Roui YoU .~ - . l Nash, Suîts Made to Owdeir $18.90 and $26-90 Also Scotch WooIefl- MiIIN Suits $18.&0 and u1p A lterations, Repairing, Remodelinç BONNEM Tellme 1117 Greenleal Ave. Ph. WII. 1944 I i. Pluuibing - Heating Contractor 514 E. RailroadAv. j WILMETTE 2020> ý. 1 1