Ilèn ty Parking Space PLANING ENUSAHEAD SAVES TIME ^.Nb ENERGY: COLLEGE INluxN CHCKN A KING No work (o this-AlI ready t. heat and uerve-Makeusà fine luncheon or supper dish- 310, ]RIB ROJA8T There isnýt anv~ more tender eut thon this LARGE CUTS Lb 17c "Mondidy. we bake,,Tuesday wye brew"-That's what our grandmohefrs used t'o do. And their routine held certiimdgod points. Theyplnd their work .ahemd. Itm a, helpful method ini the matttr of aneals. Just look *"at the good -thinga on sale this week!1 Making selections I rom this list is sure to resuliin. praiseworhy, meals At economy prices, too! Poask, Be.!, Veal. Ground for meat loaf. Add, seasoning and on egi, then bake.- It's good eitier lb.o9 ho rcold. ___________ Sfloin Steak Deliciously tender-1The best eut for a large family. ILb 270 I Old Fashioned Peanut Britte Pleny of peanu - Fresh and crisp, as it' *should be-A treat for the childrenU é I or anyonc. Pkg.j S Wee and. tender. Serve for Iluncheon wth Chicken a la KinÀ. o2 is Doz. e;95 2for 5 Boneleus Per"h No wase-Il rescdy to fry and serve with. lemon suices or tartar sauce. PceuIm Lalke Trout Baked, broiled or fried, it's lb équally delicious.i., Povk Teudierlolns Ail mntt -no wsste -no bon. Bread and fry, then serve wkthlb sweet potatoes, BwIsIIngSawdlnsCaa'peater Texas .n iwgWaa Brislin Sardins makheed WIes Norwegimn smoked import - Pec ked 'in pure Heltfu n adicos-er ut s; hyaeTIm Olive. Qil-Lay in a .suppIy 2 or with crisp conmflakes- Deliciosly Iresh-Tdin as paper, and e*ip. Thy reprce epe.alyIo ~ or~32-o,. 490 101/2-oz. 2. for 390 beer? (r-with cocktails?- ... for 2 5 Bi8uusel.spwusKi Pples Valenola Julce or chicken stock gives these ýa GUd aeso fn o isO ANC different and piquant 6i.avor. 18 and sauces. T5.y are s&90 Buthel1.25mnd fuli of juice.. Florida Grapefvuit BsiI12 Thin akin. Full of juice. The firat of the season at'a really low Vauilly 3.ia p!ice. 3foK?#S .12 for 85C Sa , &s3 lbran BABOs3for 21[C as we!! as for je1Iy.' Bak, boil, fry or mmii TIwter, 21 fortUtU ut suit t. a31».Z7 0 'E tUA 2.90 W0fIMET:. ,718 NE LAKE VIEW ROGERtS PARK 42inoAv.78EmS.3959 Uadway 1Su Jaevis A». WIim.t. su i i Ukgh leuilP.w til PrMpt Smail cuts, lb. 220 l.3,50 230 290