Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Oct 1933, p. 5

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. ..% srni n!iaatLI4Uion ot meiC iICwiy .... -....R -44.,U iib elected offcers of Wihnette Post No. . R. Marquardti, Wilmette 388. 46" Americàa'n Legion, and the Womi- Yo'U will be giving work té the *en's Auxiliàry of the sanie post Nvas aged and handicapped and assist held at Shawnee' Country club Tues- ;n naintaining an institution wliich day .evening; October 10. The pro- 'en deavors to aid without pauper- grami opeuied with dinner at 6:30, fol- 1zing the iunfortunatc. ~ Dae WV. lowed by,. the joint' installation at 8. '\larqItardt. pï. ni. The .new o$fcers of: Post No. _________ __ 46 are: Commander-D. J. L'. Walther,- 105 secretary- Mrs. 1). C. Leach, 141 .7 *Sixth street. Forest avenue.- Vice-Commander-Russeii c(. Johnuson 1-Historlan- Mrs. R. E. Kennedy, 801 231 Sixt.eenth atreet. .Fifteenth street. Second ýVice-Commander -Geo. F. <ai-r . F.vogt, 224'Eight- Scherzèr, 2135 Thornwood. avenue. eenth street. Finance Otlcer-Aram K. MestjiziaT> 1hePe xiar 1 i-6ret guest s *eaker for the uiir U1mairn da ucleton, as Sergeant-at-Arms - Martin J . Wal 1h,!W Ms.Ad MUketnpt 710 Park avenue.i prehident of the departmnent of liii- Chapain -R. -E. Kennedy, 801 Fif-1 nois, who, in her forceful and charri- teenth street. gmariner rgh to her heareirs a Directors-Harry L, Flentye. Ji, 7291igbruh L.ak avnueandEdwrd I. Dewe message of Americanjsm and service DIegatés to Cook CoiudI council--- to country that was. greatly appre- Leo J_ Hassenziauter., 32.1 Mueitavenue, 1c:ated. and Jas. S. Barcus, 303 Seventeenth Asca Street.> -.calhour andlancing'ýconc lud-j Alieriat,--H A.Green, ýArthur F. ed the eveîiing's actav:ties. Sullivan .15.15 Forest avenue. Delegatea to Seventh district -- Fred Mroi idn eertdhr Baker, John Costello. 1ajreSnigclbae e- Alternates-Orville W. Fay, 1522 isa- t'.'elfth irthday Iast Saturdav after-t bella street, and Bert 0. Sulivan, 515,1flo(n wtth a pàrty at- lher home, 78' Gregory avenue. Robsart road, Kenilworth, fron 2 :3P! McGinnis is Speaker to 5, o'clock. Thé installation, ceremoniies which; inducted the above oficers into their duties were under, thé directioni.,f, Grover Sextoni, Conmander of the BERENICE VIOLE' Se v th district,, Departmeént of I11h- ochr»nd ia noib. The guest speaker. of the even- ing -was Edward . McGinnis, Coni-Stio 114 Third St. mander of Cook Counity counicil, who Phone Wilmette 1705 made'ai stirring patriotic address. Commiander Walther, to whom has been, entrusted the future-welfare and activities of Wilmnette Post No. 46, bas been a resident of Wilrnette for *the past ten yea'rs. He is a civil en- gineer1 and sur.veyor of long experi- ence, withi offices at 1167 Wilmette avenue.: He enlisted in the navy at Kansas City, Mo., on May 25, 1918, ] / his home at that time being Law- q r rence ,Kansas..- Hé was immediately sent to Great Lakes, where he served for the enire period of, his enlist- Ment, being honiorably discharged on n te z December 20, 1918. He was recoin- inended for naval aviation service by Grovernor Capper -of Kansas, but in- stead took up civil engineering and surveying. Mr. Walther was captain of engineers, 0O. R. C., in 1922. He joined Wilrnette Post No. 46 in 1930,A i pbts pr e is t thattureoe be pout ha. e ieniu o tie wthoth er L A Rine XVinett a s N10- Htel .T wa LK 1 (1l Absorliine Jr. boc Rem, soc M0c Sal Hepatica 60e Zô>nite (A gency for 349c' 37c 39c 50e Kolynos Toothpast. Quinine. .. Squabbs Minerai Oit. 16' oz. SOC. Pkifips, Mill Magnesie 5,Oc Rexallina Cough syrup 31c 31c 33c RaiteCreek Food Co. Prodiucss.) I I Il e.. ad-va.nce: in price. we offet Your Favorite ( phonq TWO DOORS SOUTH 0F R e WiImtt. 4406 ýORMER LOCATION LIAILE GUARSIANS. vour FAMILY'S HEALTUl The next t"e you need aspirin, cod Uiver oh, minerai on,1 cap'tor ohj epsom saitor other guardians of your family's health# ask for them, by the name, of Puretest at yopýr Rexal rDrug Store. For Pureteât products have. set a new standard oéf furity ~that bas gever berna equailed. Test'Puretest products yourself. Fre I I Issu Yarn III nummum ý

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