Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Oct 1933, p. 3

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have an opportunity to sec and hear borme of their favorite radio enter- *tainers in perso n at New Trier High. schocol Saturday night, Octoher 21,' when the-Tri-Ship club .will hold _itsi' second aninual "Stars of the 1Fther" prtigram. * Atnong th«e-,proiniett persoiages of the ,air. who %%ill *-appear nti * program aram thée King's jesters. for- merly ,with :Paul Xhitenîan's, orch- estral; Iriie.,.Rich, 'radio .and movie st ari;, the Norrherners, octet; Charles Liai ly NewIs;te Two Doctors, Pratt a ;nd ',Ierinati, Rex' Maupin and. lus Aces oi the Air, KYXV stûdio and * dance orchestraý; theI)oring Sisters,, heaM~ on the -Swift. hour;. Wendell * Uall.* the red-headed nMusic nmaker;, eleven wnich iasX batuiaýay playeci the powerful Minnesota aggregat'ion a 6-to-6 tie. .How'd you like to see tl.at Indi- ana game-FREE? Weil here&s vorchance. Another, page in this. issue of WILIgETTELiFE tells. ail about a football contest which vou're invited* to enter and, if you win, collect two choice seats for the 'Northwestern- Indiana game. Three Wilmette football fans will lie winners in the contest. You may bie One of the trio. Read the rules in thi s issue and act And-býest of lu ck ! marian atiajim, an aujean rai Kîng. i mae f ceremonies.., Trustees -Prepare New Array of Stars Bone Dry Measur .e lleprograin for this year's radio: Vh .t ewTie 'iil ;eenirî An ordinanice was presenled at the diffrarît fr on i that of..lasî year. The, mýeeting of the. Village board Tues- limnpj of stars .is new ini practicalv day night a nd read but not* acted evVerv instanlce. jean Paul King, î tpn-hehrhbtstb amf- acteýd as m iaster of ceremionies for ture, sale, storage or offering for sale part ofi àst Year's program. ,%il do; of any beve rage fit for human con- the s.ane, this year. sumption containing more. than one- Th. ri-hipclu, cluiosel o aUhaîf of one per cenîuxn of alcohiol liv e s t Nc-Shierclu, csposeofriilgthvolume,, and provi ding penalties for radio 40 o as unst esd1violations. iihpisw raise fd o a e used al 1The Village attorney explainied that in heling rsuds, ho are inanciaol- under the malt and vinous liquor act Somne of these students, because. f e y h lini eisauen conditions brouglit about bv th e de- One uould secure a state dispensers' Id f t mposibl tolicense wiîhouî firsî having sectired w-eii,~ould fnd it mosile a municipal license, but in the clos- continue their educalion uniless gi 'el' ing .hoursý of the session. -an amend- hnaicil ~si4ane.il s e~paind. ment was passed providing thrit a Persons planning tô attend the ra- state license could be issued~ unless dio >how have been advis-ed to gel the municipality had enacted a pro- thecir tickets early. Alîhougli the Les- bibitory ineasure. lie R. Ga-tes gymnasium, where the The proposed ordinance is a pro- Program ill li e held, lias a seating lective act. It will probalily be up capacitv- of 3,000, it was not large for psaea h or etn enotugh 10 accommuodate ail who Tuesday night, October 17. wvaleted to attend, the "Stars of the Et lier,' program last 'year and niarny tii egu oH l had to lie turn 1ed away. A simiIàlý ii. ege oH l large attendance ý is expectéd .îîîisi Open Meeting* Oct. 23 d vear. No seals will be reserved.. At a meeting of the board of direc- The tickets are on sale at the higli tors of the 'Wilmette Civic league, school. They may also lie purchased held Tuesday,, arrangements were froin Xew Trier studenîs. David made to hold an open meeting of, the Jasper and Foster Gilgis are the two ieao'î,e Mondav ein<. flabikr.23_ strect, was Installed as comander c> I ilmetie Post 16, Auîericaii (.'Il aicereIlOpnies held Tues- titi val the ' 'Shau,piecCountr v club. Wlr. lalther, il.civil clinc.has lce» activpe in local legion circles fori-ccralvears. He srein the .Vav .durnqthe I"orld' -var. E. S. Riedel Victim' up and ro ateuuvuoua-ffl abjout 1 'clocI< Tuesday morning as he was. driving on Lake avenue between Seventh and Eighth streets. lie, said tlîat a car containing three men forced lbis car to the curli and two of the three got out, ene holding a gunl, and relieved 1dim of' his: money, He gave a good description of the gun toter, which is the only 'che local police have 10 work on. torney, on a mass meeting held at Glencoe last Friday night to: oppose the efforts of trucking conipanies to obtain, permission f rom the Illinois Commerce commission to tise streets in the nortb shore communities, the Kenil- wôrth -Vî,illage board it.ils regular monthly meeting Monday 1igt pssd a.. resolution to be forwatded, to, the commerce com m ission askinig that body to deny the ý:truék companies' applica- tion. ,Thé ..résolution suggests that . the trucks lie routed over bigbways to the west of the north. shore village s.> Active in Fs*glit ICenilworth, alomg with ot her norîli Shore communities, bas f ought consis- tently- againist the efforts of varionsý trcigcompanies to obtain certifi- cates of convenience and necessity fromt the commerce commibsion which.would permit these companies to operate their trucks on the streets of the' residential villages along' the làke shore. Evide=c in the case of the Willett, Truck.com- pal»' was conc.luded three weeks ago and it is expected that the commerce commission will give a décision in the malter soon. Not Stat. Aid Road Sheridan road is one of tbe streets thiat' the truck companies propose to ise. Kenilworth, umlike its neighbors to the north and south, lias neyer ac- ceptecl state aid for thé maintenance of this street. When the street wvas paved the ahutting prope'rly owners paid.the entire cost, with the understanding that Sheridan road was to remain strictly aid has beefi refused repeateauy, omh- cials being of- the opinion that by talc- ing this position Kenilworth could ré- sist more easily any efforts that might lie made to open the street 10 truck traffic. -Ont petition of the abutîing pr9p.erty owvners the street was desited a boulevard, thus ýinsuring- its status as a residential street. Fear, Inirv to Trecs REAL1 ESTATE BOARD MEETS We can place anything and every- The North Shore Real Estate thing you can spare for tis-Mrs. board, of ýwhich Arthur Lee is presi- A. L. Grinneli, çhairman dent, met at the home~ of Mr. and No:Eonm Soplondtd Mrs. Lee, 925 Manor drive, Wilrnette, yteWma' Club of, Wilmett. %,onday evening. CALIL 149 have r%ýe1Iwoxn vc8&I4, 1 £M.S84 TIE 431» 1 aý t'ir' ouse guest, M - Duffy, of Louisville, Ky.

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