Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Oct 1933, p. 48

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schier R~reatina an ~ receîved, reely give I(Matthe10l: council, and Mrs. H. J. Dernei, chair- wil b oranzeint t meet , 8). t emanxof the- camp committee, also. left groups wl cognzd Amongte citations whichi coin- Monday niorriing to spend the weèk at ing, and there wil*be refreshnients prised the Iesson-sermon was the , i P QIthe convention. A number of the WiI- and '<sinokes.loing fro the Bible: "Bless the I ~ ~ ~ .IIel~ mette council members and leaders also Every man on the. forthi shore, Lord. 0 my sout: and ait that is expect to attend on different days. whether or. not be is a member of the wiýthini me,- bless his holy name. Who r.HbetHovrfPa At, temple or Mens club, is invited to at- og ehaltie iute'wo iBY eý. G. P.Mr.HretHorofPoAto tend this meeting,. it is explained. healeth ait thy*ciseases" ' On Mond103 Octobe16the vîCafan ooayvi-rednto çhern Monbda o chage6nr wil h (salm 103the Girl, Scouts, w Illbc presentat the tere l é ocag orwl r . )ybe a Stated meeting at 7:30, followed convention. be any obligation to join the Men's I. 3 eg),a tl so ndltr -- helson-sermon also included b tl hwadlae ae,___ Club. the following passages from the walk. The :deaàth Of Mary R.. Ingli- i isbc>dcddb h iet Christian Science textbook,. "Science ram, past, grand matron of Illinois,cuniofteGrSotsobgna and Health with Key to the - crip- who passed away in. California, was is i orefr h eodcasGr fealth C ne tures,*" by Mary Baker Eddy * "Every- reotedadorila rae nS.uso Friday afternooiOcoe thing, good or wortby, God made. mourning frtereurdtime. 20. at 3 :30) oclock' in the Girl. Scout Nlews Wliatever is valueless or baneful, He Mrs. Melvern Huniphryes was oper- iroin f the Metoitch0h h >did iotmake-heénce its unreality. .~ ated on for removal of goiter at S;t. 'cotirse will continue for tenl weeks. Sinsickness,. anddeath mut beFrancise hospital. Rosella -Hall as ~1i nx hetcincwil e eddeenied as devoid of reality: as they underwent an operation: at Evans-ton TROOP NO. '10 NEWS on Monday afternoon, October ;6, from are af good, God" (p. 525).- bospital last week. Our sympathy is A u atmein hl atn 1 o'clock ta 3, Dr. Julius Novak of,,_________ extended ta Mr. and Mrs. Buchholz, o h il aarv etl va theChcag Tberulsisintittèis 11 '~1s.\Valdoa Mair itz of ~aiti in the loss of their. son, Gordoni, who: charge of the cdinic. e1erti17s br'ride l hih ws ronedin*Wscn-n:i ad done during the, sumîiner. Wc was rowed n -iscnsi.'.tliei %vere. divided nito new 'patrols and- TheInan Wlfreclni ~ capoedlagey f imette and William Jones,.son of M4r. and..Mrs. elected niew patrol leaders. lihey are: WVednesday afternoon-; - Winnetka25 women at luncheon Tues- WT.Jespast patron and matron j allet . Lerseli, Janie Redlin, andIida from to o'cock.day. Amoîig those from Wilmette are of Our chapter, has been ordered f0] Katherine Cuminiskv. Scribe, treasuirer, fro 2 o 4o'cock -Mrs. Justin Large,- Mrs. Wllis Lit- keep -his bed for three -'weeks' r'est. secretary and twao orderlies wvere then We hiope that readiers of this colunlin tell, and Mrs. Edwin Robson, and 'Mr. and Mrs. Anderson of Oxford, elected. *Tbev are: jane Ethiel Newman,ý wil wtc te ILETE IE fr urfrom Winnetka are Mrs. Herbert Wi. h aebe iigBSsie scribe; Helen 1luebuer. treasurer; announcements in regard to our future McKinney and Mrs., Donald, Elrod. S it, er vstos a oîr c per rn es C a b s, ecea , d Sal - Christmas Seal sale. The-Chicago Tu-..as.etig rs nero s, Adams and Mary Lou Guisse, orderlies. berculosis institute will carry on a very Thomas R. Godey of Washingtontesrro xodcatr After flag ceremony onQ atanra intensive caxnpaign this year to raise D. C., left Friday after a ten clavs' Eldora Hopk ins LaRocque is com- *"God's, World" by Edna St.! Vincent iunds for the work if the community. -visit witb bhis uncle and aunt, Cfol. pleting her junior year at the Univer-1 Millay and."utmu y Emily . Dick-. sity of Arizona at Tucson. Mrs. Ida inson. We. then sang, "Hail* ta the we are supported' by the. community and Mrs. Howard W.. Hodgkins of R.lBirr bas ber niece's daugbter, lit- S11couits,"t and closed %with 'tGood Night, and for the cammuniity, for ail the 431 Abbotsford road, Kenilworth. TheteMisRemrRynls of Fortl Ladies."- Jane - Ethel Neuman., scribe. funds which are raised f romn the sale Hodgkins . had been visiting ni eyrFahosatndnscol of Christmas seals are spent hiere in Washington and Mr. Godey returned 1bere this wintr. Mrs. Orvi lle the village on the tuberculosis work. ofith - tbem to see a Century ai D Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hawkes (À Progress. - oeLli offman, and Eva G,, Montclair, N. J., have been the guests- The -Health center wishies to acknowl- 0 .Pyfer attended Grand Chapter ses.-' edge its appreciation of the commun- Nr.\.H anhno sion at Medinah temple, Chicago, also of 'Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Carliaban o f * ity's response to requests. Recenitly Pa . *... Johnstober the inîstallation ceremoniesofte70Cnrlanu.Ms faweis thee asa cîlmae fr weel- ~ vîstîg erson and daughter- ne-wly elected- grand matron of Ili. a sister of Mrs. Carnahan and visited ther wa a all adefora whel - hem for two weeks. Mr. Hawkes chair,.and promptly a Wilmette reader inlw r n rs .C anh nonis (Gussie L. Hart of Chicago) and*ny tedafw as.O Thr- io~edthemuh eedd ndgreîyof700 Central avenue. Mrs. Carnahlan er officiai family. dy1f a.t, elMs.Ca aanci- appreciated article to the Health Cen- is ~~89 years old and came.from Johns_ Mrs. Caroline-.Convers evda etie wnyget tabig ton alone and-accompanjed her host pge a ;rand -cha\ter session teecs,,, to aa Centuùry" of Progress Non- lClaudeaFitch lier sister'sil- -îor da~ * Clud Ftcb pstpat roni, is conva- Mr. and Mirs. rl C. Mossi 310 lescing. Ida M. Lyons, past matron, iî. .Cuilo rod, eniworh, ntrtMed pranedberan'leNf rs.; F. W. Prail of Wasea Cumnor roa , Kenilw.thofentcrt ined' spri edIber ankle i 1r. a1ild . M rs., G eorge K osler af at a'dinnier for eighteen -last Thursday, s d ie o odtc, Annra D.- Sanders of AsI>sre luhoorofMis.Kahein Brrugs:Va., wblo is an her way to California, Winta a pn a ra at0[eenah, Wis., ad Mrs. Charles Der-- inhoe rr ige tAexneBurogks stopped ta visit ber niece a a mily, te.ummer ac pa toig iii ichar veof of Appleton, Wis., werc re- took place last Saturday. Aniong tîhe the Arthur Lees of 322 Sheridan and Wisconsin. cenut guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. W.. guetsf omou-oftou.weeIr. andI road, Kenilworth. Mrs. Lee's rooth- Withrow af 1115. Ashland avenue. Must rs.. obet Bod Rownértso -of, er, Mi-s. Leonard Silben, and ber Doni't forget your donation O-f soié Mrai RoberteryM rRobornsoneef ootio- article for aur sale whith is- ta be leld: -s ville, forerMy GrJohn Grecough ~vile me - GenesBorroughs ofre week-e d g ofston Noveinber 15. - -iFrank Parsons of Wsiiîn \Vilmette.he esesIl., w- - _week-end________D. C., i S a guest of 1bis sister and* -0-of he ces faily, the Harry P. lHarrisons of XIr. andi Mrs Cari .Fversoii. wh-o .. .. - ~<"Mr.,andic ?trs f.1Herbert 17A~- -O-- - I party. - Miss Margaret Trump and lier 1 nephcw, Leland Trump, of Milwaukee -Miss -Ethel Reardon. who makes have been week-end guests of the bier home in Lincoînville,- Maine, is Jesse D). Trump family of 415 Cum- visiting Mrs.- Clara R. Drake of 1221 nor road, Kenilwgrth. Ashland avenue. '6,Old > 53 WILumRT 32 UNIVDIsrry RooEms PAERC 4675 t

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