Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Oct 1933, p. 47

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by Mr. Harper in bine -ntn and MDwell of Evanston and . DavidI Mrs. Harper in a glistening apron, al McDowell of East Orange, N. J., and spirit of fun, f rolic, and frivolity reigned five grandchildren, janlette and Pris- supreme. cilla Colvin and John, Ruth McCabe Ih required organization and plan- and Naonii Murphy McDowell, chli- ning te feed and "hedi down" more than. dren of W. J. McDiowell. For many haif' a bunldred guests.. Not only, did years l)before. moving to Kenilworth the guests cooperate, but seo did the Mrs. -McDowell had, lived in the ncîghbersý.' With some sleeping in the WVoodlawn district on the south side barn inj the ."new ýmown ,hay.:',others t of Chicago. She was born in New in a trailer, and> about forty in the Brunswick, Canada. Ail of ber chul- bouse.. accommod ations wvýre providec) dren'.Were present wben she cèle- for ail on, Saturdav night., -:1hrated her seventy.-fiftb birtbday in And food! fleijng in the. lamous Kenilworth Iast June.> The funerai Michigan fruit beit there vas an abuin-4 services ,terë held Wednesda fter- <lance of grapes, apples. and water-1 noon. at, the Colvin .orné in Kenil-. melons., qùnday morning ivas.niadeiworth, Burial took place at Oak-' meillrable by Mrs.. Harper's ýfamous! .weeds cemetery. pancakes. T'he chief event on the prograni was E. Todd Nheelers Sail the treasure biunt wbîcb tck the partici- pants tbrougb, orchard and swamp and, for Travel in Europe neighborinigfarms-to--briýng hackth Mr, and Mrs,. E. Todd \Vbeeler left man' strange tbings*:tbey wvere instruct- WVilmette on Thursday,- October 4, cd. to find. Besides the big. hunt -there forsxmnhso'rvlthrougb were hasehail games;-- herse sboe pitch- Euro 1pe. Mr. Wheeler was the re- ing, hersehack riding, and side trips ciiet of tue Francis J. Plyrn schol" te- fruit packing establishments. -2nýhn x rcà nnln 4..te m-. ad VISIT "IN EAST MIr. and Mrs.-. Lyman Drake,. 93~3 Lake avenue, returned Sunday froni Net%-,York wher 'e tbey visited, their son andi daugbter-in-law, Mr. and Mfrs. Robert Drake and the latters.' new daugbter, born September 9. Mr* Drake was there only a week, butý NfMrs. Drake spent a month. While iii N.ew York. she met Dorothy Xoilker Zabriskie, formerly of Wil- mette. and who vi-sited ber this sum- 1 %vii R. BAHA'I LECTURE *'Why des macn need religion?" is the question., t e betreated. in a lecture te be given in Foundation-baIl-, Bahali Hoüse of Worship, Linden avenue anid Shrdnroad, Wilmette, Sunday af ter- nôn, October 15, at 3 :30 Q'ciock. 'Dr. ' Ali Kuli' Khan of New York City, writer,. lectuner and former diplomatic - inA ..:. -*..... rn...n.,ivà nÇ Pvan:o la uate' ôf the University of Illinois in thCe course of architectural engineer-, ing, and bas selected contemporary 1îwork in, the nortb European countries 7as bis particular subject for study. 1 They wiIl spend several months in England, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, 1-folland and Germany, where ex- tamples of modern-~ buildngs are the most numerous, and also plan to in- clude in their itinerary sections of Italv andA Fraince. hic r -Srichw ~i In conformance witb the require- inents of the scboiarship, Mn. Wbeel- er plans to make sketches and take pbotographs of the buildings studied as well aýs of tbe country through ,Wbich they will . be passing. Mns. Wbeeler's particulair interest is in the educational systems of the countnies wbich tbey wiil visit an.d she plans to spend considerabie time. visiting schools and studying tht be our guests for the, evening. Don't presented at that tme. forget-Tuesday, October 17, at 8 p. nm. Howard R. Walton, winner of the - Class A cbampionship witb a total of Mrs. Laurence is in charge of chul- 289 in four rounds, recefires the first dren's luncheons at the. sehool, as %he award. W. D. Thorsen, with a total was 'last year. of 295, is- the Class. A runner-Up. George Hi. Dovýenniehie, wbose total Be sure te. get your yearly program is 344, .vins the Class B award, and J. at the. meeting and keep the P. T. A. W. Hicks, with a. 346, is runner-up. dates, so, that you may be a f aithful In Class C,. R. G. Darby, who played member. the four rounds ini 393, is winner anid Z. L. Potter is runner-uùp with a 401. Danicing ,classes start this. Friday. A. K. Lee, winner of the Class D. award, also hada 401; bis runner-,up, Zeta Phi Etas Have P. J. W Champion, pl ayed the four 4OhAnniver .sarY- The '.ringer score winners in theý Tbe, fortieth anniversary of the four classes were: Class A, R., J. founding of Zeta Pbi Eta,ý national Chandier,,with a total of .52;'B, Har- professional speech sorority, was ob- Ian Smith, 60; C, F. G. Beamsley, :67; served by the alumnae cbgpter. and l and D, Herbert L. Zipf, 75. the active chapter -at, the' School of j Dick Payne, chairman of golf, bas Speech ôfý Northwestern university, charge of the dinner, whicb is to be- Tuesday evening, wtb a Founders' J gin at 7 o'clock. Day dininer and program at thé Ridgeview hotel. 1 - HAVE HOUSE GUESTS Miss fletty Coiey, Ainèrican . girl i Mrs. Guy Woodin and ber daugh- born in India, entertained witb a pro- ter, Jane, of Beverly His, Cal, bave grami of East Indian songs and music îeft after visiting the George Ort- presented in costume. The hostesses seifen famiiy at ther home, 337 Es- were Miss Mildred Caster and Miss sex road, Kenilworth. Mrs. Ortseifen Phyllis Kimisley of Evanston, and and Miss Marion gave a dinner for Miss Jacqueline Keaster of Ravinia. ten at the South Shore Country-lub The president of the alumnae chap- Thursday evening of iast weekjpé ter is Mrs. James Witberell of Wil- their honor and a dinner ini thl*ý' mette. Other alumnae chapter memn- own home Sunday for the visitors. bers residing bere are Mrs. Pauil H. The Rev. L. M. Zirbes of St. Clare'u Gathercoal and Mrs. H. G. Bersie. parish at North Lake, Wis., is now a L*tit.,t i* in.'f .. n... theai n Ofr*atn hine- He~ collided witb a machine being diiven soutb on. Sevenitb street by J. H. Erick. soen, 2703 Estes avenue, Chicago. Miss Rosalie McBride, 3000 W. Washington boulevard,. Chicago, who was riding with Erickson, sustained a painful cut abov 1e the right eyt. Miss Jane Owen, 725 Greenwood, was a passenger in tht Wiiamnson çar. Both drivers wýere tak- en to the police station, buit the affair was settled without, formai complaint being entered. attended A Century of Progres s Monday and saidt Mass in the St. Francis Xavier church tbat uorning., RETURNS PROM PETERSBORO Miss Susannah Armstrong, wbo bas recently returned front the McDow- tIi coiony ini Petersboro, N. H., wbere sh e spent August and September, ha# resumed ber teaching at New Trier High scbool, as well as private les- sons in piano and barmony at b er home in Giencoe. Miss Armstrong, wýill appear in a group of ber own piano compositions on the opening program of the Musicians,' club of women Monday, October 16, -tt the Mns. Oscar Larson and daugbter, Wilma, of 'Baisam Lake, Ais., have been visiting .Mr. and Mrs. R., E. Wendel,..55Park avenue. Mrs. Edward J. rie avenue, recentl the week-end bei the Misses Veil nepbew and bis w Ernest Vernillyea, adley, 155 Prai- ntertained over vo sise-in-law, Irea, and ber *Mr. and Mrs. of Toledo, Ohio., froniý and Normanq b yville, Ill.. d upon .ini improvi1g sa toruly.

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