* yFR IUNTWHUBW 8 rnis., 1i bath, la.v., H. A. ht. . $ 70 6 rm8., brick bungalow. oil ht... 75 6 rnis., lav., H. W. lit., gar....... 80 6 rnis., 011l ht., furn., 2-car gar ..... 100 7 rins., 2 liaths, oil ht., 2-car gar. . 115 7 rms., 2 baths, lt, furn.,,.... 150 O'JHER SPLENDID VALUES, ALL SIZES. FURN. OR UNFURN. BAIRýD & WARNEtR, Inc.. 550 PARK DRIVE. KENILWORTH Kenilworth 4785 .Kenilworth 5568 101SKOKIE RIDGE DR., GLENCOE. Glencoe 1554. Briargate.1855' 97LTN23-ltc MODERN ýBRiCK HOME. 4 BEDRMS., 2 TILE BATHS, LAV'. and toilet, breakfast- rm., open porch. Ei-ec. refrig., stove. Oh011it. Att. ýgar. Near school and transp.. $105 rnonth. Real Estate Service, Inc. 553 Lincoln Ave. Wînnetka 3450 97LTN2 -te INDIAN HILL, DISTRICT. ýWooded.lot 100x190, ,surrounds this 10ý rm, 31h bath, house. Slpg. pýcb.,,sun peh.. 2-éar gar.. H. W. ht. ,Reduced. to $150., Mi-S. Fuiller &\\'In. Pickçard, 746 Mm \%t.. 'innetka137 22 IJNUSUAL MOD. HOME~ 12 RMS., 5 MASTER RMS.,.13 BATHS, laeshowers, maid's rms. and bath. Large wooded lot, fine location. Reas. rent,, furn. or unfurn., or will sell (Cali (flencoe 1446. !97LTN23-ltp) REAL HOME WITH BEAUTIFJJL grounds ln E. Hubbard Woods. 9 sunxny roonis; 3 baths; new economi- cal heating Installation. Ph. Win-1 netka 668. 97L23-Ilp *ATTRACTIVE 6 ffl.i WEST WINN., 1-. W. ht., 2-car gar. Redecorated. Nie lawn, flowers. Reas. Nov.lease.1 R. H. Schell (Real Estate> Office, Win. 1592, .766. 97L'rN2s-ltp 8 ROOMS, 2 BATHS, NEAR TRANSP. 841 Spruce St. $45. Wlnnetk&a 97. 6 ROOMS, FURNACE HEAT. 903 OAK~ St. $60. Winnetka 97. 97LTN22-4tc 9U FOR RENT-FUJNNISNED HOUSEe CHARMING -8 ROOM H 0 u S E, exclusive location. East Wlmette, nr. Evanston., Lake MIch.. and transp. 3 battis, 2 car >att. gar., vapor hbeat,.gar- den, artistic 'decorations, and furnieti- * mgs. F. Wanner, agent, Kenilworth 5111 or State 511ï. -- 98L23-Itp. COMPLETELY FURNISHED FOX- dale, Ave. 'bungalow. 3 bedrooms, 1 bath. garage. $60.. 3M4 Center St.' Winnetka 3603 Parties assemblé insidg trance of the museum. Chicago Ave. lm St. English Manor Hou se S RIM., BRK.,ý 4 MASTER BEDRMS., special feature >,e a, beautiful, studio liv * rm ' Southeren expo- sure. Very artistic and prac- tical,, choice location. Lot .100x 17j2. Priced'to seli atïnce. Mr. Nehall. BAIRD & WARNER,- mc. 101SKOKIE RIDGE DR.,. GLfýNCOE Glencoe .1554 Bria rgate 1M55 l1L'l'N23-l te Worth Investigating BRICK HOME, 7 ROOMS AND,2 sleeping p>orches3, 2-car. garage, hot water ohl heat,. large Frigidaire and goodl gas range included. Fine transp. and schools. Cost $26,500.' Nowv offered >at less than haif for limrnediatc sale. Mc'GUIRE & ORR. ICilworth Evanston 404 Green. Bay Rd. .5-10 Davis St. Kenlworth 228 Greenleaf 1080 FOR~ SALE OR ~TRADE - BRICK. house on private road, large ravinê lot. Pour bedrooms, three baths and lavatory, private. maid's room, garage. 13y appolntment only. 1416 Wildwooj Lane, Ravinia. Telephone H. P. 3725. IliLTN21-4tpà WANTED TO DU f-HOUS WE HAVE CASH BUYERS FOR three homes, 6 or, 7 rooms, Evanston or Wilmette. Send us full particulars for immediate action. MeGUIRE & ORR 1505 Chicago Ave. . G re. 1080' S113LTN23-lte 114 FOR SALE-VACANT BEAUTIFUL LOT ON RIDGt2 AVE., hear Indian Hill1 Club. 100xl9.0 feet. PIriee thil week oniy $125 per foot. SHORE-TOwNS REALTY CORP. 1619 SHERMAN AVE., EVANSTON Greenleaf 2700 Rogers Park 66ë6 114LTN23-ltc 50-FOOT WOOPED OAýKIDALE AVE- nue lot. East of 'Greien.wood.-Prie $40 per foot, on ternis. Substantial reduc.tion*>for cash. SMART & GOIElc 1564 Sherman Ave. %pIverity 0283 oa-ta4b]e, six chairs, buffet. Best offer. 476. Woodlawn Ave. ýGlenco4è 1219.129LTN23-ltc 131 FOR SALE.-mISCBLLAr4EoUE O U T D O 0 R -CHILDRENS PLAY- house. Size 8x5x7 feet high inside. Electric liglits. Linoleumn. Five French winidows. Phone Plaza 0368, Chicago. EVENING GOWNS. SIZE 14; 13OYIS overcoat; A poster fulli size walnut bed, box' springs, and mattress. Phone Glencoe 624. 13lL23-ltp1 BROWN ENGLISH, BABY CARRIAGE, $25. Wirinetka 2193. 131LTN%23-ltp 134 MISCELLAN.EOUà, __ .1NFRA RED LIGHT FOR RiNW 1daily or weekly. Relieves pains fin rheuinat isni Or n~rli Winnetka 2937.194LTN23-ltp) CHILDRÉN's MOVIES The James Nelson and Anna Louise Raymnond Foundation'-, free program of motion pictures for, chidren, to be given Saturday morning, October 14, at Field Museumi of Natural History, wilI feature the films -Hero>es, of.,the Sea," and, in iecogitiol of Co)lumbus Day which occurred this week. "Col- ubs"There will be two, lîowing, one beginning at 10 a. m... a9.d one at 11, in the James Simipson. Theatre of the museurn. Several thousiý.alnd cliii- dren can be accommiodated, and tio tickets are necessary for admission. Chiidren (rom ail parts of Chicago and suburbs are invited to attend. Harry H. Wolf, 1140 Seneca road, and W E. Clow of Lake Forest, re- turned Tuesday of Iast week from - hunting trip to Land o' Lakes, W'is, Mrs. Wolf and Joan also return ed Tuesday from a visit to South Sln Ohio. Mrs. W., D. Coggeshall. Mr, and Mrs. B. E. Coggeshalli, and Mr. and Mrs, R. T. Kern of Darlington, S. C., arrived Tuesday to visit the John, Law Wilds famiiy at 244 Oxford road, Kenilworth. Mr. a id Mrs. George Shipinan of tNorth Mlùskegon, Mich., are visiting the George E. Sh ipmans, 432 War-, wick road, Ke.niiworth. They are here. for a wek to attend4 a Century of Progress:,' o Mrs. John L. Wilds, 244. Oxford road, Keniiwôrtih, , entertained ,at luncheon Wednesday of'Iast week in hot of Mrép. james Johnson of Gilen Ellyn, who was visiting Mrs. John Carpenter. 0o- 11r. and. Mrs. Edwin R. Evans, $35 Warvick, road, Kenilworth,.1 ar e niotoring to- Urbana this week-end to sce their daughter, Marjorie, and1 to attend homeconiing weekat the uni- versity. Olive Oelerich, 1201 Greenwoôd avenue, who is .a. junior. at St. Mary's coilege, Notre Dame, Ind., is return- ,ing home today on a. four-day vaca- tion given in celebration *of Found- er's day. 0o Davidl and Phillip, sons of. M'rs. Claude Burnhamn, 536 Rosiyn roaïd. Ieft Keniiworth S4turday motoring to New York, a trip which they made, ini two daYs. They expect to he goùe tivo weeks. MNr. and Mrs. Howard L4 Krujni. 85, Robsart road, Kenilworth, have re- turnied f rom' ten dayç spent in' Nev York. Mts. Frank Barrett, 615 Essex road, Kenilworth, entertained twenty-, four guests.at tea at ber home, Sun- day eveningr of last week. The frlow y NOTICE g, .nerchandise wili be e If* not called for on or 2th, 1933: iechler, 720 Hinmnx Ave., e Jacket $55 , 849 Lincoln Ave.ý, Win- J. L. FLOYI M8 Conter, !t.' tirlU1 tre8. 70,YarkiA. , W il Wtna*tka 3603 condition, very cheî l1lL23-ltp ,362 -after O0:30 p. ni. The 'joseph H. Budlong fortnerly of 945 Michigan have recently moved to 413 avenue. 4 -I lu'