Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Oct 1933, p. 45

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and garderier. Ilonest. W.illing wôrker; Good n. s. ref. Phone Winnetka 286. EXti~tIN(EtMAN WILL CARE for tu nace durlng, winter; also re- pair. Tak down dead trees.Fr- wvooçi, $112 cord in 4-ft. lengths. Win- netka IS13. 69LTN23-4tp WANTÊD -. FURNACES TO TAKE care of, for 110 a -month. ..Aiso -lawn and garden work' by experienced, ga'-l * 6LTN22-4tp FRACE,.,GARD)EmpiAND ,IIOUSE-. WORK' BY EXi-1>ERIENCÈD MAN, 1YHOURZ OR DAY. WINNETKA 1552. 69LTN23ltp EXPERIENCED' MAN WILL CARE. for furnace during winter; also re- pair., Take dowrn dead trees. Land- cping. Winnetka__.1813. ý69L23t I)EPENIDABLË MAN WOULDI) LKEI job as janitor, caretaker,' furnace, work,.or odd jobs., PhoneWinnetka 2864. 69LTN22-4tlp EXP. MAN WANTS GARDEN* OR hotimewor-k. Tend to furnaces. N. S. references. Cali Wiliette 3073. 69LTN234ltp CHAUFFEURi, EXP. DRIVER 1H grade cars, exp. about work ren hoii4e.- Phonle -Oeenleaf 6523, asn WýHITE MAI D FOR GEN. H-OUSE- work. Experienced, good refs. 804 Forest Ave., Wilmette. Ph. Wil. 14, 71LTN22-ltl) WýHITE MAIl> FOR GEN. HOUSE- work in sinall famlly. Must be good; *eo~k Ma*d> have., good refs, Ph. Glent- ..oe 1336. 71LTN23-Itp R1zEVINEL> WOAN FORlHOUSE- *w6rk, tfor root» and.board in pleagant, <'ofoff.rtabIe hopme. Phonfe Wil. 1875. 71LTN23-tlp CAPABLE WHITE GIRL, GENERAL. houqeWork. CooDk and- serve. 0004 .e.3,aduits. Phone ,Wilmette 1129. 71LTrN23-ItPý MAI.D PFOr GENERAL HOUSEWORIZ. Sniall.w.ige.s, good -home. llust:be relible with ehildren.. Winnetka 348j. 71LTN23-ltl) GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Help with two chfldren. Own 'ro oni. $5. Phone Wlnnet-ka 3489. 71LT23-ltp) MOTIER-M'SR1'IlLPERL TO GO HOME' hihî 1hnne Winnetka 2315. 72. HELP W ANTÈED-MALE MAN OF INTEGRITY, 21-45, P-YT' .ally fit. interested In enteringgoe- ment work. Informiation. Write B3-7I, Box 40, ,Wilrmtte, .72LTN2-tp ai AUTOSERtViCE - WARING!. LET US GET YOUR CAR READN FOR winter driving. It ls important for trôubliemfree operation of yoUr car in zeroa weather that you make the. foi- iowving adjustments: Clean and prop-. erynet the ignition and spark plug pit, set ,up generator charginig rate,. dean commutator on Starter. and gene rator, " dean. and' .tighteni electrical connectiïons, dlean out car- bu reter and. gas-filter, check exhautt gaskets for leaks te, avoid poisoneus gases inside the, car, change greas e In transmission and differential. The coeling, system aise needs attention: fihsh radiator and cylinder block, re- place hese connections, t1ghten or re- pack water pump,. adjust fan' belt. The cost of "Eveready Prestone"' now only $2.95 a gai. If 'your battery. is net in first cdans run- ning order why not let us exchange it for a new. "Supercharged' oeuld" which carrnes, an unconditienal guar- antee, ?ind give you a liberal aliow- ance for yolir ol atteryý aevenings. 9LN21-1ti, I01 ii helteati model hot water heater, large * ~~ Ienough to heat any car, instaiiled voni- 70 61T. WTD.-MALE AND FEMALE Iplete for olS'$15. KE1WRHWELPARE, COMMIT- YOU'NG MAN W'ITH SOME DEPART- CALI, WINNETKA 3721 nment store experien<ce. State 119(' WE CALL FOR YVR CAR AND) DEL. tee wishes te place the follewing1 training andî expenience. Address B-70,1D - workers .R, J.Whve.e. 7TTNI1cCK KRAUT 4 women for gen. h-sewk. by the day. 718 Eat Elm St. W! innetka- ,f me», day workers, as, gardeners, 73 _HELP WTD.-MALE AND FEMALE *8 T2-t heu.gemen, or chauffeurs. References furnished. If you havee3, 5~i**- WT/NTE D 77 FOR SALE-AUTOS tiens open, temporary or permanent, 1 -w please cali Mrs. H. B. Taylor, chair-, * FIRST CLASS COUPLES WLLYS KNIGHT SEDAN. MODEKL **70-A, '28: Famniiy var; exu 1p. cond.;. man ef Employment Committep, Ken-', Patifline's Emp. Agency General tires; 19 miles per gallon. ilworth 2820. Also clothlng waxted for school girls, 421 FOI7RTII ST. WIL'METTE $110 rash. 263 Woodlan Ave., Ph. sizes 12, 16, 20; scheol boys' sizes 10 _ ee~-i78 77L2-tp to 14. Phone Mrs. Harold. Tidernan, I- Kenilwerth 3262. *.70LTN20-tfp CA 1,1, PAýUIINE'"S.- 41Patulin.e's * Eînjp. Agency GERMAN 'OU'L , 3,WANTS POSI-l tion. 4-yr. WVînn. ref. REINHiRT'S EMPL. AGENCY 748Eu t. ____ A Cassfied Ad WANTÉD- W H 1 T i. o Waal L3826... wiUl save you ,ences. ABK FOR AN AD'.TAKER 82 . FOURENTr-*OMU z~ t'LEA.AN'r lMX ONE HAS TWIN lieds. Rented singly or to6gether. K-itchen pri%îleges. Near t 1ransp. and e(vhôo. Garage oiptional., Wlnn. 9135.. 82LTN23-ltp: THREE EXCEPTIONALLY WELLtr furnished sleeping roomsâ, one large. wlth private bath, suitable -for two emtployed. . Alil wth large closée. 419 Provident, Wlnnetka. 82L23-ltp NICELY FURNISHED, QUIET, COM-- fortable r-oom with>,bath and shower, for gentleman. In private home near transportation. Phone Wlnnetka. 2010i 8ËLTN22-tfc FOR RENT -, FURNISHED) i ROM%ý kitchenette,' free gas, private bath, hot water heat. Near transp. Phone wilinette 3082. *2T2-t 2 FRONT ROOMS, ALSO, SIN(L rooni, on third floor with bath. East S ie. Kittchen î>r-ivleges. Garage space. ilte1252-_82LTN23-ltpy 1IO1JBLEý ANIY SINGLE, GOOD AIRY, furnished roomns. Private family. 72L' Ridge Rd., Willnette 4797. Garage free. KiCtehen irivleges or board. 82LTN23-ltp) M LARGE FURNISHED RMS., NEWLY ciecorated, in fine East side home. Eniployed person only. Phone WiI- mette 1488. 82LTN23-ltp FOR liENT -LARGE FRONT 11001 in East side home near schoois and ail transp. Breakfas9t priviege. 731 Tenth St., Wilmette. 82LTN23-ltp LARGE, PLEASANT *ROOM WITH. electrlc plate for light cooklhg if de- slred. 3 blocks to Elm Street stations. Phone Wlnnetka 415. 82LTN23-ltp NICE COMFO1LTABLE SINGLJE RM. close te transp. and , chool. 467é Chestnut St. Wlnnetka 3558. 82LTN23"Itp 2 LARGE,: LIGHT ROOMS,~ SUITABrL,] for 1 or '2 persons. Convenieflt to c'ievated or' train. Cali Wilmette 157. 821LTN2-itl ATTRACTIVE ROOM AND BATH near No 1Man's Land. Gentlemnan pre- ferred. Phone Wj lMette 3036. LARGE. WELL FURNISHED ROOM, k;uitable for I ,or 2 adulis employed, 3 bioc>ks. to transmportationi. Ph.. Win- Atitka 1N94. 82L23-1'p L A R G ni COMFORTABLE ROOM ivith 2 beds., Close to transp. Board and gaurage if desired.. Phone Win- liitka ;&::389I. 82L23-ltp '1 WJ 'N ETIGFRONT ROOMS, fuir»n.r înfiurn. Kitcheu nrlviieoees or 725 M3m Stret ATTRACTIVE 3 RM. E apt., unfurnished.-H Elm and Chestnut S, rm. Winnetka 97 or ~1!.i(22'tfc

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