Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Oct 1933, p. 44

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25cents a 'Une. Advertisements run ln ail three papers. Rates-3 MIIdITJ CHIARGE ON E DOLLAR. Average of five words to thie line. 1No black face type used. ff0% discounit on. ail cash advertise- nients when brought to our office at 1232 Centrai Ave., Wiimette, or 561 Lincoil Ave.. Winnetka. 10% discounit on ail advertisements run four DéadlinéClassitied'advertiseffiènts wili. be ac- Dedin tor I'etin""'etdUp to Tuesday 9 ýP. M. for. WILMETTE LIFE or ail, three, papers;, Wednesday 9 P. M. for WINNETKA TALK and Thursday 5 P. M. for GLENCOE NEWS. Télephones: Wilmette 4300, Winnetka , 2000 (Winnetka 500>,after 6 P. M.>.ý Greenfleaf 4300 orSheidrake 5687. LOST AND FOUùND LOST-TUES., OCT 3. ,SMALL WIRE flaired Fox Terrier, 1 yr. aid, whte with black markings resemfbling Sad- ile. Answers- to name of, "Skippy." Reward. Plh.- Wnnet.ka 9$86. 323-lto FOUND COIN PURSE Cal) Winnetka 1193 LOST- LARGE FEMALE POLICE dog, ight color, wearing amnali, round collar. no tag. 521 Longwood avenue, Oleneoe 766. 3L23.3tp LOST-FRENCIl BULL DOG. BLALCk wlth white face and chest, female.. Reward. Phone Wiimette 1069. 3LTN23-ltc la MUSINESU9 SERVICE MODE1LNIZING AND REPAII-ING Wouldn't a new miodern bathroom or a newiy ipaneled living room improve your resldence greatly?. This can be done very reaflanabiy. and flnanciiig caxi be arranged. Write B-74, Box 40, CARPENTER AND CABINET MAKER; alterations, Stormi windows, regair work Ige. or s!nl. Free estiniate. Price reas. E. ANDEiRSON, Ph. Wil. 3379. 1$JTN23-4tp FIREPL.ACE WOOD BIILCH AND MAPLEC LOGS' IIEARTHSTONE WOOD'COMPAN Y REASONABLE HOLLYCOURT 0846 16LTN23-2tp HARDWOOD FOR FIREPLACES, 2 ft. long, $10 cord, del. Good rotten cow manure, 1 load, 4 yds., $10. A-iea fine black dirt, 3 yds., $5. Wininetka, 2108. 16LTN22m4tc 22 DRESSMAKING_____ RESDESIGNING A N bDMAKING by artist-dressmaker ta suit your com- plexion and perocnality. Artistic re- modeliing. ORCHID SHOPPE 544 Exmoar Road. Kenîilworth 4926 -2LTN23-4tp W ANTED: SE\VING..- AT YOUR HOME OR MINE VERY REASONABLE. WINN., 110 22LTN23-ltp 94 ýFARm PRODUCE FOR SALE MICHIGAN GRAPES WINNETKA 3238 24L23-ltp 29HOME MADE FOOD PRODUCTS HOMEMADE FRIT CAKE SOUTHERN STYLE-POUND 75e ALSO COOKIES WINNETRA 2937 29LTN23-ltp 30 INSTRUCTION FRENCH CLASSES FOR ADULÈTS OR chidren by native teacher. Colleg4B grad. and instructor at Loyola Univ. for past 10 yrs. Reas. fee. 'Cal) Wilmnette 1747, Mme. Gallois Starrs. 3OLTN2-ltc DRAMATCS - ELOCUTION Publie speaking and stànunering xny speciaity. Ciass or individually. Mrs. Miller. Ph. Wilmette 259. IOLTN2I -4tn 31 MUSICAL INSTRUCTION PRIVATE INSTRUCTION IN PIANIO. Curtis Class Lessons 50c. Studio equip- ped with two pianos. Edith Ray Young. Phono Wiimette 3651. ilLTN22-4tp CONCERT PIANIST AND TEACHER. Instruction in your home or mine. Reasonabie.. <Mrs.> Mildrod Uen-. drickson, .1603 Lake Ave., Wilmette. PAINTING, PAPERIjANGINeG, CAL- cimining., Exterjor painting. Firat clans work guaranteed. Veryr reason- able prices., C. W. Anderson. Phone Wilmette .4621.42T 1-t 44' PETS FINE -PEDIGREED GERMAN POLICE dog, female. -WiI give this wonderful dog toý party Who Wiii pro.vide a good homnefor her. Address B-73, Box 40, Wilmette., 44LTN23-ltp FOR SALEI-S BOSTON. BULL TER- rier -regîstered puppies., Reasonabie. 2315' Thornwood Ave., 'Ph. Wiimette 1289.. 44LTN23-ltp BEAUTIFUJL E N G L I S Hl POINTER. maie. Broke. J. L. Zender, Phone Rogers Park 8696. 44LTN23-itp 45 PIANO ITUNING EXPERT. PIANO TUNINO 13. UP-; right or grand; aloo repair work guaranteed. If yrs. «Steinway. N. Y. IL C. Thoman.. Park idîge 699-R. 45LTrN22-4tp 53' SEW ING MAC#INC RfPAIRIN6a IMPORTANT SEWING, MACHINE REPAIR SHOP1 Establishjed more than - flfty years âmo ln Evanston, in now Iocated . t 1008 Oakwood Ave., Wllmette.' Ai.o r.- palring of ail Eledtricai home apr.li- ances. Tel. Uni. 2200 or Wil. 4369. L. E. Blunt. 63LTN40-tfe 59 WEARING APIàARE.I. FOR SALE-2 CHILDRENS WINTER coats, sizes 10 and. 12 yrs. Very good condition. Reasonable. Phone Wil- mette 2007. 59LTN23-ltp - GIRLS' TWEED COATS. PACCOON collars, sizes '8-11. Aiea id wool coat. fur trimmed, sizè 1 . 4"$eason- able. Winnetka 1531. -59L23-ltp FOR--SALE-HUDSON SEAL DOL- man cape, very. reasonable. In good condition. Phone Wilmette 3580. - 59L23-ltp 61 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OPPORTUNITY OFFERED TOSHARE IN LADIES' APPAREL STORE. UNUSUAL OPENING. ADDRESS B-67, BOX 40, WILMETPrE.' 61LTN22-4tp _LOAýNSON.ÀUTOMOIILES ~NURSE GERMAN AM. 32. YR OLD, 31/gYR. WITH FORMER EMPLOYýER. S5WEDIS}I. 27 YR. QLD. 5 YR. Lt'I REFERENE. NORWEGJAN, 33 YR. OLD. 2 EX- CELLENT LOCAL RFEERENCES. FINNISHCOOKS' FINlISHAM. 31 ýYR. OLiD., 6% YR. SWITH PRESENT EMPLOYER., SWEDISH- AM. 42 YR.. OLD. 4, YR. IN ONE 0F WINNETKA'S BETTER HOMES. OHERMAN AM. A .HIGHLY TB.AINEI) COOK. A YR. LOCAL REF., IRISH AM. 45.YR.. REFERENCE THE VERY BEST. 7 YR. IN hAST PLACE. SECOND MAIDS SWEDISH. 25,YR. %JLD. 3% 11R.t LOCAL RlEF. VERY GOOD.> GERMAN,. 34 YH. OLD. 5 YR. LOCAL. :REF. -1 :. IRISH AM. 28 YR. OLD. VERY NEAT REFINEI) GIRLý 5% Yt.- WITH FORMER EMPLOYER., SWEDISHAM. 32 YJ< OLDý. 2Y. PRESENT EMPLOYER. OTHIER REFERENCE 0F 9 YR., SWEDISH. 27 YR. OLD, A REAL GIRL FOR THE, BETTER HOME.. 4 YR.. LOCAL REF. NURSE MAIDS, GERMAN, 35 YR. OLD. EXCELLENT LOCAL JREF, $O.SPlTA4LEXPERI- ENCE. INFANT UP. SCANDINAVIAN, 25 YR. OLD. GOOD LOCAL REF. CARE 0F ONE TO THREE CHILDREN. EN'GLI$H. 26 YR. OLD. 3 :YR. REÉ- ERENCES. -2 TO 9 YR. OLD CHIL- DREN.. DUTCH. 35 YR. OLD. 7 YR. NORTH SHOR E REF.- WANTS NURSE GOVtIRN£SS POSITION. SPEAKS DUTCH., GERMAN, FRENCH AND ENGLISH. FR~ENCH, 40 YR. OLD. 5 YH. REF- ERENCES. PREFER GOVERNESS WORK. TElEFI'HONE WýILMETTE 2171-WINNETKA -1662 %\'I,: \VIIAT NW I>V IdTS *2Paiîne"s Emp. Agency -t FOURTW ST., WILMETTE. ILL. 68LTN23-ltc YOUNG-WOMAN WOULD LIKE POSI- tion tutoring Dramatic Art, Drawing and Music. Art Instituta and Good- man Theatre training. N. B. C. broad- casting exp. Best rets. Address B472, IBox 40, Wilmette. 68LTN23ltp 1-101H1SCHOOI. GRADUATE WANTS position with children by the day or part time, or office work. Experienced typtst and beginner in shorthand. Rlefs;.ý Wiimette 1253. 68LTN23-ltp EXP. AND RELIABLE WHITE WOM- an is'hes daywork .of anv <ind. 458 g2LTN23-ltp ATEI tICAL M~A- SWEDISH 30 WAN !ASNABE. WEDSI- 30WANS GEN. 3 YR. TH SHORE. iast place. V'RED BRO- REINH-ART'S EMPL. AGZNCY 1. 748'Elm St. Winnetka 3399 42LTN20-4tp LT2-t Elgin nt re ,T23ltp 1 --ý

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