lm' Sheamu-Phome Uni. 3444 EVANSTON'S'PERFEiCT SOUND THEATRE RARGAIN MATINÊEE DAILY opents Ide p.n. Cent IS Mon. t. Sat. to 6: 30 UcEVENINGS'aù d mter.z2:30 oà Suiays Thora, FrLi ct .12-13 CARY GRANT BENITA HUME Bat, Oct. 4-0.. Day only LIONEL ATWELL SHEILA TERRY "THE SPHINX" Su, M..., OCt. 15-16 HELEN HAYES ROBT. MONTGOPýERY ""ANOTIIRLANGUAGE" Tie..Wed.. Oct. 17-18 jwhen "Three-Cornered Moon", is the -~attraction, starring Claudette Colbert, '~Mary Boland, Richard Arien, Wallie NFord, Hardie Aibright, Tom Brown Sand Billy Bakewell. This dandy 4comedy about an impracticai, happy Sfamily, finds- Claudette Colbert: in 4love with would-be author Hardie <Aibright until Dr. Dick Arien moves in andi upsets things., I The, Saturday matin 'ee offers an- I her st:rrnng chapter of ýthe serial,. '1ordon of Ghost Cit y.". Suniday, Monday, and Tuesday, October 15, 16, and 17Il, bring, Ronald IColman in. "The Masqueirader.." Cote- man does superbiy in. the double role of English, gentleman and dissolute cousin, -whose identity he assumes;. it's Coieman's pictuùredespite the finel work of Elissa. Landi and Juliette Compton, *Kay Francis, and Lyle Talbot are Itwo doctors "caught in the toils ,of love -in the drama, "Mary Stevens, M. D,," showing Wednesday and Thjursday, October 18 and 19. GROUCHO LIKES HORSES Whenever he goes horseback rid-1 ing, Groucho Marx, now making1 "Duck Soup'" at Paramount with his brothers, insists upon donning a1 compiete Engiish riding habit and a1 thre-cornered hat. ]EVANSTON-PIIONE TUNI,.8909 Tlhurs, Oct. 12 (Lat d&Y today) Warren Wihliain-JciaaBlondeli «GOODBYE AGAINOP Fri., Sat., Oct. 13-14 MarY BoIaud in "Thre Cornere< Mo<>u" the tunnlest nicture « e ii ear .Gangste rs go nautical ini "Gambling Ship," thriiling draina, featurîng Cary Grant and Benita Hume at the Valencia, theater this Thursday and Friday. Arnong many other rapid- tire excitements, a ganster'feud and- hijacking water-taxis are offered in this action feast. Plenty, of suspense, the kind -that; ail mystery loyers crave, features "The Sphinx,"' Valencia picture Sat- urday, Octobe' r 14.. Headliners of the big name cast are Lioniel At'wiil as. the deaf.-and-idumnb. center Of the. mystery, Theodore Newton as 'the swift-.spoken reporter, Sheila Terry as a societyr editor, .and Paul Hurst and Luis Alberni -in roles.well adaptý- ed to their abilities. .An added attraction at the Saturday matinec. oniy,. wiil be "A Man's Land," ,starrinig Hoot Gibson. "Another Language','will be shown Sunday and Monday, October 15,anp1 16,. for the approvai of > the most dis- criminatin g and penetrating theater- goers, who willI. eartily praise the filmn for its, direct presentation of a homeiy, everyday theme' and for the superb, subtie ebaracter drawing by Helen Hayes. The late Louise Ciosser Hale gives an excellent portrayal as the mother of Robert Montgomery. Tuesday and' Wednesday, October l7 and 18, are reserved for "The Nar- row Corner," Somerset Maugham story of South Seas passions, featur- ing Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., Ralph Beliamy and Patricia Ellis. finest Richard Barthelmess charac- terization of the past few years is coming to the Winnetka Community flouse Friday and Saturday, Octoberý 13 and 14. It is the production, -He- roes for Sale," a story, of war, ro- mance and depression. While telling an entertaining stofy, the picture aiso graphically details a man's struggle through the post.-war period and the present era. l'hé ele- urclay, inclusive - Uctober 15 to 21, at the Wilmette ter. Knowing that nothing could.be more tbriiling, the Wiimette theater bas. also: booked a .preview' showing of, this -mighty attraction for -a midnighit pet- J ormance this Saturday, October 14. Hlailed as a- fitting climax to, a sea- *son of exceptional entertain'nient values started, by' the presentation' of the enormously popular "42nd- Street" a few.months*ago, "Goid -Diggers of _1933" is being.acclaimned by çritics and. -first-audiences* as thé, most vital and spectacular entertainment ever origin- ated in Hollywood. Eight players of stel1lar .rank,'headed by Warren William, Joan Biondeli and> Ruby Keeler, take important parts in this. rroduction. Others include Di ck' Powell, A 1imne M a c Mahon, G uy Kibbee, Ginger Rogers a n Ned Sparks. A new Bu sb y Berkeley chorus of, 200 beauti- achieves start- iing importance Dick Pwe in the present picture in the most gorgeousiy staged- ensembles ever conceived for stage or screen entertainment. A vital and draniatic story of the people. behind the productiont of a great Broadway show, "Gold Diggers of 1933" wouid be a great picture even without the enhancement of the spec- tacular musical show settings. Com- bined with these it is said to present the greatest -amusement value of this or any -other year's production. Song nuffnbers, from the talented, ,tcam of Harrt Warren and, AI flubin, 1 whe wer e responisible for thebhits, in. its predecessor, "42nd Street," will sooli he heard and sung the worid over. 4'Gold Diggers of 1933" was directed ,the age oft ti an old hag. le rote] r Zane Grers wester * ili -thrill with its1 tion and gorgeous jOctober 14. Randolpl JCarey are aanong the ,, 'Sunset Pass," fine cast, fine ac- scenery Saturday, di Scott and Harry' I'~1