Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Oct 1933, p. 38

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Plan at Howard Supplementing last week's story by *Milan May, this article tells more about the work tlis yea'r at the inanual training sbop.' in. Which we are runninË things. differently than we did last'yeçar. XVe have elected three foremen. They are Billy Millard, Dick Hall and George. RedÜing. Billy Millard is to inspect. the benches and take care of the shop. Dick Hall and. George Redding are to take care of the tools în the tool room. Every week three people make re-j ports. The reports given last week were about: the lumber that is cut down and taken to the saw niill; the lumber when it leaves the saw milI, until it- is used in the building of bouses and: furniture;: the. kinds 'of wood used in :building, houses 'and furnifure. We like this idea very înuéh and. hope we continue it.-Gýeorge Red- ding, Howard 7B. Boys Win Prom GirlsI inVerb Contest of 7B, The students from 7B had a vert) contest recently, the boys against the girls. T1he object wvas to try to1 name the verbs in each sentence read. The boys stood on onxe side of the room and the.. girls ou the other. When just abotteverybody had gotten a sentence wroîîg, the fuin began., There were. four boys against two girls, and everybody. else mîssed. Finally the two girls missed, so the boys won.- Bill Davis, How- ard 7B. Girls at Howard Sehool Start,. %Àu GleeCubPractice' The seventb and of Howard school practice Thurscay,, cause most ,of theq are in the club, it few seventh grade, eighth grade. started glee, Octeober 5. leighth grade ,girls club Be- girls ly a Ste New offcers were chüsen for the J SolpAsembly club Tuesday of last Iweek. There were, three norninees for each office. We voted by secret ballot., The children'.elected were 'as follows: p resident, Bud, Drake; vice- president, Bill Holmes; secretary, Jarvis Lingel, and, treasurer, John Miller. The president and secretary must alWays be 'eighth grader s, but the vie-rsident and treasurer m .us t be, svnhgraders. Not a girl was' elected. What a break for, the boys -janet Biclil, Stolp 2B. -Children in Howard SA Stuùdy Thomas Jefferson. In Miss Van Horne.'s room we are. studying about Thomas Jefferson. He was born in. 1743 and. died July '4, 186. He held, the offices of Secre- tary of State, Vice-President of the United States, and -President of the' United States twice. It was he who, formed the Democratic party and was the author. of the Declaration of In- dependence. I hope we will study and read more about these famous statesmen such as Lin.coln, Aýlexan- cler Hamilton and John Adams.-Julia Ellen janicki, Howard SA., Howar d AB-3 Gridders. Expect More Victories So f ar our teain whj_çhl is Howard A13-3 has won one, and lost two ganies of football. XVe have~ plailed good 'teamns, howé%-ver, and expect' to win the mnajority of our garnes. Our linecup follows: Bernard Regan' and Eddie 'Johnson,' ends; Bob Fue.ssle and "ýTaz" Zaremba, tackIles; Ed Benson and James Mellrath, guards; Ken Simons, center; and Don Spechit, Doug Huck, Bill Siefert and.. Bob Cochran, back field..- Bob Cochran, Howard 8B. Game Was, 30. Seconds Too Long for Stoin C-1 In 7B, Miss Madsen's room, we recently elected the 'following new of- ficers: president, Connie Husting; vice-presidenit, John Hale; secretarv, Helen Sparks; treasurer, Bill Millard;- program, chairmen, Tom! Zaremnba and Adelaide. Koenen; art chairmen, L.ouise Giabam and GeorgeRedding; housekeeper, Emley'Mickey; cçlosing Windows, Dick Hall; passing papers, Margaret Best; errands, Jacqueline Willis, and. Billy Bartlett; washing, board s, "Billy DLvis 'and Anna Grace Jorjorian; libraria, e illy Davis;, dis- missal.,chairman, Marjorie -Pearson. We have had two club.ieetings sinci. school started.-,Julia Stachel. How- ard 7B. Howard 8A Class Votes to carryon Newspaper. Theoard vtreceniity e. Acide Hecid vtdren lu the 8Aclas o whether or flot we shiotld carry on the tiewspglaper' that the SA -class started last year., It was decided that wve %vould carry it on. Vien we voted on whether or not we shouldkeep the old'name or decide on a new one., [t w'as decided that, ýve should keep the old namne. 'The pupils elected for. the staff of the paper are : editor-in-7 ch ief , Patricia Fishier Bettv, Todd, Jimi Steen and Rançlolph Mc\ICanidlisti. -jean Robertson, Hwad8A. Stolp D-1. Wins Football Ganie in Last 3 Minut( Howard D-3 played Stolp ,r Tuesday, October 3.' At the pnd the first haîf the score wvas 0 to fin the last haîf Stolp got 'a t .ouc down and',the extra point. Howa then .got. a.touichdçown ,and the ext point. With thi-ee minutes to PI StolIp receiýved. Ou the- first doy Stolp got one more touchidown ai the extra, point.' Howard then r ceived but. the gaune iwas called, lea, ing Stolp D-1 the- victor, 14 to, 7.- Bill Millard, Howard 7B. es 'Fouchdown Sprint- Gives C-2 Victory Hb>ward C-2 snatched a last-mninute. football victory ini a gaine like, a inovie thriller.' Last quarter,' two'minutes to play, C4-ihas. the bail1. First down., e. Th ere goes the shi ft.* Halfback 'lias the bail.' He tosses ýthe balll-hey, whiat's' this:P7 XVIi am, Clouid inter- cepts the pass and gains two -yards. Next- down, Bert Simions takes the bail around righit end and gains twelve yards. First down, ten ;- score: 0 to O C-2 lhas the bail on C-I's ten-yard uine. Dick Hall takes the. ball'around right end again., Look out, Dick! Dick manages to sidestep a tackler and1 - makes the touchdown standing up.. Score: C-2, 7'; C41,0. This victory gives Howard C-2 first place ini the league:-Bill I)rucker. Howard .7B. Pupils Dramnatize Story About King's New, Tog The Howard 8B class is,dramatiz- ing'a differentý version1 of,'"The: Em- peror's New Clothes" than is f ound in most books. This story is about an, emriperor who is verv vain and has a différent. garb for every hour,,of the day- There are mirrors' iu every room so that he can admire himself more. XVe have worked on the first scetie and are starting on the sec- ond. 1 hope we may dramnatize this play at senior 'assembly. - Muriet Janicki, Howard 8B. bGets "illion Dollar"e .rd 'Cat at "Five:ia.ndTen" 'la have a. kitten .at home ýand ber lyna me is !Coco. The color of Koco is orng. got my cat firo the five' e-ad e cent 'store. HowlIgot her: _I %walked in. the girl ai t'he 'coôunter said, "Do you want a cat?"~ "Suire," 1 said and she gave me the, cat. Sometimes Koco crawls into a paper fbag and plays 'by herself ,She, is a of very met -cat. -Mary Loui Joyce, !tg Stolp, 7th grade. te. ____ ____p__ç characters,. Miss Flaskered allowed us Efôw about. SB's getting to' have regular piays with live char- writing a wholé lot o01, actors at the most. Four other girls articles, because this year andj 1 gave the play, "Cinderella." We ing to get more articles ini had five scenes in it.- Mary Mac- LiFE than any other roor alister, Stolp 2B. Hayt, Howard 8B. 1dîtterent kinds of candy solc vrence Boling, Howard Trieri hur Green, Jeanne Moreau, M~ ýe Henderson and Milton' Roli * money we made is for curta ob Matson,,Howard SC. ri vvcuuvlay, vctober 4, 5B.-C p1ayred. poward 5A lu kickball. Girls from r5]3 played witb us because 5C only had eight girls to 5A's fourteen girls. We bave, won every game we played. -Jean.neMoreau, Howard 5C. J

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