Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Oct 1933, p. 34

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a lashin paradie ol unusuita wstïnctïon iconinectiorn. with a bridge tea. "The clothes to be worn. by the charingand attractive. iodels wbQ have been chosen for the occasion will bring to your remembrance the styles prevalent during our irst World's Fair ini 1893, as compareti with those of oui- present A Cenitury of Progress," the, committee foretels. The Hanna shop in Spanish court, and Mrs. Florence MacArthur of Glen- coe are "niaking, elabôrate plans- for tbis benefit and are giving .niany -hours of their time to make this presentation, one long to be reniembereti,". it is an- nounced. Reservations may be made through Mrs. Armand H. Peycke, Kenilot 2574,.and Mrs. E. F. Snytiacker,.Wii- mette 700-R. Pivot bridge will be playetif rom 1-:30 until 3 o'clock with a very attrac- tive prize for each table. Tea will then he serveti andtte f ash- ion parade will begin. Among those, who will motiel are:, Mesdames 'Mar-shall Doty, Ruf us Stolp, Armand Peycke, H. W. Jordian, Vern- on Loucks, Roy Pavlik, Caroline Ells- worth, L. E, Mitten, Myron Gates, Photo by Carlos T'oday Mr. W lalter Pi Bermning- liant, 718 Lauirel avpelnue> is an- Pfflisceg 'the- engagemient of her daugkter, Mary Moud, to Charles ,W. Horth, ,aephew ýof Judge and Mrs. Ralph R. Horth of Grand Island, Neb. Perry L. Smithers, anti the Misses Barbara Anne Crowe, Ruth Jolinson,. The betrothal will be made kn.own Catherine anti Helen Cameron, to about twelve frientis at a lunch-, Gladys White, Ruth Knox, Margueri- eon anti. bridge this afternoon. Misst te Miller, Margaret Klauke, Co Pfing- Berminglian attended the American sten, Prudence Johinson, Jane Peycke, Conservatory of. Music. 1Mi-. Hortb Jane Dement, Elizabeth Alger, Vii-- graduateti fi-on the University of ginia Pi-ussing, Dorelle Mcoulton. Nebraska anti the Law school of the- Shirley Ross, Georgianna Fowler, University of Michigan. The wetiting Catherine Skowiup, Josephine Punt- will take place in january. chart, Dorothy Foley, Frances Ke lley. , Mrs. Burt A. Crowe is chairian of Junior Leaque 18 the style show. Playing 'Pinocchio'p MacDowell Pro gram for Childiren at fair Mrs. Edwai-d MacDowell, wif e of Miss Virginia Hobart of Winnet- ka *has the role of Pinôccbio in the the noteti composer, will give a piano i piograi at a* joint meeting anti tea play hy that name which i being of the North SoeMcoels-gvndrn October1yth Chicago. ciety andi the Evainst,*n MacDowell Junior league in the Chiltiren s society this coming. Sonti.ay afternoon tlieater on the Enchanteti Islanti at in Harris bail on the Noithwestern A Century of Progress. Other menu- Tniversity campus. Otto Barnett of 'bers of the cast, which icicludes a Glencoe is president of the North flumber of other'young\'Jomen froni ------ ------------- -------- - jIanet nyer rairDank. Mi-s. Lulu Jones Downing of Evanston, presi-' dent, assisteti the hostess in receiv-. ing the guests. On. theprogram were three groups of numbers by north shore musicians5 anti composers, anti by onè Cbicago musician well known along ,the'shore. .Norma Bosworth of Winnetka sang a .group of compositions- by Floy Little Bartlett, also of Winnetka, who was at the piano. Two new, piano compositions. were playeti* by ýRuth. Klauber of Chicago, who was their composer, antiIDorothy. Bell 3iggs of Kenilworth playeti the accompani- ment for two of the songs she bas written anti which were presented by Hazel Etien, formerly of tbe,,Chicago Opera company. Kappa Gaimrs to Open Season With'Luncheon The North Shore Alumnae associa- tion of Kappa Kappa Gamnma soror- ity will have its fi-st faîl meeting on Wednestiay, October 18, at the Kappa. bouse ini Evanston. Luncheon will be serveti at 1 o'clock. Hostesses for the afternoon will be Miss Virginia Bixby of Wilmette anti ler commit- tee, Mrs. Robert Jones, Mrs. James Surpless, Miss Margaret Hardiing, Mrs. Christian Schafer, Mrs. George FalIey, Miss Virginia Goss, Mrs. Rob- ert Rogers, anti Miss Dorothy Camp- bell of Wilmette. The officers for this year are Mrs. E. E. Billow, president; Miss Virginia Bixby,.- iist vice-president; Mrs. Richard Howell, second vice-presi-t dent; Mrs. Char-les -Kiiight, recording secretary; Miss Margaret Hardiing, correspontiing secretary; Mrs. Betty a Henry, treasurer; Mrs. Willis Littel, Jr., social cbainman; Mrs. H. 1,. Dal- ton, directory chiairman; Mrs. Wes- ley Bowmfan,, philanthropy chaiman; a Mrs. Richard Evans, membership;. Mrs. Kenneth Wilson, pan-Hellenic '0 representative ; anti Mrs. George FalIey, histori4n. ti Her wedtiying gown was of white satin matie princess style with long, tight lltting lace sleeves. Her veil was attacheti to a heatipiece of seeti pearis from which fell a short face veil. She carried a. shower bouquet of Mies of the vaIley.ý Ail the bride's attendanits. wore grey, velvet gowns, with short' trains _aL. mnatching, bats. and shîippers§. Their bouquets were of American Beauüty roses. Miss Mary jane -Rich of Wil- mette,. maid of honior, was ini eel .grày andi a lighter shade of grey was worn by the oather bridesmaids, Miss Patsy Boylston oôf Wihnette anti Miss, Max- mne Gleason of Highlandt- Park, cou- sins of the bride, and, Miss Betty Ketchamf of Kenilworth anti Mrs. -Af- bert 0. Snite of Deerfielti, the groomf's sister-in-law. The bride's five-year old sister, Emily, who wore a gr.eyvelvet frock anti a grey tulle hat, scattereti white rose petals from a White basket. The b)ride's mother, Mrs. Hollis G. Gleason, wore pansy blue velvet and a bat to match. Mrs. Snite was in d.ark bine velvet. Both .%-ore.orchidi shoulder bouquets.. Mr. ýSnite's groonsmen were Albert O. Snite,, his brother, who was best, man, anti Hollis Gleason, the. britie's brother; Lindsay Beaton of Evanston, andi Hugh Seyfarth and Roger Taylor. of Highlandi Park, ushers. The ceremnony was performeti at 3:30 o'clock at St. Francis Xavier, church in Wilmette by the Rev. B3ernard Brady. The altar was filulet with white chrysaxithemunis andi painis. Following the service Mr-. anti N{rs. Gleason gave a reception anti :ea at Shawnee -Country club which aras decorateti with autumn flowersi, particularly bright coloreti dahlias and chrysanthenums. . The ' britie's table was ail ini white with bowls of vhiteý button chrysanthemhums, taîl white cantiles in silver bîiranti a.large, white wetiting cake. The bride anti britiegroom are noW On a month's motor trip through the east. They wilI first visit Lake Placiti, lien Quebec, Boston, anti New 'York. From the1 the amusing of "Pinocchi hundretis of .&vrs. 'z< Rogers1 ot -was week. Jor Florial Richlter are endi of the oppu of

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