Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Oct 1933, p. 32

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lr ati1L~ate meetig un i veuicaLi 'Missions Around World The October meeting of the Cou- gregational-Christian Woman's Fel- lowvship of Illinois will be beld at the Wilmette Congregational churcb Fr-" dàay of this week, with, the -general themhe of the meeting, " Medical M fis - sions Around the. World." Mrs. W., M. Ful* ler will preside. . Literature an- nouncements will be included on a program. wbicb is announced as: 1l.:00 Opening Hymn-No. 503, (in Pilgrimh Hyrhnal) "Christ for, the W orld,- We Sing." Prayer lRiQ oqi f the day Presentation of the Prograni "l'en Minute Glimnpce.-City, Coun ty, and Natîunai Work." 1. >Irs. William F. Siade, Soutn chu rch, Chicago.. -Appiying Religion to Peri4onal probieme."1 2. Rev. Williamn A. Tate, Argo, Ili.: "The Ministry of Hea.ling in the Community."1 3. Mrs. G. A. Gros, Western Springs, i. -Restoring Faith."1 (Oak Forest and the. work of the. Bev. anad Mrs. George Hopkins. 4. Rev. Edward L. Reiner, Waveland Avenue Congregational echurch. "Social Service in the Cook County Hospitlt.', 5.' Mrs. Fred C. Wlndoes,, Evanston. o (a> Medicai Work at Santee, Neb., (b) "Uplal4s-Tlh. Sanit arlum aýýt Pleasant Hill, l'enn."t 12:16 Devotional Servce-Mrs. S. F. Johnson, Wilmette cburch.b 12:30 Luncheon (Served by the women of Wilmette church).p 1:30 Openlng Hymu, No. 330 C "In Heavenly Love Âbiding."M 1. "Smthn Big"' (A play given by the youg people of Irving Park Immanuel church, Chicago.e 2. S'pecial Music - Solo - Mrs. C. L.0 , 1arling, Wllmette.. 3. Miss Mary Carroll Jones of Wai, India. '% 4. Mr. Wendell Wheeler of E\,anston , fnrmerliy of Ahmednager, Indiâ.) 5. Closlng Hymn and Prayer. NZo. ý620. "At Even When the Sun Was Set."1 Junior, Auxili*ary Hasl Its Opening Tonight P Dinner at 6:45 followed by a. brief d business meeting and then b)ridge is, the program for the first meeting of the Junior auxiliary of the WVoman 's .M rs. on Friday, ber guests to meet Mrs. Charles m Ellyn, who is visil Carpenter of, Kenilwi A udre v Cail, hn Glenni Dii- lard. Git-ti, Chicago msic critic, > rates as "one of, the best of the yonnger enatizve voins é, hose Playing h e ,lauds. cnt/iusiastically,. wiliplay Fridav afteriou of this wveek ut the firi metinig of the fipw arts depatmnent of the Wom- ait's Catholic Cfrb, of Wilinitte fpr this scason in the Womzan's club lounge at 2 o'clock. Miss Cal! bas been heard l'y patrons of the Chicago Symphony orchestra. In -June Of this year Dunn said of ber i the Herald and Examiner, "Her artîstic background is impressive. But still more beautiful is the serene beauty of ber playing now in this moment of dis- couragement. From the beginning bers was, seemingly, a-technically@ flawless art, remankable for its -beauty of tone. Today it is sometbing so fine that if ever Anierica decides to listen to its own antists, Miss Cati' will be famous." On the program with the violinist %vill be Mrs. Michael Morris, talented member of the club and of the fine arts department, herseif a composer and concert pianist, who will flot only play ail the accompaniments, but will give a group of solos as well. Miss Penelope .Hall, vers;atile artist, will complete the programn with ber reading, singing, and dance numbers in costume. Their programn will be: J. A Beautlful Dream Penelope Hall Ii. En Bateau ....... Debuesy at chairman of the con in- chosen to help ber the Ml ;on Cook, Patsy Flentye, M~ ns. quist,- Constance Bersc Brans5on, and Mrs. John vvegat the ivornans Loilege Board booth in the Time and. For- tunie building at A Century of Pro- gress during the months of August, September, and October. The four Mount Hlolyoke hostesses in August were: Miss Martha Quis-' enberry of Evanston, Mirs., Chester D. Masters of: Winnetka, and. Mrs., MUabel,:Ensminger and Miss.Char- lotte Dutton of Chicago- Miss Nan- cy Corbin of Chicago and Miss Lou- ise Visscher of Evanston assisted at the boo0th September 7, and Mrs.-El- wood Hansmann of Glencoe and Mrs. Horace H. Field of Evanston were there September 25.' The bost- esses for the current month will be Miss Dorothy Heinke and Miss Nor- ma McKenzie: of Chicago on October 13,. and Mrs. Kari D. Vittum and Mrs. Stephen Trowbridge of Chicago on- October 31.. Twice, during this, ýthe last month of-A Cenitury of Progress exposition, Lake Erie College alumnae are host-, esses at the Women's Çollege Board booth in the Time-Fortune building. On October 28, Mrs. Hierman Pam- per of Highland Park, Mrs.ý Charles S. Reid of Oak Park, and, Miss Ma- bel Curtis's and Miss Jean Morning- sta 'f Chicago, willtab0e on duty. On Tue sday of this week Mrs. Jose M. Alonso of Evanston, Mrs. Edward P. Farwell of Hubbard Woods, Mrs. Edwin D. Bueli of Glencoe, and Mrs. Sydney T. Flett of River Forest will be at the booth to receive alumnae of the eighteen women's colleges repre- sented on the Women's College board, and those. interested ini obtain- ing information concerning them. Coucher college alumnae represented .their college Monday of this week at Women's College Board booth in the Time-Fortune building at A Century of Progress. Hostesses were Mrs. ,Stephen W. Balderston of Evan.ston, Mrs. E. M. Wallace of Chicago, and Mrs. Frank C. Brown ýof Riverside. Holgoke Club Will Have Table «t Perkins Pro gram The Chicago Mount Holvoke Col- :tee, bas Ms anion 0. of M., Hostes le Lund- Mrs. J. H. Walker, 1535 Lake. ave- the Florence nue, will be hostess next Monday Ma Young. afternoon to naembers of St Francis 1l:3 committee for Vaterworks At the meeting of the Wilmette Garden club, Friday. aftennoon, Octo- ber 6, at the home of Mrs. H. W., îDrucker,' 1125 Mohawk road, Wil-- mette, the' following members re- ceived awards for.their-entnies which, werè judged for artistic arrangement: 1. Flowver arrangement:, Mrs. A. E. Gebert, finst; Mrs. Frank. Scheiden- helm, second; M4rs. Edward Scheiden- belm, third. 2, Fruit and. vegetable arrange- ment: Mrs. A. E.-Gebert,.first; Mrs.. A. E. Gebert, second; Mns., Frank Scheidenhelmn,third. 3. Shrubs, bernies, ~n vine ar- rangement:_ Mrs. J. P. Young, first; Mrs. C. G. Smith,:second; Mrs. Rd- ward Scbeicenbelm, third. The judeing.was by popular vote.. The Club had the pleasure of presenting to Mrs. B. L. Davis of. Fàirways, Deerfield, honorary memn- ber of the club, at whose home in Wi1niette the .garden club was found- ed inJuly, 1922, a painting by ,Mrs. Gordon Wilson, of hollybocks grow- i ng by the doonway. at Fairways., Mrs. Wilson gave the painting and Ahe club had it framed to present to Mrs. Davis. The club bas been in.vited by the village president, C. P.ý Dubbs, to co- operate in landscaping the grounds- about the new waterworks. Mrs. C. P. Berg, president of the club, ap- pointed the following to serve on this committe 'e: Mrs. John F. Weedon, Mrs, C. N. Hurîbut, Mrs. Edward L. Scheidenhelni, Mrs. J. Benton Schaub, and Mrs, Walter Gore Mit- chell. .Mrs. Weedon led a' discussion on, "What to, Do in..the >Garden in October.". October is a good time for planting, bulb and shrubs, trans- 'plaîîting phlox and delphinium, prun- inàg, cutting away dead, wood. Mùch interest centers around these twenty- minute discussions, which are to be a part of each, program of the club dur- ing the year. Sigurd Samuelson who bias been growing dahlias nearly fifteen vears O..rer of iM rthe missions. ýeti.ng of the he first onev d Mis. John Bi ue.' Sewing Who is the rthis e1d at r, 614 gin at 1 .

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