Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Oct 1933, p. 29

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iessor .i a 'uUc»iion ai I iNotweste4 1 university. He bas bad a long record of experience in flic field of education. He hbas been superintendent of schoolg in Fond du Lac, Wis., and for seven years i Elgin,. and bas taught ini vai-. ous. high scbools, throuighout Illinois, i some- of which lie- was principal.. Be-' sides Northwestern he bas taugbt .at Illinois Wesleyan, Universify of Michi- gati, and the Universit y of Chicago. He is' thé author of "Improveýiàent. of Teacher Education,". and of a num- ber of magazine articles.oni teacher edu-. cation, character education, and school administration. *The Illinis States Normal univer- sity is one of the. five largest Normal' colleges in the United' States. and the largest in Illinois. There are between 1,800 and 1,900 students and tbe' f aculty numbers 152. H. A. Brown, the preced- ing president, resigned last June, and. Deanl H. H. Schroeder bas been acting president since that fimie. Rentner Ih Playing for Highland Park '4Pug" Rentner, former AIi-American Wildcat, will offer bis. baffling touch- downl waltz as a mernber.of the High- land Park. Young Men's 'Club feam whenif opposes the Fuka ChicagoPros in onie of a series of cbarity gaines at theý Deerfield- Shields. athletic field this 'next Suinday' affernoon at 2:30 ('dlock. Rentners 65-yard . rn for a touch- downi featured the Highland Park 22-0 victory over the powerful Cicero Boost- ers in a batfle at Deerfield- Shields grid- iron tbis last Sunday. Fans are eagerly waiting f0: see %vhat Rentîxer can do against the Fuka Cihcago Pros, a beefy aggregatiiQi averag'ing 190 pounds. Highland, Park also hassome husky players, including Harold Foremani, Jr.,. 220-pound tackle from Glencoe. Other players, some. of f hem f ormer. AIl- Amfericans, are ra.pidly reach'ng top formn under the expert coaching of Ar-> nold Horween, former Harvard grid mentor and.star, aud.Fred Gilles, his assistant, erstwhile Dartmouth lumin- ary. Nutneda P.retzel, of Glencoe, author of ':'Deaf by Choice.» The rules gov- erning the çontest are as. follows: 1. Entries nmust be ln by January 1, -1934. 2. Play mrust be tyijewrltten on one -side of paper only. 2Napier of author must be ln a. eealed en Velopç, with nom de plume wrltten on, outslde of. envelope and- also on manuscript for reference. 1 4. ManuéeriPt to be sent: toffice of temple, Vernon andLicn avenu-nq, Glencoe. The first regular meeting of the North Shore Congrégation Israel Sis- terhood will take place- Monday, Oc- tober 16, at the- temple. in Glencoë. The meeting will start at 9 o'clock wi h sewing for varjous hospitals. A box. luncheon at noon, and business meeting at 1 o'clock.. Rabbi Charles E. Shulman will de- liver a. lecture on '.'Jewish Mùsic- The Index of, a People'sý History,-" and Benjamin* Landsman, baritàne of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Yale Cooke of Charlotte, ýî. C., formerly of Kenilwortb, left Saturday after visit- ing the Frank Youngs of, 333 cumn- nor, road, Kenilworth.: Before coming, to Keniîworth tbey stopped, to .vis ,it Mfr. and Mrs.. Ralph Gromnann. of Munster, Ind., formerly of Kenil-. ýworf b and Wilmette. Goiàg Out of Bunes Tremendous, diversiiied stock, et ANTIQUES Nýow tbrown on tihe market Sale ends Oct. 28t/à F. H.witt4 919-21 Rush Ste Tel. Whitehall 5780 CHICAGO j ./ -7 Genuine Black Antelope l3eret, 10.00 When phôtographing ChiIdren-Beni eal- ways captures thet fieetfing expression you love so mucl- the. one that best re- flects the character of your cbuld. Why not give your child the benefit of Thecéost is no more I The resuIts, wiII pleose you vey muchi Classes are opeuing also at the anston Country club, WQman's1 Of Evanston, and the Winnetka C munity House. The Martine &choi ,Dancing, est ablisbed ini 1857, is fo be the oldesf ini the Chicago dis' lm gaOmNOUON^VENU& mic leu TeOL 'esaty BB Umm

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