Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Oct 1933, p. 1

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biie KReEuy Uctober 23', Appeal. of Community Chest Sponsors Need for Genérous Contribu- 'ýrden Shore is doing has been graph- Ations. to $15,OOO BudgeDt is ically bnought to the attention o itg Stressedby Workers. spofisons, tnd, it is said, bas spurred 1**thé benefits. of the camp *te other *The Wilffnetfeicrommupify.y Clest boI)ys and. girls who so sorely nleed bard, thrbuigh its prèsidentiM rs. theni. *Lèýlie -Gaies, 'ýrèminds* ,WilxMette cit-. Less thanl a week ago a boy onlY 15- is that: only teni days- rem ain until ;yeairs 01(1 wrôte. these words to bis the opéning of the annual drive'on mother just hefore firi.ng abullet into Otbr23, and adds that it isnoeis heart that ended his young life: 100 early to, make' preparation for*ý generous . contribuitions te the1 fund. inm going where there is ýno home It i »sû«.ýgçtedthatif tis carit iswork. Please do not feel bad.I -nt . already included ini the. famil olnt aebe.a y9 *- budetà redistribution of inc ay should 1)ée made at o nce ini order that "It requires no stretch of imagina- it may be provided for. tion," said an ardent worker in fhe It .is also ag ain brought to t he at- Community Chest drive, "te realize tention of charity supporters that the hacolhvebedn frtt Wilmete Wlfareboar has bee oy at a camp like Arden Shore. It Wi ih t e lin oisreliefa om-is yimpossible. to know, of course, r. m~nirged what forcesIollhneistyRelniironcomn mission, and that the work formerly wh. frcs o hredt geveiromeno done by the local organization wilî or n1entality conspired te iehms bencfort devlv uponthe ookh opeless a view of life, and te blunt hecothdivonof te snte Comi- the desire for knowlegeinherent in sio, eimnatng henecssi~'of. every normal boy.Bu anyone who gathrin fuds ocaly.knows' Arden, Shore can easil3" rec- ognize, that such associat ion as he RecuitWorers *% ould experienice atthat camp would The work of préparation for t ue' give, him 'a different outlook, instill drive is progressing rapidly. The re- intô. his mind a desire -for knoxledge. quired corps of workers is being fast anud culture and refinement, and put 'recrùited from the ranks of those into his heart the courage to face *who are anxious to do their part to- life's problems which he evidently ward the success of a 1iuman service làcked." prog-ram of whiîch the Commun îty Cbest is a part. Old canipaignersand new recruits will, It is ?said, be ready to respon.d to the. caîl to action 'when the opening hours of Octoher 23 ar-i rive.. Taught Good Habits Another bQoy, speaking fromn the depths of a grateful beart, wvrote: 'Before I came t - Arden Shiore 1 be.lieve that- I had neyer trie d doing things regularlv. but here I am prac- $150,OOBudget .(Coîitiîiîeî Oh liPage: 12) Theélbudget for'this year .iS $15,000,'- and every -pnoposed expenditure h as. e e Wri **us l)een ctnt to the lowest possible fig- ifiz L 1Zel viIL1C tire . to,>kIeep Within that limit, say Propo sed Sewer Systemn those i charge, which means that the full ait otnt *must he raised. else' A proposition to enlange the sewer the wôrk of the panticipating' 1ongan- systeni in that part of Wilniette lyinig izations :will be severelv hanxpered south of, Greenileaf avenue and east and the lielping hand that has ren- of Eighth street wiil be discussed at dered 'such manvelous assistance t~t a public meeting tô be held in the suffering wvomen and children. wi îi Village hall. tomornow night, Fniday, have to lie withdnawn: Arden Shore October .13. Tlhe purpose is to de and Infant Welfane ill share eqtiallyý termne if property ouvnens in tliat in the fund, vjhile the Red Cross wvil secion desire to enter,: ipto nego- réceive a lesser amounit, due to thel tiations with the R. F. C. to secure on Alley Ordinance At its adjourned meeting Tues- day niight the'Village board passed an ordinance vacating the allevsý in, Block. one. First Addition- to Kenilworth. 'l'le discussion. beguii at. the meeting of last meek on retaininig an tasement at .the rear of the lots fo<r tilit3v putrposes, was .resunied, some. trustees. insisting upon an easemient - others objecting, opfinion being also divided on the width of easemenit that should be retained, if any. The.ordinance w-as preseted in three forms so that trustees could take their choice, Before a vote c ould be taken the Village at- torney read a letter from Presi-. dent Dubbls,, who -was co nfined at home by illness, expresàinig.his de- sire, that the ordinanice Providing foi~ no ease ment bec passed. Al trustees except 'one favoring an easernent bowed to the wiIe f the president and passed the ordinance hie cesired. Trustee -Ieinzen stood, by lis. guiis and . voted, against. t he ordinancec, thereby' establishing a record for some- thing or other in board polIs. SA resubdÎieiioîî plat was Pre- sented by the owners whicli pro- vided for 50-foot lots instead of the original 25-foot lots. and wgs ;approved,' To Attend Library Convention in City Melinhers of the staff of the \Vil- nièette pul)lic library and ýof the hi- l)raïrv board are planning- to attend theanua cnvntonof thie A meni- can -Library association' at the. Ste- vens, bote], Chicago, next. week, M iss Aine L. Whitmnack, librarian, also expects to attend a pre-conven- tion meeting on adult education Fri- day an(I Saturdav of this week at the University of Chicago. The regulan conventionî sessions stant lVonday.' Tulesday %vilI be board .of trustees'- dav, and it is on that day that mem- bers of the WVilmette librarv board plan to attend. On WN'dinésdav the ' ewberrv~ cùïii -OCT.22 Nineteenth Season of Popultir wilmette, Programs to Bring Famed Personages The 19th season ofthe Wilme tte Sunday Evening club will be inaug- urated Sunday evening, 'Octpber ??,,in the auditorium of the First Congrega- tional church, accordinig to. W. Frank Mclure, president of the club since its, inception. Programis of unusual ýinterest that. are certain to measure up to thé superlative qualify the, Sunday Evening club has maintained through the years, include outstanding lecturers and musical group$. Attractivre Programis On. the list one finds the àanies of such personages:as Edgar. A. -Guest, poet of the fireside; Bronson De Cou.; dream picture -exponent; Ellery Wal.- ters, author of "Around the World on One Leg";, Larry Gould, compatuion of Admirai Byrd on bis- recent Antarc- tic .expedition; Hlendrik -Van Loon, journal ist, historian and famous lec- turer; Thomnas 'Wells, popular radio lecturer, the ýfanions Russian Singers and others. The season- wil l continue through February 25, tefminating just prior to 'the Lenten season. Show HoIy Land Films The inaugural prograin wiIl be given iw George L. Dick, lecturer-photog-. rapher,, \vho will present his motioft pictures with, souind .representing a travel review ýon Egypt, Palestine, Syria awd Greece, depicting scenes of Biblical history 'from Genesis to Revelations. .Sondeqipent will brintot the audience, for the, first time e "wailing, helîs in. the Church of The Nativjty inBethlehemi. the calling of the faithful to> prayer b3, a Mohammedan priest on the Mlount o f Olives, and other fascinat- ing features. Mr. Dick's lecture subject %vili he "The Story of Religion." HoId Tag Day Monday for Children's Leaigue nual campaign. for memnbership will 20, at 2 o'clc t be carried on here this year, um when ni ýpendence for funds being reposed portunity to, clusively in the Community Chest. A program The need for' just such work as sgession. i the scftool ai ns will have t] ýt the new pre follow the bt on- 20. [n response to -an urge op- tion members of the Wiln lent. lage board and heads of del riess, are planning- to 'bc preser least one day.: Peoria.1 Ned. Wieland, 1004 Gret 19 and nue,, Wimette. left Tu invita- Miami ]Beach, FIa., where te Vil- cepted an advertising Pcý rtments the Deauville hotel, whicl for at. the finest hostelries in the will be gone unftil June. -enlcat ave- uesday for he has ac- isition with h is, one of South. lHe

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