the bulletin are seeking an ap- propriate naine for the publication, it is announced. Anyonn having a suggestion as to a name for this weekly bulletin to. scout leaders, is requested to send the naine to Boy Scout beadquarters, Northb Shore Area council, Higbland .Park, Ill, Cont est of Scribe$ Be gins October 15 A conte st for scribes of. al. troops in the North Shore, Area -couneil starts Octobèr 15 and continues until the open- i ng. day, of Camp Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan next summer. Scribes, earning, 1,500 points wvil1 recelive a week at, wbile other scribes making asi'low as 1,000 points will' also be rewarded. Items in the. conitest inëlude: cal-r ing for the weekly bàletin f rom coun- cil beadquarters; reading the iuf arma-. tion to the troop and posting the sheet on the bulletin board; writing -up troop meetings .andactivties and. leving the stories in the scout mail box each week; satisfactory report by the com- missioner regarding the troop's records;, baving the troop re-registration papers in council headquarters early in De- cember and filling out and returning questionnaires* from the council office within ten days.. 11 Introduce E Horn, ner Horn, to ne issueci at ieast once a month, will carry news of Camp Ma- Ka-Jà-Wan, "Paul Bunyan'g winter headquarters." The purpose of the- Dinner. Horn, it is explained, w'il hbe to keep intense and active through.the winter months Stbe inteèrest of aill those who bave been Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan camers. In.tbe past, the pracice bas been to wait until Marcb or April bef are stressing camp news. At least tbree winter meetings are hein- planned for Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan campers. Ihistory. kuis. boast was tel!, smething about plan xor packs, iruups and 5nips. i ne plan beconies effective just at tbe tume council units are starting work to quai- ify for the President Roosevelt award. Leaders are .expressing confidence that most of, the scout units in the council wiil win this bonor.. The stated aim of 'the, new rating plan is to give leaders an accurate check on the progress each unit-pack, troop- and ship-is making. Every unit aehieving progress that is deemed sat- isfactory' will 'receive from, President Roosevelt, through the co(unc'il officers, a streamer ta be attacbed to the unit flag. The new-plani is also designed ta af- ford a well1-organizied programin which the> boy will m3ke steady progress wbie baving' plenty of fun. and realizing he, is being backed by an interested group of men. Sponsors of the new plan state. they, are, Sure ,every scout .and leader wil be more than pleased with the; game as presented in this forni. The active interest of Franklin D. Roosevelt, President of the United. States, and EHono rar'Nationial Presi- dent of the Boy Scouts of Amnerica,. provides a new incentive for boys te do their best, scouti ng experts declare;.- North Shore Plans Big' Representation at Meet Representeci by 101 mnen at last year's sectional meeting of the region, the North Shore Area council will strive to break this attendance record at the sectional nteeting to be held in Mii- Tb& twiýo 'Principal speakers at te Mitlwaukee meeting will be George J. Fisher, M. D., deputy chief Scout ex- ecutive, Boy Scouts of Anierica, and, Dr. Ray 0.. Wyland,1 director of >edu-1 cation, national counicil, Boy Scouts of A-merica.. Tbese, men are. rated as,,;two of the - finest speakers in the scet movement. N. S~ Sea Scout Heads 1andi ap- wherç lie had h he an- tack at the age facts of made his beadq lie could near the Unive .oaf the Ann Arbor. ty7 of 7, ~ile.L heart at-* He had Srecently chigan, at Saik crspe with silk bon- galine coller end enfle in black, red, rust. Sizes 14, 16, 18. il 4o sta!t enaiermm- ^VENU@ gry NF ^- 12 a - x QL-ti Il