Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Oct 1933, p. 14

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REPIJTATION 0F THE DEALER MEANS A GREAT DEAL IN THE PUR- CHASE.,0F A RECONDITIONED, CAR 1933 CHEVROLET DE LUXE ROADSTER Wire whoels, dr-iven'about 500 miles. Rù.mble seat. ýUseci for city driving only. Tan point with leather to match. At a great savig ............. ...... ...... $475.00 1933 FORD TUDOR *DéLuxe model-steel spolce wheels, radioi, spotlight, $575.00 1932 STUDEBAKER LIMOUSINE. D&Lüxe,-Oquipoed, carrying two extra tires in'fender weils, steel spoke wbeels. Beautifully fnished throughout. Bar- gain at .............. ........ ...........I0. 0 1932 LINCOIN TOWN SEDAN *DeLuice .quipmnent - twelve cylinder. Po rfect condition throughomu+. Fully warranted ................. $2,650.00 1931 LINCOLN TOWN SEDAN DeLuxe modo-ýSteel spolce wheels, two carried forward in fonder wtils............ «...... ..... 5. 0 1931 LINCOLPN JUDKINS COUPE Custom Built-DeLuxe model-tires, upholstery and paint like new ...... . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . $ 10 6001 1930 LA SALLE CONVERTIBLE COUPE Pinted a beautiful tan. Upholstered in leather. Fonder wells. side mounts, two horns, and other extras .. .. $675.00 1931 Lincoln 5-Pass. Dietrich Convurt- ible De Luxe, like new.. $1 650.00 1933 Buick Model 97 5-Pass. .Sedan, De Luxe1500 Ford V8 Coupe... ...400 BuickCoupe. 400.00 Lincoln 7 Pass........700.00 Lincoln Town Sedan.. ......725.00ý CadilIàc Coupe ......... .. 100.00 namfes aren't Twidle-de-wee and Twidle-de-winx, you mlust be sure to enter your pet fisb in th~e pet show to be sponsored by the junior auxiliary of the Womnan's Club of Wilmette and to be held on November 18. If tb.ey're gold fish or- black' fish, guppies or Japanese fath-tai1sorjust plain. tadpole, Calil Miss Mario n Cook, chairman of -the entries corn- mittee, Wilmette 196, and enter your pet fish. today. *Not ,only -fish but other pets are eligible for entry. Watch for furtber announcement. Rabbi Shulman to Discuss Hitier,,at Services, Sundayl '*Hitler Faces the World at Gene- va" wvil1, be. the subject of. Rabbi Charles-E. Shulman's address. at the North Shore Congregation Israel services iii .Glencoe Sunday morning, October 15, at il o'clôck. The t.heine will relate to the'opening of -the dis- armament conference. The prograni oftnmusic àt the services will be as fol-t lows:i Adon OIom . .. ..Fisk Borc.. Stark Shenma .....Stark1 NMichomochio .Traditionai Zur Yisroel . Landsman Let the Words . . delsohnr Anthern: "Hear Thou My Prayer", Haiblens Solo: "Woe Unto Theni Who .Forsake If i" (Eijah) Niendél>iolinr Miss LucilIe Long Va'Anachnu........... 1. . ý1....fnd Largo .... . ..... Pellman Elohenu .Stark TWO FIRE CALLS The Wilmette Fire departnient ivas called to the, residence *of the late Charles R. Mack, 707 Central avenue, last Saturday evenin. abut :1 o'clock when leaves burning near the house threatened to set,. ire :to 'thec structure., There was rio damage, however, Fire Chief. Walter Zibble reports.. Last Friday. afte r no-on about 1* o'clock th e firemen made a run to a 1316 Ashland avenue,whe n s1noke wasv seen pouring froni a garage and itC was thought the building was ablaze.a The smoke was caused by automobileP fumes. Mrs. L. H. Ruehi, who'lias been.F spending the summer >at PowersE Lake, Wis., has returnied to the home b ,of her daughter, Mrs. Walter 'Ur.\' Stegman, 2135 Kimbark avenue, Ken- l North Shore Mosquito Ainatement district, have, with the coming of frost. bowed out of the picture for another year. according to A. H. Meier, Ahatenient district superin- tendent. The.lasttrilbe to go wal; the c£ulex piiens, the late s.ummer mosquitô. the' feniale of which ývery ,cleverh, hides out in basements and else. where, where she, is assure-d of pro- tectipni until early spring. when. she sallies'forth to'lay lier eggs toIIpro- duce' a new generation"of pests. While the regular plans of: mos- quito', abatement work, were. aban- doned for the season.late in SePtemn- ber, the district superinýendent -is still' engaged in the work of opening congested 'streams and areas which would prove inviting fields for 'the early spring mOsqUito larvae. This work, it is exrplained. is being dole, by forces of, uneniployedj men, supplied and paid. for by the Fmer- gency Relief association, bt utnder the direction o~f the. abatement super- intendent. Twenty.;five men are now engaged on the project of cleaning out wvil- lows, logs and smali tre.es in the mid- dle fork of the north branci of the river, thr >ough Chipili ridge, Forest Preserve. Work there was started a *short distànce west of Sunset Ridge, road in the vicinitv of the Boy Scout, cabin and will be continued north to Dundee road. if possible, before cold wéather sets in. The river channel is also being deepenied in many places and latteraIs are be.ing dug. Another squad of twenty-five mien 'is engaged in similar work in the. Ciu'rch street woods in Niles Center, just west of Evanston. It is ho.ped t he weather Will permit this work to continue. at least until December l., FAMILY REUNIO.N Thomas A. Fitch of Los Angelei. arrived in Wilmette last -week for à visit witi biis parents, Mr. and Mrs.' Claude E. Fitch' of 1033 'Elmwood. avenue, and to. see A Century of Progress exposition. His two sisters, Miss Elizabeth Fitch, a member of the Armny Medical corps stationed at Fort Riley, Kas., and 1Mrs. Raipli H. Relibock (Lillian Fitch) and her baby son,, Richard Fitch, arrived Wednesday morning for a stay here ind visits to the Fair. 1822 RIDGE AVENUE EVANSTONi ILLINOIS OPEN EVENINGS IUNIv.ruity 043 Wkn.tka 1 l29 ROGers Park 884Z i I Complete Automobile Repafr Service CMlisnMoo 72S Main st. Wilçtt. Zif Fard Parts and Service 1930 1929 1-- 1 7 : 1

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