Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Oct 1933, p. 11

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- ace;. Bridges, left guard; l4aymon- New T rier H-igh. school's football %,le enr.'1 team was outweighed and otfttplayed BIrne ;rint hitke; c, rigt gend; .in its battie wilh Proviso Township NMacKinloti, quarterback; Dahi, let '-ihschool.of MàyWood last Satur- hialfb-ack; Kiiight, right halfback, day. and t.he west suburban schooi n -aluit ulak vo,24 toO0. Ir was the first Suburba and alqifubck league game of the season, for botli teams-,, and was plaved at Ma,'wood.r. B rh ruce The - New Trier team wilI, play -on . .Taken by Death Oct. 6 the home gridiroàn-Saturday,-of this, Ms etaDukr ieo VI week, with.LaGrqnge W& its oppoileflt. liaiji Drucker, 240 Linden avenue, IaGrange bas, à-20, i6 0 vitory- over died Friday night, October 6, at the Hinsdalc and a ý, to"-6 win over Riv- 'Presbyterian hospital in 'Chicago.' erside to. its .credit. Riverside los t to- Mrs. Drùcker, Who was 73 year s ol d, Proviso 19 to 0. Further evidence.that had »been iii for several mronths. LaGrange will be a tougb. oppontent Born at Montabaur, Germany in for, New Trier is- the. fact -that La- the, Rhine valley, Mrs. Drucker camne Grange, held:the powerful Oak Park to this country in. 1890. She and Mr.. team to a two-touchdown. victory. Drucker we e married on August 24 atid- ont of these touchdowns ivas. of that..year. For fiveyears. thev livéeè, scorcd on a blocked. punt. No team :at Scribner, Nebr., where Mr. Druck- lias Écorcd against Oak Park tlîis sea- er conducted a general merchandise son. I)eerfield fell victim to- the Oak business. Retaining his interest in the Park team, 2 6 to 0, last S aturday.ý Scribner store, Mr. Drucker opetied another store at Beemer, Nýebr.," i Tosagh OpVponent 11895, nîoving to Beemner in tha t year The superiority of Proviso overi Xev. Trier ,vas proved niot only by .adlvngteeuni 99 î Mr. and Mrs. Drucker irst camue the score but by a coniparison o0f the to Wimteii 99,rniga os first do%%nts. ,Proviso made thirteen on Washington ayýentue. Thiey lived adNew Trie:' oinly two. hlerc about seven months. 1-then after In thefirst quarter iieitlier teati, spending a year and a haif lu Europe ,,cQred, but thie New. Trier boys,, and a year and a haalf ini Chicago af- ptinted, out of danger several times. ter their returru to- this country, thev Proviso. drew, first blood in t'he sec-1 built their 'home at 240 Linden ave-j ,ndquartr ciga ftér. threest- nue in 192j and' lived thiere con tin .essful 15-yard as. Again in the:j uousIY since then. seodquarter the west suburbanl Beslides lier litisl)and, Mrs. . Druck- teamn pushied ovier a tdùçchdôýý,n, this'er is survived by a brother and a . time on straighit football. The saine grand niece in G(erinam, and by four thiing .hàppened again ln the thr1 rncilraBlyJn;Bbyand quarter. and lin the final quarter Pro- j Margaret Drucker, chiidren of the viso counted its fourth touch.down late Hery W\. Drucker, who was aftr a puit y taney nigt, Ikilled inuna automtobile accident two Trier-right halfback, was bloçked (.)nears Dukagos ieie o h his -team's five-yard helMsirukrnza mme oh Saltbrener SarsColuuîbi.a Dam en club, a Germai or- T o of thbe four SP rvso, ou n-ni a i n luChicago, S hie lad maaî%' rwo of th, furProisi tàich jfriends in Wîlmiette ..aii'i thie, Ne- (lOWnls weëre scored by Saltzbreuner, 1braska towns where she haçd lived. Thle. funieral services wvere Il l Tuberculosis Institute Lna trnoîtSct'fuea Nurse 'Sponsors Prog ram- Greeaavn. Miss Attha A. Lyman, Chicago Tu- N1r.s. 1fi. 1. $nydacker, 134() Clest- berculosis institute nurse at the Jo- miut avue, returned last '*Thuarsdav i seph Sears school in Kenilworth, is froin a miotor trip .tlrough Seotia nd, arrangilig a prograru to be .lroadcast landiminçr Ne%%VYork oncmfthe Amrir-, THOMAS DECORATING CO. Painting and Decorating 1033 MAIN STREET W41mette 2378 Entrane Dates -Oetober 16-2.140 Chicago's Ont~ataudiag Sbhool 26 Tears la Same Ideal Lotation Envirouenet Uusurpassed 116 S.. Michigan Sivu, Chicago. Depf.- S Lakeview Bidg. Opposite. Art Iusilfu WIAM F. R"T#, Pr. RUTH WAng L ATr, h esters and of St. Joseph's society. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Mary SeIzer Laubach, and seven children, MIrs. John Borre of Evanston, Mfrs John Schaefer of H'ighwood, Mathias Laubach of Wilmette, William Lau- bach of, Wilmette, Mrs. Peter Leden-. -bach of Evanston, joseph Laubach of Wilmette and Mrs. Herbert Bce of Hiurley, Xis. Mr. and Mrs. Russeli 'Y. Coo ,ke, former Kenilworth resideuts, have been spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Young, .133 Cumnor road, .Kenilworth. Mr. and Mrs. iClarke now li've in Charlot te, N, C. Mr. and Mrs,. Bruce Parsons, 31 Cumnor road, Kenilworth, are leav-' iing Friday to spenda few davs i1n I)aveuport, Iowa. open$ a hew seoson in Beliroon, Classes for boys and girls at the Kenilworth Club Thursd&Yf ,Ocfober 12th ai 4:15 P. M. and Winnetka Community House, Tuesday. October i 7th ai 4:15 P. M. Aes.thetic classes Saturdays, OP*n- ing Octobor 2Isi ais.10:30 A. M. ai t'he Community Hous. Calu:KENILWORtH 4757 for fur- fher ifrmton uiingreaily rduced for this season to $15.. e- DUT CH MILL SPEC IALS FR1., SAT., SUN. MON., TUES., WED. A delightful spocial package A cb.wy French chocolat. nui continig adelicious assort- nougat with a delicious coat- ment of cndy. ing* 90c adi10oLb.4OC DUTCH MILL CANDIES 1187 WILMETTE AVENUE Janet Schûr Shop,-in.ý 1603-05 CHICAGO AVE., EVANSTON (North Shore Motel Btdg.) NEW FÉROCKS and COWNSý Daily arrivals of frocks and gowns offer a varied eeIection -for sl'reet, affernoon and

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