Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Oct 1933, p. 9

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vu a seciai speakr for 'Chiristian citl- zeiBhil,.'- The Womian's. Foreign' Mssionary societyr ineets this atternoon, Thursday, October 12, 'at 2 o..clock. This i4s.'Dues Payingl, day. Devotlons., Mrs..-L. W. Jones. Mrs. IC. P DeKalb wilI sing,. and Mirs. P. Gieseke' wiil give lier. Impre- sions of Japan. * Choir rebearsýai: Â1. beheld this eve- ning. Thursdayý. at S*> o'c lock .under the - direction of Miss.Marie Briel; Alilmem- * brs r urged to be Presefit. New volces Will be welcomed., There wil be Red -Cross sewing at the, church each Tuesday niorning at 9.:30 . A runimage sale will be sponsored by. thie.Woman's Aid society October 19 and 20., Those having articles to dispose of are asked to save theni for this purpose. -Mrs. C. B. Burgess,Wimte 4051, is the chairmian. The annual 1-LarvestHome dininer wili bie héld. Frlday evéning, Otober '27. Reservations should lié made with one of the. following: .Mrs. A. G. Acker- fil.tnnn Wiliette 3iý. Mrs. C'liftôrd1 Ives., Wilmnette 3304, or Mrs. Williami C. Rein hold, Wilmritte 646. "The King of Kings." the sound pic- * ture. will be sponsored by the leagues tonWiht. Thursday. Otober 12, et 8, o'clock in the a8remiblv hall. -Al mem- bers and friends are urged to attend. A silver offerlng will be takien. The church school meets every Sun- *day morning at 9 :30 o'clock. There are - classes for al atgFe. froi t he Nursery tor the Adiilt departmnent. The followlng scout troops for* boys * and girls mneet in ibis church: * Girl Scout Troop 1 (htgh sebool and college girls)-Thur.,days nt 7 :15 p. ni. Girlr Scout Troop 2-Thursdays at 3 :45 p. in. Girl Scout Troop 4-Tuesdays ai 3:.45 p. m. * ~Brownleq (girls 7 to )-Wdedy et3:j P. M. Boy Scout Troop 3-Thursdays at * 7:30 P. nm. Cub.,-TburrdaI5ss at3:30 1p. m. English Lutheran Greenleaf avenue at Seventh street, Wflmette. UA House of Worship" Rev. D)avid R. Kabele, pastor. -wluch crashed in *flames near Gary, m1id., and which at the time was car- ryt ng six other people. Mr. Tarrant *was a graduate of New Trier* Higli school and had at- tended.Carletqn college ini Nôrthfield, Minn.: *He received bis flying train-' inig at :Curtiss field. .He was boruii i .West*on Super Mare, Englandý, and came, to America with, bis parents when -be was 12 years old. After residinig in. Chicago for seîveral years the. family moved 'to innetka, wherie Mr. Tarrant had resided foe [ten years. 2 fti On July 2 f hsyear Mr. Tar- ratit's marriage to.Miss Bessie Ol1sen fof Eývanston. took pla ce, .and since titat tirne he had beeti resÏditig withÉi bride in, Oak Park. He had beenl with the UnitedAir Lines for several years and previous to that. time was with National Air Transport.. He was a ni ember of A, IL. P., A. and olý .Quiet Birdnxen.. .' ý 1. 1 l * OI. PAPE1R DELIVERY A request from the Evanston News-Index was presented to the Village board Tuesday night, seek- ing permission to deliver sample copies of that *paper to Wilmette homes for a three-day period. Iii a burst of generosity the board voted to grant the permission-provided the paper secure a Village, license at the. regular rate of $5 per day. to thei turnes. SON BORN TO r4ELSONS A son, Jack Peter,.,was borni to Mr. and. Mrs. Harold Nelson of 815 Eltnwood, avenue, on Saturday,, Sep- tember 30, at the Evanston hospital Jack is the.Nelson's 'second son. Mrs. Nelson, the former Virginia Heut- man of Wilmnette, is the daughiter, of Mr. and 'MMs Fred. P. Heitx:naa. 212 Greenleaf avenue. BEST MAN Edward Syller of. Wilmette. served. as best mani ai the marriage Tuesday afternioon. October. 3, of Miss'Frances Blanche Dean and Bartbel H.- Zebren, both of Evan"ston. The Daniiel R., Brower 'farnily, fornierly of 120 Fifth street, have moved ýto Texas. jeweIei' Expert Repairini Watéw«, dock., jewelry, milve- ware, optical, bocds restrn. 1166 WIUIRTTH AVBNUE WILMBTTE 1.06 MA BROWN SWÈEtPICKLES MA BROWN DILL PICKLES RIPE OLIVES MANOR H OUSE ý COFFEE" 3 lba I GRAPEFRUIT ORANGES Swoct, Juicy, a Frt o*r VOgtabb, Troubles NowU e 1 F EW womnea realize t hec damage that sum*ncr auna and winds have' wrouüght on their akin and scalp. It May. flot Ib. mapparnt M~ATMAR~ETCo* 114S WILMETTE AVE. WIL METTE 2814 AND 731 in WINSURG'S Drug'Store 417 LindenAvenue, PLACE YOUR ORDERS FR1. FOR EARLY S .AT. DELIVEXY

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