ice~s tne.yN the ciubhoi at a. m. A~ have breakfa Mrs. A. F. Biser, bMiss Janet Hiall Mrs. 1. K. Stover have Joineti ou of church achool teaclhers. Bishop's -pence cans have been mîailed to ail familles in the parish. If iny haVe been omittedi or If more cans a re needed Iin any faînily. please notify the rector. If canq'are full befoire the regu- -lar date for. caliing. piease phone thé rector., The full can wlll be collecteti antia. new one issueti. The rummaâge sale helti at. the parish« house last week untier the chairînanship of Mirs. A. F. Biser 'vas 'ianusuaIIy suic- ceseful. The 'voren 0f the Guild tire re-de4- rating the parlsh house interlor andi greatly Improvlng It. -th i iemiorizig. of a large .n uv-rea.t Bilekpassages ;*fin r ini tory' of the churc.h. andth i and i \ork In a Lutheran ilynmu sngIng -and the r andi the greatest hymns of ail ;ta part of the course. wl freely to al. boys andi girl; .ofTý wowsh to T'he annua issonSunday m-111 be Ob>served ' at our church oný Sunday, October 22'.ý There 'viiibe services at :1, I 'elock anti at 7:45: p. ni. The 11ev. J. H. Gockél and, Pastor Ileriiant- W. lMeyetr viii preaeh the forenloon .ter- ninfi, and Pastor Paul E. Meyer wil deliver the sermion in the evenIng serv- ice. Tihe speelal offering toý be taken *ùp at ail the services 1.1 to be devotedtg)ti missions,,home anti foreign. On Thurqdayv anti Fritiay vveulngs, October 26 anti 27. the St. John's Pi.y- ers, t he dr atinati eclub- within.,the' church. lm givIn'r a pla:y entitieti "Attor- ney foi' the Dfne"Tiîis,%vil be thie Tornrrow(FrdayOctoer 3> tt' irsi a iamalte productiuon or the' organu- zation fFridor tht easn nithe' fine repu- women of the Guild iti ii open their mea- tto ofthis tiranatie club byasedi on sont with a musicale anti tea In the Pa- nprf>rnceî'ês, shoujitbrine out ;i ish bouse (next door toý the pt'stoiclare tenani fromn 2 to 4 o'clock. Mrs. F. ýW. rt'.lag ateîal mnann Is ln charge of. the niuslcaie, whih lilbegiveti by-the chorus of th--à .Kenlworth Union North Shore MuA cians' club. -Al nem- bers of the Guilit anti 'oînen of the %Warwluk rmat anti Kenllworth aveilue church are inviteti anti are alloweti to Dr. HIeibeit L. Wiliett, mîniîster. bring friends. Newly arrliveti chur'th - .people 'viii be especially.- welcome. 'O)n 1.riday, October 20~ the East circle of. the Guild wil give a dà (essert bridge at i1:30 o'clock ut the homie of Mrs. Pvr-- ry Snithers, 711 L-ake avenue. Reserva-, tions shoulti be madie by phoning Mfrts Sniither.4 (Wilmette 19). Beglnning Montiay, October 16,' andi continuing for five .succeslve '%oidays -ail Episcopal c hurch sciiool in worth shore ciîrch. schôols are Inviteti to -attend- the -North ShreSummer sèhool at the parlsh hov,ýe of Christ gehurch, Wlnnetka., The ýý sessions wili bogin each evening with services anti. -adtiresses at 5 :45 o'ciock, foiiowed by supper at. 6 :30 anti courses o f Instruc-, tion ut 7:15 anti 8:10. Full progranis have been rnaileti to ail church srhool teachers. The rector urges; a large attendance froîn St. Augustine's, as â1il gif the courses ivili ýbe -nîost hieiptul. St. Jokn-'s Lat/eran Hlernian W'. MeYer, M. A., pastor 1 406 Prairie avenue. Telephonie 1396 ('hurch. telephone 5379 là the absence -of Dr illett who i attending the national 0ent Ion of tue' Disciples of. Christ,- In Pittsburgh.l'a., Prof. C. RtUSÉeil Ainal of New Trier. High school 'viii occupy the pulpit. IliS subject will be "*Serýmon-s lu Stones.'. The Wedrie.stay evening iieeting forý Bible study anti conference 'vîli-be ieliti Wecinesday evening, October 18, at',[ o'ciock at Dr. 'Wiliett's residence' 3D9 Richmnondi roati Ail are inýlted. The~ subjet 'viii be -Paul in Asia %Iinorý." The .Womieîu'îs guilt i wÏ» ueet .in day niornitig, October 16. The hours ut nwîeting are froîn' 10 to 4- o'clock. Tht'e ladies are asked to coine lu foi' as, much bimes as they can-- spare. The invitationî is not only to niembsers of the guilit anti congregation, b)ut tu' any flu the -vl- lage who may be Interestet ini thi.s fine work of phiianthropy.. The Sunday sehool wiii meet at 9:4 a. nM. Ail chiltiren betwëen the atgek; f tliree anti the high school are cordialiy iiîvited.- Baptist Church Wiimette anti Forest aven'ues, †t, 4Ltt, xtea oi- invat.ini ttcouI- sider- thip3 your church home.. The Young People's society mileets a.$ tkîsUatl at 6 p. ni. SUndý,y, With the Stew- ardship comrnittee, Lee Biaylo<k. chairi- man. lit charge of program. Pirst Côn gregational, JohinG. .Hlndie, ni inisteir The ininls4ter's ser*ro.r theme for the Io'cloci< worship. servi(e next S unday 'viii be -"The Things That. Cannot Be Shkn"The musie M-i4i be: Prelude-: ,Pretudè', . . . .d orelli. Ainthein : "Gôd 1Tàa.Spirit". .Bennett Offrtory: "lSta ined Glass Windpw.e" froni Catiiedrai ,PicturesMle QUartt "The 15Oth Psaim' Frat' .....Cesar Fac Postiude: "Allegro', fribm Fourth Concerto . . Handel Ail chiltiren are wvelcome' in our, Chu.rch $chool which- nicets; accordinz to te following -schedule: Prlmary, Junior, Inteneite. andtI Hhrh Sc'hooi tiepa't- Iment t- 3 a. ni,. The Beginners' de- ptment eets at 10:45 'cick ani ca-rex for ehiltiren 3. 4 and 5 year.,-<if aIgt. 4tlrinýg the aduît wébrshil) serv-iq'e Tht' Neighborhooc1 iree ,iiihae t tirst lile'etinig of the Yeair next Tuesday at the iihome 0f NMrs. Ewr .Shii enheltn, .704 Làke avenue. Mrs. C. N. Rtoberts. Mrýý; F. .J NeeyandiMr Klytling 'viii be the :hisi o ust- 'The Wekeacaf.iila ('anjiu lire 4. 1irl.- lielt their tii-st iut-ing oif the Year iast sun- d1ay aftternoon 1in the chr< jaror Msi4, Katherine Shank antiMs Julia Carroll 'vili have Charge of the gron p this yea r. iThe meetings 'viii be heiti at 3ý:30 p: u n. .'eySuntiay in tht. church. The' Senior Camip Pire group 'viii con- tinuetie b ee.t un FrtiLay evenings at -7 :306li- the homnes if- the nuenîbrs. Mi-ss hlol e Carýroli is the leader of thîs gî'oup. Boy Sco(-ut -Troop No. 2 uneei-ts TueýS- dayv evening at 7 :30 under the di rection of Haroiti Spinney. Trooýp No,.1i will meet hereafter on MWeduîes,-dav insteai of Thursday evening, Art Peýarson, N scoutrnaster. The Girls'. choir %viil rehearse Tlîurs-, dlay .afternoon rit -31:30 .'knd Saturdiy- mornlng at 10 :30.ý The Boys,' choir re- hearses, at 4 on Thursday anti Il on Saturday. 'The »Senior choirrhase Thursday at, 7:15 p. in. The ..flrst of :our monthly Feliowship dinners wil . be serveti Thurs'day, Octo-. The Adu, joi it in of jesis, o'clck. Bible class invite s yo study of the priné by the Pastor, at- The Christian Èndeavor s'ocety wil meet at 5:30 o'ciock. The discuioi(n the hligh -school gro.up 'viii be. on the subject, '*The Meaning of- a.('Qf'eCrateëd Jife." %jary Alice HàYes will be 'the leader. Dick Torrey 'viii be-host with refreshrnefits. Ail the Youi.rig People are invited to corne. The Presbyterian Coliege <of Christin Education '*fil celebrate the twenty-tifth anniversary of its founding on Sunday afternoon at '4 o'clock 'at the Second Presbyterian church' of Chicago, Mlch-. igan boulevard and 20th street. A re- ception wiill folIow. Bo0Y Scout Tr oop No. e) wlli meet, at the church, Monday evening at 7 :30 There 'viii be a GtTogte upr for the Wilmette Felioue-hiP of OGrowing Christian Leaders on Tuesday evenlng a t 6 :30 o'clock. Dr. KnappQf the In- ternational Council of Religl1ous Edua- cation will be the sbeakier. Ail Sunday echool andi Young Peopie: s leadersan workers are Inviteti to be pre;sent.« Our Prayer meeting wil.l be heltion Wednesalay .8 o'eiork. We 'viii wýe as a basis for our devotions and%. discuýssion the ýc3xty-third' Psàim, caii.ed by some -.The most: beautiful, P-sa li linthePate. W iveyo t(> join lus. Thte choir Wviii rehearse Friday eve- niîîg at 7 'c]ôck. Froni Novernbeir 5 ho 7there 'viii be.> ai greatt.Foreign bMîs'sionatry conferenýe in Chicago, under intet'denominationaî a uspices. The o)Ut.5t.-inrg meeting 'viii be heiti Sunday afterno-on, Novemnber 5, in the Chicago Stadjuni at 3:30.- o'clock, at w.hlch the speaker 'viii be Dr. E. Stanley Jones, -noted isiionary anti writer of religious b6okis. H e is the author of "The Christ of TheIntian RZoad" "The Christ o <f The Round Tablé," "'The C'h-idt of Every Roati," anithe rnçist recent, one, "Christ. anti 1Human Suferlng." Admission is freu, by ticket, 'vhich may be obtaineti from any of the pastors- of the Wilmette Methodist Church 11ev. Oscar Thos. Oison, D. D.,, mlni.stte- The . m1ister's sermon. theme for the' Il .o'ciock worship service next Sunday. momning 'viii be "A Future anti a p. -The music for next Sundynonn s a~foliows -naym.nn - f["Ave Matria"-.. Boss i Organ Prelutieï , By the Wa ters of The classes for the Christi tion ' of ohiidren were begun - 1uesday afternoon, October 10 Ire given every Tuesday afteri a ~nd Saturday mornings at 9:' cla#ses are so ari-anged In the satter as Io lead the chld graded eus of Bible ýand1 ne o"ner Te uoara. or it eacons liae organizeti 'vile wil mnake the tres anti strain- The Friendly Indian Cubs meet at the. rist. with J. D. Dingle as chairman, . W. M. of the week a- bit easier to bear. church every Thurstiay aftern9on at 4. Burns as vie-chalrrnan, anti George .- o'clock. Ail bbys of 9, 10, or IlrYears of- a-,educa- Green as secretarY. To proînote the wel-- The musical program for the service age, nôt enroileti ln a Cub pack, are cor- tgain on fate:.of the church, a menbershlp com- 'viii bc as follows: prelutie, 'Serenade" diaily invlted to corne. Dlck Hickman andi wili mittebas been constitilteti. Tfis iln- Schubert; trombone solo by Dudley la the Friendiy Indilan chief of the pack. )on at 4, cludes W. C. Matthews, J. D. Dingie, Venekasen; anthem, "MY P'aith Looks These Ms. G.- B. William c, anti Miss M. G. Up To Thee," Schnecker, the choir; Thre Hligh Sehool league wiil give -.î subject Allison. The Cornmlttee on Ordinanceà anthem, "But- Th1e Lord Is Mindful 0f musicali and.dramatlc tea, ut the Church ýrough a ls Alfredi Heereurs, George Gr'een -andi His. Own," Mendelssohn, the choir; Assemfbiy. hall on IPrld ay evening, atechismn Miss M. G. Ailison. Thre prayer iheting, postlUde, "Marche Pittoresqueio, reeNvme ,a 'i~,peet aie,