Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Sep 1933, p. 14

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rresïdernt izna iDean jBaker andi a choice of one of several couirses may be made which, with observation ini the Children's School, will afford twvo units of credit. Dr. Louise Farwell of the psychol- ogy department.,ail(dMrs.. Nelie Bail Whitaker of the Children'gsçshoo'.: 'staff have retU.rned from toilrs of the British Isles. before' ,'WA uj October 1, and present figures 1984 KNNOUNCEMENT A .cofpletely -new and diUerent Nash Is to be, shown net week by the Evanston Nash Co., 193~4nods.Av iol Phone 9Winnetka 650ý Free inspection and esti mate oý171 'Ils gladly g iven upon reqtaut Il: Sheridan road at' the south' limits of ICenilworth. Thé tract was willed to the Village of Kenilworth about two years ago by the late Mary Mahoney, last of the pioneer Mahoney family. 1Througb an. arrangement_ whicb the Village, board bas made. With the Emer*gencN, Relief commission, labor to- be used on public projects. is being furnished to 'Kenilworth 'free by, the relief organýizationi, the men being paid by the 'relief commission in lieu of charity. It was some of. these men who bave just completed tearing down tbé: old Maboney, Wome. 0.Commktee Mahe Plans The site wbere the bouse stood is to be- developed as à natural, pair k as rapidly, as funds and materials. areý made available., A special Kenilwortb Civic Plans, committee, compo secl of representatives of tbe two garden, clubs,: torical Society and the joseph Sears scboolba engaged jens Jensen, noted landscape architect and a leading adý vocate of tree and wild flower con- servation, to draw 'the plans for the park. In addition to clearing the Maboney tract, laborers furnisbed by tbe relief commission bave been busy witb other public projects in I<enilwortb. Tbev recently completed the renioval of weeds and grading of the site for tbe pro- nosed new Kenilwortb Village bail and firée station west of the Nortb Western railway tracks at Green Bay road andi Kenilwortb avenue. Free labor furnisbed by tbe relief t 1 USHER ATr N. U. GM IAlarge number of Boy, Scouts frorn Kenilwortb will be among those ushering at. the Nortb western -Iowa football gaine at Soldiers' field Sat- urday and at other Nortbwesterti football, gaines, this ýfàîl, Robert W., iTownley,.director of physical educa-, tion at the Josepb Sears colsi this we.ek. Boys are chosen, for the ushering jobs on the basis of their interest in football andi their ranik ini Scout ing.11 New Air Service for Suburban Residents Northwest- Airways, whicb flys mail,- passengers and express between Cbicago, Milwaukee, Madison and'tbe Twin! Cities. is offering better pas- senger service to north shore and portbwest -subu'rb residents. Since September 20 tbeir eastbound plane. leaving the Twin Cîties at.13 : :15-pi. m. bas been.making a new stop at Cur- tiss-ýReynolds airport. This airport is located ai Glenview, and is only ae few miles froin north and northwest suburbs. A savingsof at -least two hours will be made for residents of Lake ýForest, Highland Park, Glencoe, Wilmette, Winnetka, Evanston, Niles' Center, Park Ridge. DesPlaiies and nort 'h side - residients of Chicago on their return trip from tbéýTwin Cities. Formnerly these resi- dents had to de-plane at the Mun- icipal airport, 63rd and Cicero avelnue. several hourg away from tbe north 'shore towns. ,This new service. wîll be in effect for a period of tbirty days. Wbether or, fot it is continued depends upon whether it réceives the support.wbich, requests for, the, service indicated. 'nfant Welfare Wii Give HaIlo-we'en Party Tbe Kenilwortb center of the Clii- cago Infant WN1elfare society will give a T{allowe'en partv on Satuirday, Oc- tober 28,. wbich %vill hé its autuni'n benefit. The 'location of the parti' has not v'et been detetied but at the first faîl business meeting held Ist %veek plans %vere. layed to niake lie affair a miost enjioyablle" and e.nter- .ining- one. Mrs. Edmund- Burke, of ýVilmette. social chirma, is in . large of all the working committees.. Three ieW. officers. were elected at he meeting---Miss - Ruth Gris%'vold 'of tvanston. recording. secretary; MËr_ ol)rt Osgood of' Kenilworth aind [nrs. Abbott Brown of Evanston ' birmen of thîe memh.ership coin- b(t h- ýh ti Cli t'h cli Ine1 rJ mibl tAI) 1625 Hiaman Avenue: q few paces north of Davis Street * -931 Greenwood avenue. 0o- - Allen M. Rosarnan, jr;, 1130 Chest- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Geither, 1601 nut avenue, who left last week for 'Tenth Street, entertained sixteen Grinnell college, has' been élected guests at a picnic supper Saturday at president of the,- Fresbman class the Izaak Walton cabin. HOME.EQuipMENT 0Co. successors to V.JA. SMJ[TH CO. 900 Linden Avenue, Hubbard Woods Electrol Oul Burners Domestie Water Heaters Air- Conditionjng Uiiits I

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