Mi ivaSS=litubb ai trile i,..o3.,iu ttAUpl for the musical comredy, "The Land ,of the Honieymioon," whicb will bc presented there Friday and Saturday niiglits of this iveck under the anîs- l)ices of Bethel 44 of Job's Daugh- ters.. A carefully selected cast of principals and a, chorus- of forty girls and boys' have, been, liard at wvork daily'. foi-ý the .past .two weeks in an effort. to pro(Iuce' an errtertainmient, above the average. Special scenery, costumes, and lighting effects wvill be On1e ýof the features, of "Laiil of the Hoievnoon," wvhicIi is a Frederick 'B. Ingrain production %%ith 'Robert A, Burns in charge of direction. Musical Roýmnce -lic L~and of ýthe Honcynioon"i described as a musical romance in two acts witb. an interesting plot pro- viding lauffhs, singing andl dancing. h .is a story of Jasper l3udd, layed by Clarke F. Mair, wh'o iinierits a factor%-froni bis uncle. 'Jas.per is .giîlg a garden party at his home wbeni he receives the ncwis that l ie is bis unicle"s heir. At the. party is Ms. Harvey B3rown, wvho .is verv jealouts of lier husband and coniseqiéntl.% inakes h1,is life miserable. 'l'lie roles of Mîr, .and Mrs. Harvey Brown are plaved l)V A. M. Long and lEvanigie lIc M organi. Terry Tucker, an insuirairce salesmant, :taken -1)% Arthur Katzel, arrives .iust before Mýiss Ma-: thilda I)oolittle and lier ni ece Niary, tinitivited giuests, alýIpear on, the ,Celle. -Miss IJoolittle is plaved by *itilia \Vild and Mary, one of the lea(liIg jiivenile lea'ds, is takeni by * Mildred Ntulleii. Jessie RZobinson()1, as Mistv the îxîaid, supplies a coinedyI rohŽ. M iss Robinison hias earned lauirels for lierself in manv XVilrnette productions. EgIbert. a messenger boy iii love wvith Xhlistv.,i played by D)on Rcynls Agreat Chinese mmdii( reader bias b4een, ilivite(l to appear al, the party. and lier açivîc cuses jasîier to take e verylbo'dy, east wiýth hiini whiere lie incets his un.cle's wvard, S*hirley. plaN eclbd I) orotliy C. Shaw, Atîin, a s teno.grapher, played by janet Lange, air( (iardnier, a gentleman of color, layed by Lester Wýitt, mont meets when the partv arrives nii Bnuddim-- Jo Balinatchet, v ivian KSerr, Kath- ryn Kerr, jean Campbell, Pauliine j ones, Eugenia Holrndale, Ellen Holmdale, Vida Woley, Beatrice Larson, Betty Witt, Miary Mordoff, Marjorie Kresgeý, Mildred, Farmer, Harriett Newton, Cecile Hilis, Mar- ion Cramer, _Muriel Callow, Vivian Cramer, Virginia Green, Ma.xine Kel-, ling, Norma Hendrichs, Helen 'Shane. Chinese boys are Harold..Beckwith,- l3ud Galvin, Joe Mockler, Ray War- ren, with Eugene Wallenius as solo- ist in the Chinese number. Mrs. A. J. Kuelzow and Mrs. R. H. Hopkins com prise, the commfitte . in charge off the show and tickets mnay be secured f romn theni, from members oôf the cast and chorus, or at.the Sni- der-Cýazel Drug company, Winiberg Pharmacy, and Ridge Avenue, phar- macy. There will be 'a special mati- net for.granmar school children Sa t- urday afternoonat 2 o'clock. IN11 "UNCLE TOM'S £ABIN" Miss Margaret Fitch of 416 Cumnlor road. Kenilworth, lias the role of Liza in *'Uncle Tom's Cabini," which is play- ing in'Chicago now, and which is pro- duced -by Harry Minturni, formierly of tht north shore. Mr. Minturn is also inl the cast as Simon Legree. DeWolf IHoppjer is Uncle Tom and Enid Mar- key of screen famne is Tops.y. The play is ýa'srevival of the original '"Uncle romnsCabin." IN AUTO ACCIDENT Mil . and Mrs. Samuel' Ross off Bar- ring-toti, who were in the Evanston hos-, pîtal as a result off an auto. accident Saturday; September .9, are now at homne. Mrs. Ross, the former Conn ie Haiînah of Keiîlwortb, spent several t asrecently with bier mother,' ýMrs. IAlex Hannah of San Gabriel, Cal., who is staying at the Brevoort bouse in Chicago and visitiing tht fair. Mrs. Hannah's son, David, was an overnight guest this w eek of- bis uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Newton, 306 \ýVood- stock avenue, Kenilworth. tenttLively 4rraflged loIUT Iuesuy ai- ternoon of next week, though not definitely set, In the meantime con- struction work on the water plant is going forward without interruption. Laurel 'Sehool Branch LibraryRemaiü9 Closed The branch library at the Laurel school wbich,'was closed during the summer mor»ths is trot tobe reopéened to, the public, Miss. Anne L. Whit- mack., librarian at the Wilmette Public library, announced this week. Howeve .r, the branch library will be open Tuesday-afternoons f rom 2 to 5 o'clock for the use of children from the first.to-,ihe fifth grades inclusive, Miss Whitmack said. SKQKIE THROIGH -STREET fAt its regular meeting Tuesday evening the Village board passed',an ordinànce establisliing Sicolie high- wvay as a through street within the village limits, and authorizing the erection of stop signs at aIl intersect- ing streets. A copy off tht ordinance will be sent to the State Highway, de-] partmnent with a request that 'the cost of the traffic signs be defrayed fromn state funds. JOBS DAUGHTERS Bethel No.44 Preseat the Fredarick B. Ingram- production "The Land of the Honeymoon" a .spark ling. musical: comedy romance FiL, Sat., Sept. 22-23, 8:15 P. M. Masonic Tremple Auditorium Cast off 75 Local Favorites Fali Term MissChinlund-; Miss cIý.cJglin; Now Open Mon., W.d., Sot. Tues.. Thurs., Fr1. Cemtral-Wilmett. AvSuo Phones: Wlhp*t. Bunte*. r.eed 60é. MAC'S WILMEITE CONFECTIONERY -I