,.iaencu oe 1554 riargaite 1855 WILAMETI4E Best N. B. location, beautiful white colonial home at N. W. corner of Greenwood avenue and llth atreet. * 1IST IFLOOR Sun parlor, large living room witli wood burnîngi fre place, hall and dia.. ing rooi. -Alil newly decorateql, breakfast room, kitchen, and 2 pan- triées, lavatory. SSECOND FLQOB.ý 2 extra- large master bedrooma with connectinir bath,- 2 umaller, bedmoonia with private bath* for eaeh,- 2 largeA -sleeping porches extending acrosa en- tire width of. bouse. THIRD FLOOR 2 bedroois, bath and store room. -Store room mnay be used as bedroom Il de- sired., Basenient conitains laundry equipped, wlth stationary tubs, and gas-flred mangle, fruit rooin, bolier rooms% chauffeurs roon, and wood storage place. Oil-O-Matic heat. 2 car garage withstorage room above supplied with -bot and cold water ; Quaker automat-ic i611 heat; Yard lan4scaped with Evergroen plantin, rear portion enclosed bY white pioket7 fence., Owner on premises. Tele-, phone Wiimette 196i2. 97LÉN20-lýtpC End-of-SeasQin Bargains ine Georgian brk. Coi. overlooking park and lake in Wilniette. 6 bedrms., 3 bathe (2 tule). Sliower stail in basement for bathers. Harding burner. 3-car garage. Valuedl today at $80,000. This house can be rented for $200 a mffontli. A fascinating bargain. In northeast Wilmette - until recently $125-now $90. Five bedrms., 2 baths. 2-car garage. Exclusive nelgbbor- liood. One lield at $90 now $65. Sèven room, 1 bath, near achools and stations. A few other exceptional bargains in our end-of-season. listings. Come ready to act. BILLS REAIITY, Imc. No Man's Land Wiiniette 3740 Indian Hill Golf Club locatiofl-12 rmns., 5 master bedrms., 3 baths. Large grounds. (Also for sale.> ........ $200 Colonial 6 nm. bouse, near New Trier High School. 011 heat........... $90 Kenilworth-7 rnis., 4 bedrms., 2 baths, 2-car garage, ohl heat....... ... $100 SHORE-TOWNSI REALTY COP. 1619 Shermaen Ave. Gre. 2700 10 rnis., 3 bs., h.w.li, 2 c-g. ....... $150 7 rnis., 3 ba. l.w.li., oil, 1 c.g ........ 125 7 rnis., 2 bs., ulp. pch., h.w.h., 2 c.g.. 100 7 rnis., 1 b., qlp. pch., l.w.h., 1 c.g.. 75 7 rnis., 2 bs. sip._poli., h.w.h., 2 c.g.. 65 REAL gar., i%,e. grounds, $40., Cousty ±.Ine Rd. Opx Giencoe lUdiug Stables. Ph. Deerfleld 603- 97LTN20-ltp 6 , P-0M 1BUNGALOW. WELL LAND- scaped. 1-car, garage. 4 blocks trans- portatIon. *Phone Winnetka 3700. 97LoeN20-Itp 6 ROOM' OUSE, LARGE YARD, 2- car gar. 'Reasonfble ment. Uni. 9022 or seel at 1524 WalnutAve., Wilmette. es Poq RENT-FURNIKo HouSe" $300,OO -FR $275 MARVELOUS, UP-TO-THE-MINUTE home on 10 acres ln1 Wintietka's choicest location. Worth $300,).00 wlll rent for $275.. Aémk for Mrs. Zefss. Mrs. Fuller & Wmi. Pickard 746. Ell Street Winnetka 122 98LTN20-lte [OMPLETELY FURN. 6 RM. HOUSE in North Evansqton. 011 heat, garage, nice yard, Nearr gc>od schools and* transp. Phone qi'u. 4847 & Ranid. 1487. 1 1 98L'rN20-Itp ATTRACTIVE 7 ROOM FIXRN. EAST aide. 3 bedroonis, glassed ýponmhes. Near transP. Oct. 1 or 10 for 1 year or 6 mo. Garage. Moderate ent. Win- netica 878. 9SLTN19-2te à .ROOMS WITH SUN PARLOR,A- taclied garage. Near schoois. andf transportation. Phone Winnetka 49. 98L2-ltp 99 WAI4TED TO RENT-HOUSES SMALL HOUSE OR APT. F'URN. OR unfurn., country west of Evanston. Wilrnette. or Winnb Superior 1181 or Highland Park 1942. 99LTN20-ltp 101 WANTSUD TO RENT-9UR9l. NOIEgU WANT MODERLN YURN. HOUSE OR apt.-2 baths, 6 to 8 rnis., near lakei south of Highland. Park. Rent of $150 to $200. Phione L. C. Burgener, Gre. ..0471. XOLTN2-lte 104 FOR DENT--STORES AND OFFICES ONE 0F THE BEST LOCATIONS IN WILMETTE FOR A SMART SHOP PHONE WILMETTE 2399. 14TN19-4tip 106 FOR RENT-HALLU Wiimette 'Woni's Club THE ENTIRE CLUIB OR ANY OF' ITS 1140 *t. deep. rirst imort- grage4,400. Owner auth;- orbzes us: to offeir this proparty at $6,500. You should, investigate this, one. QUINLAN & TYSON, Inc. 1571, Sherinan.Ave. Uni. 2600 111LTN2û0ltc East Glencoe GEORGIAN COLONIAL B R I C K hoe,e 7 rmm., 2 liaths, H.' W. oillit., gar.,. beautiful condition. 6 yrs. old. West Glencoe 8 ýRM. FRAME, LARGE AIRY ROOMS, 2 pches., 2-cargar., Hl. W. ht., lot 98x 210, 3 blks. to station, 1 blk. to school. McGUIRE & ORR 116 PARK AVE. GLENCOE 13 Ii1LTN2OItc UNUSUAL VALUE« CHAR.MING .COLONIAL HOME, LGE liv. rt»., wood-burning fireplace. 7 rmm., 2%k baths, oi1 ht.., nr. schoolti. Priced for quick sale at $14,000. Asic for Mrs. Zeiss. Mrs. Fuller & Wm. Pickard 746 Elm Street Winnetka 122 i11LTN20-1tc WILL SELL NOW BEFORE INFLATION for littie more than % original price. Modern home in East Winnetka, near e-ehools, lake, and transportation. Wonderful location. 6 bedrms., 4 baths *and showers, librnry. Very finest con-, struction, or wili ent to reliable party. Cali Winnetka 3852. lI1LTN2-ltp WELL jLOCTED BRICK-7 ROO1M4 and sun peh.; 2-car garage, oil beat, elee.. refrig. Lot 58xl70, $13,000. Ph. Wilmett 1664.11LTN2-tc- 113 WANTED YO WUY-HOtJSES OUFt CLIENf HAS $15,000 CASH 1FOR a 4 or more bedroom, 2 bath bouse in East Wilmette, Kenilwomtii, Glen- coe or Winnetka. Heinsen Realty Co., 660 Center St., Winnetka 254. 113LTN2O-1t'n 114 FOR SALE-VACANt OBLIGED to TAKe OVER WILMETTV, 6ANN MORELAND 66 Vernon Ave. Glence .305 12SLT1420-t TWIN ýBEDS8 WITH MATI'RESS three-quarter xnahogany bed; double bed; china closet; dinfing table; dressing table; rug.ý 335 Wayland Aveénue, Kenfiiworth. Kenilworth 4490. 129LTN20-ltp) FINE SCHOXLE DIN. SET $90. (COST $375.> 'Sol. wal, table, 6 chairs, beau. buf.; beds, chrs., box. eouch,.console mirroir, china, glswaire. Mise. Wilmette 936. 129LT1420-ltù LARGE SIZE. FRIDIGAIRE. MAHOG- any dresser,. brass .bed, sprlngs and mattresam Porch table and swing witii piadt. Phone WilmetteL 1214. 129LTN20-ltpý OVERSTUFFD DAVENPORT AND armi chair, tapestry.covering, In good condition. Slip covers for summer In- cluded. PrIce $35. Phono Winnetka * 181Q. 13PtTN20-1te FOR RENT-WASHING MACHINES and ironers, $1.00 per week. Ail new and guaranteed. Immediate delivery. Westinghouse, 621 Grove St., Evans- ton. Gre. 3843. 129LTN19-ttc PRIVATE SALE, COMPLETE HOUSE- hoid fumniture, Oriental rugs, dining and bedroorn suites, china. Estate of late Dr. Su.ker. Winnetka 585. 129LT20-ltp KITCHEN. CABINET, LIVING ROO1M chairs, diniuig room chairs, and odd chairs. Good condition. Cheap. Phone Winnetlca 2414. 129L20-ltp ASSORTED GLAZED CINTZ AND CRETONNE D~RAP'ES. PHONE GLENCOE 240. 129L20-ltp DAVENPORT, CHAIR TO MATCH. Cheap. 954 Vernon Ave., Glencoe, or, phone Glencoe 1438. 129L20-ltp PRACTICALIIY NEW CROWN T AS. range, new niodel. Reasonabie. Phone Wilmette 4881. 129LTN20-tp 131 IFOft ALE-M18CELLANEOUs USED ICLEEN-HEA T OIL BURNER For sale completely Installed with 275 gal, tank,. automatie controls. and thermostat .$75. Guaranteed. 'cali Berkshire 7347. 13ILTN17-4tc Federal $5. w sher, 14-rins., 9 bedrmsl., 4 bathsf, 2 pchs., HIGHLAND PARK HOME -ON BEAU- excel. cond..-............. .... 160 1 tiful wooded lot, white brick, red tiIe AIl 3 n. achools and transp. roof, 3 bedrnis., 1 bath, screened L. C. ODU ReALTY CO. porcli, oil heat, 2-car gar. $13,500. $33 Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods $2,500 cah Winnetka 11,5 Wlnnetka 235 .97L20-ltp ANN MORE LAND I 11001 HOIMIC, 903 OAK ST., WIN- OU8 Vemnon Ave. Glencoe 305 'ut0&i. $65 montb. Phone WlInnetka 97. 1LN -l 61 1I WiLmurmu32 UN1UEUTY7317 ROoeaS PAaK 4675 Ave. Wflmette 4»84 I. QI Of T