Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Sep 1933, p. 40

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WILMETTE LIP or ail three pepers; .Wensa 9P. .fr WINNETKA TIALK. and. Thursday 5 P. M. -for GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wiimhette 4900, Winnetka. 2000 (Winnetka 600 after 6P. M.>,ý Greenlef40 o hiraki 5687. * SLOT AND FOUrND LOS...WITE PERSIAN CAT. FUR short on one, side, f rom op6leratioti. Phone Wlimette 3042. 3LTN'20-ltc. LOST- BOYS FOOTPBALL SHOE IN Washington., Park. iast week. Cal! Wlmette .4690. 3LTN20-ltP, .0fST-BETWEgEN WINNETKA AN'D (Ileticoe, green tai! gate for Reo truck. Reward. Call'Glinece 376. .3L20-ltp. WI-LL GENTLEMAN WHO ASSISTED our dog Sept. 3,. corner Greenbay & Woodlawni Ave..- kindiy comniunicate with Mir. Case, (3lencoe 132. 4L20-1tp 7 *. ANTIQUEB SEVERAL CHOICE PIECES 0F AN- TIQUE FURNITURE AT VERY LOW PRICES. TEL. WINN. 462. 7LTN20-1itp la aUSINE» SERVICE Revive your LAWN with ANALYZ19D HUMUS Bold and delivered lu any quantlty. Especlally put up In 100-1b. sackcs for smali lawn owners. Aloo black soil pulverimed, ne lumps. Fertilixer. Ph. Morton Grove 1832, Urban Roffînan, Church and Golf R.d. 16LT1I-6tp SAM G(OJDMAN JUWI< DEALR Higheat prkceu .pad for paper and maga- mies. Wllmette 5417. Wluuetka 3623. 16LTN2è.ltp FIREPLACE WOOD> BIRCH AND MAPLE LOGS IIEARTHSTONE WOOD COMPFANY 11BASONABLE HOLLYCOURT 0846 .16LTN20ltp CARtPENiTEU ANI) CABINET blAK- er;- alteratiols, storm ,windows, repair w;rk large Or amaîl. Fe. estimate. Prices reasonable. B. Anderson, Phono Wilmette 3379. 16LTN19-4te ALTERATIONS, RELININO, MiN- Ing and ail kinds of "sewing at my home. Phone Winfietka. 1167. * . 2ZL20-ltp Mi. BOLAND)-DRESSMAKING HJ-ave yourgowns, evening wraps made or- remodeled ln your home. . Ph. Wil- mnette.659. 22LTN20-Itp 23 ELEcrRSCAL SERVICE, WALLJ PLUGS,$2 AND UP DEPEND- ing on location. Estinates ckieerfuiiy. furniished.. Bond-L.ehnian Co., 620 Grove St..,Evanston. Universlty 0944. 2314rN20-ltp É4ANUjLO4 AT' YOUR HOME. Modern methods for children. Best N.S. rets. Katherine Winifred Me- Inerny, 2507 Ridgeway, Evaniston.1 Lavis 2444. - 1LTN20-1tc i-RIVÀTE IýN>TRUCTIO(-N LN PIANO. Curtis Class Lessons AeL. Studio equip- ped w'.îi two pianous. kEdith Ray I.UIXg. i1hoiie Wiàmette 3ti51. 31LTN20-Itp 34 E.AUNDRY CURTAILNS, kLANýKIETS AND k'A.MiIL>'iIYî SPECIAL PRICkES WILMETTE 3ti87 34LTN20-Itp CURTAINS, BLANKETS, AND OTHE'R LAUZIWRy WJJR VeÂy reasoliable. Wili cail and deIiver. 886 WiiIow Rd., Winnetka 1!124. .4LTN18-4tp EXP. GRAD. NURSE, INFANT CAREÊ a speciaity. Cali Misa White, New- castie 3812. For refm. cail LIra. W. Ho0ustou, Peopie'sA gency, Park Ridge 867.4ILTN17a-4tp' 43PAINTING AND DitCORATINCS 1.Ld. . 13uUL FOSA EAUGING APPAIRL AT about 12-year. size, brown cloth, fur Icollar,. Field qu aiity. excellent condi- tion. Phone Wil. 260?. 59LTN2'0-ltp BROWN CLOTH COAT,- BEA VER trimmed, size 16. In -good condition. Very reasonable. Phone Glencoe 614. 59LT20-ltp FOR SALE-2.000 EASTERN MÀINK coate al matched ikins. ln good condi- tion, for $600. Phone Winnetka .2932. 59LTN20-îtc BOYS' SIITS,ý FLANNEL JACKETSz- leather coats, corduroys. Âges 1-11. Good condition-outgrown. Winn. 2572. 59LTN20-ltp LADY'S WINTýER COATr, SUIT, AND dresses, size 18. Phone.Winnetka 1486. 59L2-ltp OU LOANU LOANS ON AUTOMOBILE Confidential service, legal rates. MOTOR LOAN (C0. State Banik Bldg., Evanston. Gre. 3200 65L2TN3-tfe s siTIJATEoN WÂNTED-FEMALE COMPETENT HELPI No Charge te Employer EMelcent Service for Northi Shore Homea We Investigate Reference. WE ARE THE ORIGINAL Pauline's Emp. Agencies 421 Fourth St., Wilmntte W1imtt 2171, *Winnetka 2662 68LTN1 4-ttc NURSERY, GOVERNËSS. W A IN T. S work all or- part trne. Good exp. building up delicate children. Win- netka 258, or write B-22, Box 40, Wii-, mette, III. 68LTN19-2tp EXP. GIRL WANTS GEN. HSEWK. or cooking. Best of references. Excel- lent with children. Bohannon Employ- ment Agency, 326 Linden Ave., Phone Wilmette 1170.- 68LT20-ltp NEAT WRITE GIRL WISHES GEN- eral housework or second work with chiid.« 8 years',experience. N. S. ref. Cali Friday .P.. M. -Wilzpette 5361. care etc.1 nt. the Nfl AVtri.ve) ACCOUNTAN~T WILLC cluse books, prepare fim mentes, keep smallj sets,' low'eost. Phone Wilnet state- ba0-itp FILIPINO. EXP. COOK AND HÎOUSE - mnan, willlng to do any kir>d of work. (' ood ref.. S. Rivera, 3955 Sheridan Rd., Chicago. Will pay biack telegram. 69LTN20-ltp, FILIPINO D!ESIRES POSITION A cook, butler, valet or houseman. Re- Ahable and experlenced. N. S. refer, ence. Ph. Bittersweet 2061,; ask for Frank.--69LTN20-ltp Eý%d'JERIENCED SWEDISH (;ARDEN- er, houseman, can drive., 31 yrs. old. Ste-ady pos., day work, or by hour. Be--t local ref.s. Victor Stranne. Win- netkà 1066- 69L20-ltp EXIIERIENCED 7MAN WLL --CAREi for furnace during winter, also re-' pair.1 Take down. dend trees.--Land- scaping. Winnetka .1813eL 69LTN19-4tp: FILîPINO WISHES 'POSITION ASÀ- chauffeur, -butier, houseman orý cook. 8 yeaýr.s experien ce. References. Carl Nigos, Superior 0315. 69L2)-ltp HOUSEWORK BY DAY 7 ORfl K All around man. Cleaning, yard mnaî -and chauffeur. North Shore refs. Phon~e Delaware 5450. 69LTN20-1tp GARDEN AND HOUSEWORK B EXPERIENCED MAN. BY HOUR OR DAY. WINNETKÂ 1552..6LN2-t EXPYFR. GARDENER WSÈWï SI- tion. Write A. Nelsqon, Box 202, Win- netka. 111. 69L20-ltl3 EXPER. HOUSEMAN AND BTLE-ËR., Excellent North Shore refs. P'hone Greenleaf 7153. 69LTN20-ltp 7o sjT. wi.-m^LE ANo FEMALIE eKENILWO1RTH WELFARE COMMIT- S tee WiShes to place the followlig - Sworkers: 4~ woînen for gen. hewk. by the day. 5 men, day workers, as gardeners, housemen, or chauffeurs. Referencee fumnished. If you have posi- tions open, temporary or permanent,: please cal!l Mrs. H. B. Taylor, chair- man of Empioynient Committee, Ken- iiworth 2820. Also ciothing wanted for School girls, Bizes 12, 16, 20;- school1 boys' sizes 10 to 14. P-hone iMrs. Harold Tideman, Keplw*orth 3262. .70LTN2-tfP, Experienced Couples G.ERNfAN. SWEDISH, NORWEGIAN, Finnish, and English, with refs. from 1 to 4 years on hast place.' Ask your dren.i * P. I

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