Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Sep 1933, p. 38

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5 c:Mon. te SaLte 4 :» Tipis., Pri.. sept. z1-z2 Gloria, Stat--Raul Roquls Edama mer Oliver Ies Gremt t. Be Afil. EtraAdsd Attscti., 4dsChapt»OeBbby Joue sSeries g'DOWN SWING" 3&4. Sept . 23-O..e Dar Ody Lortta YO=tg UHEROES FOR SALE» KI DS ATINEE ON OUR.t STAGE 'PUN jSNDjUDY. SHOW" ULRICH'S ORIGINAL 1.OIDON FNMAICEte Sum,, Mon., Sept. 24-2S UC.Y Francs-WalteHuston ,Stormn At Daybreak" Tues., Wed.. Sept. 26-27 CIalie Rugges-G.reta 'Nis.. "MELODY CRUISE" cleaixer, better and hatirscin The Friday links will meet as f ol- of th ctyan w edaItr -setonh lw imi Dt,2 thelm oeo f avene; 0. poor, broken-down and poverty-stricken Schmdt,827Elmood vene; inkdistricts. Take note of the squalid, N at tbe home of Mrs. R. F. Lynch, sirdid and dirt-littered streets, with 347 Oak circle; Lik H at the home sickIv, under-fed and half-clothed chul- of Mrs. J. D).,Dingle 324 Prairie ave-dr&pyngo tem Thn fra nue;andLin S ith rs.E. arionmoment of the.better sections we have 1537Specer vene, Ms. Illa . just left. We probably wonider if there Millard, chairman, and- Mrs. R. Las- ce s, ssitig hstes.is any, conniection betweéen, the two., celTes, asistig hosess.After becomning famn1iliar with the, work Link R, Mrs. W. 0. Haas. chair- of the . Chicago Christian Industrial man, will meet, on Thursday, Septem- le1,ague -we find the answer to the ques- ber 28, at behr. home, 621 Park avenue, tion. for a 2 o'clock tea. Ail members, are The problemn of the un-fo rtuniate is, asked to bringtheir old gold-,and si lver after aIl the problem of the more for- for the melting, pot as this will bc thetua. Mr. and Mrs. B. G..Mershon ofVer- mont, 111." left Saturday. after visiting Mrs. Mershon's sister, Mrs. Tirreli' Ferrenz, and family, of 511 Washing- ton avenue.. Mr, and Mrs. Ferrenz, Martha and Robert', and.the Mershois' spent twvo days visiting the Wisconsin ODells. Miss Mary Ogden, head of the hos- pital on Nantucket island, is' visiting Miss Aimée Drake of 1221 Ashland avenue. M1r. and Mrs. Jack Simon and daugh.- ter, Jacqueline, of Montreal, Canada, are visiting the William M. Kleins of 400 Central avenue. *the school wflo as physicaiiy able as playing football. This is cons idered unusual, ini view of the fact that par- ticipation in tbe after-school football .program I s voluntary. Kenilwortb is a memiber of the, North Short Grammar Schôol league and enters, teamns-ini several weigbt classifications in -the league competi- tion,' but in addition .to: this ther'e is also intramural competition betwecni the Wildcats and Tigers during the regular school play periôds., The Wildcats and.,Tigers *are ýthe, two groups into, which the Joseph Sears. pupils are divided, Opeat. Minus lajr In t e.city ad.suburbs are evra brious injuries ru rootuall players, and sveralsuch as one reads about during, the fine, groups of people wvho, feel this to auitumni season every year, have neyer be true, and who are taking, a defi nite occurred in, the twelve years thatMr part i n the effort to solve the problems Townley bas been at Kenilworth. of those in need, neglected or forgot- ",We ve neyer had no imuch as a ten.ý Croups have been organized .who. sprained ankle or a brokeni lim -b,»' are not only gîvîng of their. own .Ma- Mr. Townley gays, and he attributes teniais to the league, but who.are uirg- this to the fac-t that. the boys, are al- ing -others to. do, the samne. Paper of lowed tQ compete ,only witla other ail ldnds, clothing of every description, boys in their own weight classification furnitureý regardless of condition; in and also to the fact that the boys are fact anything and everythîng is beîng .required to wear the proper eqtiip- sent to the league. Over one thousand ment. hours of work are provided daily for ,Draw Up Schedule men and women' who are ambitious to In the North Shore' Gramniar earn what relief they receive, Fifteen School league the same. rules are f ol-, percent of these men are college lowed. Members of the league be- trained, and al. are a high type of sides Joseph Sears are the Nichols trained artisans. vr da lrg and Haven schools of Evanston and' numbers of needy people are being as- the Central school of Glencoe. Phv- sisted,ýand many who are too ili, feebl scal education directors at these or otherwise handicapped. have been schools met last Thursdav at the Ev- given food, clothing and shelter. The anston Y. M. C A.an -rw i Jme Kuppsasheiuser Meiporial Hall SKOKIE SCHOO, WINNETKA M«mdàyt Set. 25th at 8:30> P. MI LO Bagola WaS bor a I rmitive Syaqery ,yet edurced bya Scot- Telephone Monroe 244 or-:«'ýrite to- 847 W. Monroe street and trucks wili cail for your donations. Postmaster , and Mrs. D ougl1as Crooks, 609 Cumnor road, Keni!worth, returned Friday, f rom a hiking and canoeing .trip ,te Lake Shebandowen north of Port Arthur, Canada.. They mfotored more' than 2,000 miles and stopped at Duluth and St. Paul. ý5eptbr 27- tHaven i îgnt neavy- weights and second midgei teamn at Ken-, il worth. Septeniber 28 - Haven ightweights, and Midgets at Kenilworth. October 4 - Kenilworth nidgetî4 and lightweights,:at Nichols.. .Oc tober 5 -K enilwor th light heavy- weight-,ï and second midget teani' at Nichols. October il Nichols Lig htwei ghts and midgets at Kenilworth. October 12 - Nichois .Iight hea,.y- weights and -second mildget teani at Ken- ilWorth. October 18 - Kenilworth lightweights and nmldgets at Haven. October 19 - IKeniIworth liiht heavy- weights. andi.second rnadget team at Haven. October 28 - Ail Glencoe teains at Keniworth, lncludlng an extra team n I ýi W. will b. gI.d lfo show'our rooms,, for wlnfer occupency., es. and &icheaw W. W. DEWEY, ai special raies. r Dr.Ç L. Curhl of Pittsburgh was, the gest last week of bis brother's family, the Herbert K. CuIlîs, 45 Cres- Icent place. Dr. Curl came to Chi- Jcago to attend a convention and to Isee the fair.* I u

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