Company .Petition Residençe Property. Owners Uirged by North Shore Asso- .ciation .to. Fight ,invasion*1 According to. repforts emanating f ron Springfield at least four. trucking. coni Panies are pressing a determined attacl, along a united front to win from thb Illinois: Commerce, commission a deci. sion that. will -enable,.them to rut freight trucks over the residentia' streets of the north shoresurb Thereý are now four companies c9fn cerned in the petiions of necessity an convenience .uow, pending before tht commission; ot hers may follow. Proceedings- of the commînission or Thursday of iast week were on the amended application of the Willett con- pany This company'9s original. petitioui specified a route over ýSheridan road, and this route has been aggressive1l, opposed by the North Shore Property Owners association, as well as by other property owners not connected With the association. Now the Willeît compay designates its route as Ridge avenue, Asbury avenue, McCormick road and Railroad avenue lu Evanston, Main street lu Wilmette, Green Bay road in Kenilworth, Center street in Winnetka, Glencoe road and- Vernon avenue in Glencue, and Green Bay road to Lake Forest, and Sheridan road f rom that point northi. Want Sheridani Route The H1astings Express coinpany, the Republic Trucking company and the Krema Trucking company, are asking permission froin the commerce commis- .sion to use. Sheridan road through -al of tie villages. The menace to north shore proper- ty interests, 'say those opposiug the applic atioins, lies in the alleged con-ý nection between the Willett Trucking Co.,: the Pennsylvania railroad and the Kremia Trucking Co., and the strategy used in designating routes. One-third. of the stock of the Willt -Routes to Sheridan road and Green Bay roa d, being state bond issue route Nu. 42 to Waukcgan.' "One-third of the- Willetf stock i, ownedb h Peninsylvania railroad," M:Beman continued. "It would b -worth, a fortune to thern -10 get a feedler line tbrough- the north shore suburbs. They have the money, and unless everyj property owner takes off his coat and fights, they will get that right. t may I be said that this 15 50 reprehensible, so directly opposed to, every interest of north shore residents, that it can not possibly be doue. These words from the attorney of the Illinois Commerce com- mission (a state ettployee) may throw a different light on the matter: "'The objection referred to in your letter- has. been and is being raised by other objectors inthe case. However, (Continued on Page 35) Mechanics Plead for. Work on Waterworks The Village board played to a large gallery Tuesday night, owing to the interest of rniany mecbanics in secur- ing employment ou.n the waterworks con- struction. The. council chamber was comfortably filled -by~ the delegation, and several of the group took occasion to state grievances. Onlva ew n snoic nve jurisdïchon over certain work resulted in the laying off of some oef the men. The delegation was as- sured that the desire of tbe Village board is to supply as much work as possible for local mcii and that its services are always avaulable when «il can be bcipful,to tieni in securing ciii- ployment. IN WISCONSIN HOSPITAL S. Johin Dui-can-Clark, 228 Woodl Turn Clocks Back! Central Standard time will be resumed again throughout the Chi- cago area Sunday morning, Sep-' teniber 24, and it will bc necess ary to tiurn your timne-piece back one hour. if you wish to c,onform with the schedule of things. on Sunday. Ail church services on Sundayiill be in accordance with Central' Standard time. Turn your clock back one. hour upon retirig Sat-; urday night, 1 COMPLIANCEBOARD Bettin stailing, Attorney, Named Çhairman of Wilmette Group to Re- view N.RAý Complaints Joseph W. Lechner, preneral in' charpre of administration.of the NRA prograni in Wilmette. bas annocunced the couipletion of the NRA Corn- pliance board whîch wift sit ini Judg- ruent on couiplaints of non-con- formance with national recovery members, but may bce elarged at any time that the Peed arises. The per-. sonnel is as follows: Bettin Stalling, an attorney living at 72-2 Washington avenue, is per- ,manent chairman, and will'act ini the capacity of judge. He is a mnemberi of the law firru of Howe, Rademacher. Kreamer & Stalling, has no connec-g tion that rnight in anyway influence Represents Empoyez J. P. Robinson, 1026 Ashland ave- nue, will represent the emploves. Mr. Robinson is connected with Wil-. Mette State bank, bas an enviable reputation throuighout the village, and is especi4lty well qualified to .rep, resent the emnployed class. A. S. Van Duesen, Jr., president of Wilmette* Chamfber of Commerce, bas been chosen to represent the cm- ployers. He is tborouoebly familiar witbh ie- business. life of the villaq7e. REGARDING NRA Forumý Council of North Shore Congregadion lirael Openi Lecture Course Soon The Forum council -of the North Shore Congregation Israel in a course of lectures for the. 1933-34 season states. that it will continue the e- cellence of the programns, maintained in prevnons years. Several years ago it was feit th at the. cultural, activities of the north shore could be extended through the medium of eminent speakers brought here from, time to- time to1 present their views of vital subjects of the day, The. exper ,iment'proved a suc- cess; frôm the. very beginin.* h lecture course was eagerly received Wy People who came froru as, far south as Evanston and as far north. as Waukegan in response to'tii p'ub- lishied announcement of the speakers and the subjects. Cognizant of the usefulness of much, an activity, the lecture course com- mittee of the Sisterhood of 'the organization determined to make ft an established institution. This yea r the committee bas been augmented by representatives of the Men's club and the Temple board of trustees and mergcd nto a joint executive group called the Forum council of the. North The poutca EffAuaiect--0Nrmajn Tioma, Ieading Amnerlcaà IJiberal and'liotedý Political autiorl:y. The Economic ESUect-Prof. Barrir D.- GIdeonse of the University of Chtcagg* outstanding econoniist ln theii ptr- national .field, The. So ciologica! 2ffect-Prof.' William Filding Ogeburn of the Unlverslty 0f Chicago, authority en aoelologlea.l probleuis, director of the- Social Trends report, 'aud NRA adviser on the cou- sumrer's couneil. November 14- Sir Normaen Augell: "'From the main distributing and Ilagain and see if there 15s something -Ing t.inday by clipg uc entr;1 3003uu loading platforin of the Willett coin- Ithat can be spared? Mr. Marshall's office' is in suite 2654 GO TO NEW YORKC pany, located at 750 Tilden street, Chii- j -Mrs. A. L. Grinnell, chairman at 231 South La Salle street, Chi- Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Barton, 257 cago, Illinois, or from any of its aux-Il oe cnm hpl odce cago. He bas been engaged in federal Kenilwortb avenue, Kenilworth, are iliary, plat forins now or hereafteri. bte. Wonoaxi'ShoClub 0fWlmete. and, local tax practiýce and valuations lcaving Saturday for'Philadeiphia and establashed, by the.. nearcat feasible routc'1 in u ssociation with M. D. Ha ly e ork to be gonie two weeks