FIE LD -Sý -AND .THE .SM ART NI EV VA N STC You cari easily tell that these NEW"HATS FTOR FALL have a distinctire hanunade touch $575 $750 TIîev were imade inii or>owni) orkr<orns . ecause th ire r umn worten whIo like individuality anaiJ*ppreciae fine work nianshilx. We helieve you wtIlike ilhewayilIit-se sty les and volors interpret w fasiuion trends . and .any of our sty les (-an lue mtade ini an-, shade orlujeadsize. * l<.'pirli P koor Suede lýeads thi Season and Field'sar -alway s, ah-ad HERE ARE THREE at $5 *1 and these. HOSE and G J'ieId, Sprcialdl ffoi >i#r.! it's a 4tIe~J~eigiiFsi -an(]ea.eisr~aI ~ratî Gauitilet style kid gl. Yo First Floo)r ini black, b<wiwhitE Ho $29!e TWO MARSH.ALL FIELE 4 $8 75.