'v T,' fi rst of th is si-aso.çop amateur tluatricà! prcseîains js sclî,.dulddlor bridai, amidSatii.rd.yv 'in~sof F tis zweLk zwien the. nùisièal romûan ce. -74hei .atd of thse Hoire voo,"j off ered int» 1wWv If, açoiiii temple auditorium. Prinîcipals in the cast are: Standing (lifeu. h' Hqht >: Williai;i réan»o. lshr 'Mrgan.. . 1.Long,' Mfarion Baldwin, Clà.;ke P. lfair, JeapieL.ailqc.. Jes.ticr ol)inlsun. Scaied: A-rthur Kat.-el. .Mild-rgd .fle...g, "The Baha'i Temple" 1s is also the a'-lior o~f "l'he <Oriental Lecture Theme Sunday i articles drelating particuilarlvto the -Thie Bah.la'î 'enjplc- '. the subjeet lBaia'i faithj. of, a lecture to lx. gis-efl at Fournda- tion hall, Baha'i louise (fW)j lip Linpdeti avenue and Siieridan road. i1 ad is.\VIIlli s H. 1-11tson, 111wood avenue, have. heen_ en- Christian Science, Ckurckes -Matter- wa: the. suhject of the leouseni M iiail Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Stindav, Septern- in thie field of the arts.v 'l'hev retturnec rorci casL .ast ..i uCes 1-. IS MêORE THAN A WORD EfThe golden text w-as, "In God 1 fi ýNill praise His \\ord. InI God 1 have put iimv trusti will not fear what f(lsh cati(1do unto ime" ( Psalins 560:4)., Amlong the Citations which eomprised, thec lesson-serrnon vas the: followin9 frmin the Rible: 'Stand fast therefore in !the liberty' wherevvith Christ hath made us fre, and be not entamîgled agaiin witm théyoke of hond(age" (Gala- tialns.5:). Ille lesson-serml alsco inchuded the jfollowilig passages from., the Christiani Scienice texthook, "Science and Health \vwtli 'Rev the Sc ~rmnGli,,;-r". v Vnr 6000 CHICAGO'S AND. LARGEST CLEANERS. atter an operatiôn for appencitt.s at St. Francis hospital. 0G- MNrs. WValter Noble Gillett, 533 Ros- lvii road, Kenilworth, was luncheon iosteiss to lier bridge club Tuesday. 0 0 and your eved. 1 yU r7 'J,