Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Sep 1933, p. 14

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mette association , \] Rodenkirk is vice-rei nd Aut 1>,. N'an Deusen s secretary and t-at irer. lTle XVin-_ uetka a sitîtîn fficcr., are U. C. Abel, îsu t iaeneBloin- rn.vîce-presidèutý and \Viliam T. .1n addition t o thlohcal a.soCiations liit ue <iffer citt CIiimnit t here is aiso a lamzr g-minp. it ' 1.as': the X1ortli Shore t. i 'iobjî'Srvice Sta- * ion socai.'The presidents of the local associations. are directors of the c larger î'rgan itat i<n. lIt ~ stated titis -cek that be- tiveen ('00 and l70> l)CreIt, of the auto- m1oble tserVice stati 'n tiperators on the nortit slort- art. eiroIll in theë a sZocia lt 01 I)ciîsion ýto forn il livlocal associa- .'ismanîdt h c larige.r '!rotnp covering ihliC entirè toivnlshij aS nmade at a meieting held ect~ at Connîunîtvý fi-bis, in TWin îa'rrînîghi these ;'sciatiolns t le a tiltti 'bilc Service statioti men, exl peut tu work in cdoser 1-arntbtNv ith tlhe N\*I and to act a s a regilaitor\ i 'r [>Oiciiig lodif Shawnee. Merm?,n Win A. A. U. Championship WTith a total of 41 points" thé- ntens' '%wimming teain of fil Shawîtee Country clubi won the Cen trai1 A. A. U. tille as the fourilh section of th,. meet, hieid Saturday at CalifornIaI l)ark. ciosed fthe event. ln, the Satur- day campetition, Robent Kerber' of Shawnee won the 200 meter frec style in 2:39.4. His teafnnuate. Hub) Murphy, placed second for the event. In the wonen's divis i'on of the A. A. -U. finals, the swý,inmiing. teamn(of Shawnee Countrv club finishied sec- onxd. Claudia Eckert . vaOn 'the 100) yard free stvle ini 1,:08.4. Two wveks, I)ç.fore' that.. sIte had pla c ëd first ii i (fi ving. TEA FOR GU ESTS Miss Elizabethi Revnoids of ton. Pa., arrived Suindav to sp< davs visitilig the Charies 8roivis of 809 Lake avenue. Revnlds s a ocietv- edito Scrat- 'ld, ten .l/iss ('athe'rinc ll corv ý-of 063 Wadnroad. , ' nik.cli the fi dcefua .uz/ance- of dqdns,-(af , to icc ipilitiîll.v III;'Clî' puppisý Irom z Uamioq 1 i frv '<lic of 4ilaIchozt' I ciwil.ç on I îl'j; om >z<'pril, of nci,~îî~.Ken,u, h.lome ' i lstidî1;chîîînîS <?~cic i' l 'l/ , . Cra<nà-ford of 52/7 !ac wnn.I lnt IHoId Annual Horse Show Health Genter Jat Fort Septemb er .22.3 News IjThe eighith annual Fort Shieridan 11Hoanse show ta be hield Septemiber 22 Tlie dnta clnic whch s Én-and 23. Mi the Fart Sheridan hoprse, The entl 5ini. wichis on-shiow ring at the soutlv énd of the ducted hI- the Wimette l-ealtli cen- arnv post is bei,îg dedficatetl this year te ilopenTutiesday, September 26, to -Major Generai rak aker at 9 ocok Dr. Eanl Christie, local comlnianding general, of :tlue Sixthi dentist, wIll htave charge of the work 1Corps Anca. Thire is. no one. e man in againi. M iss jean Upson, dental th is comnuunity wvho lias donc moree hygenist. will assist Dr. Christie as for tie advancement andi betterment i se [tas the past two years. Theré' of lhorse activities than 'General will be a fee of twenty-five cents P)arker, it is cmph)lasizedl, and tt is chiarged and a written consent froin only fitting and proper thiat, iniei i Dahlias do niot thrive on hîot, (drv wveather which blas prevailed for soin- tinie, but. ývth the arrivai of cool. damp %%eattier have reared, their, Àhdstoý greater hieighit and arc * looinig in all their heaiuty, M r. Samuelson tieciared. TeCentrai States Dahlia sî-Cîi 'Ile Dhli Shw a ;tu ( .1y Flitc.. of Nvhlich i Mr. Samnuelson. is. a mIemblier. is holding. its. first inter- *national dahlia exIiii)itioIl at H-orti- 'itiural hall, on Northerlv slndat AN Cenitury of Prfogress. rTe exihbit ,Opeiîed Satiirdav, Septeiner-16. ani is continuing iiittil lrridav, 4eptember 22, 'Floivers froin the .dalilia gardens at the fair, -and(l aso irointamateur an mdcommercial .gr('%% Cr., , tiithe mtiti ber. of 35.0M() ill i>c on exh ibit ion fo'r t ie vek, it ik aniouniced. Mfr. Sa-tiiiilson in Iii., ilînet te iais, kpropagating.seveïrai s1len- îiid îe types of dahlias. 'among 'hîhi s oe hose stalk> are nowv * .prtlltg 1lrilliant ,hlued bossorns nîieastiriig W'2 ~incites in ,tiameter. * BeI(I(icoloring of tomato red ani biirnt orange are- appropriate teri, tised* ta give some, conception of, the c olons of, this new~ varietv. which, if authonrized by the dahlia societv:. ývill bîe e known as ."Indian Hili." Has Other New:Varieies He lias ýanother new, varietv. vet rianarned bearing a-9 to 10 inch hlos- oiii of orchid.pink; also another one gf flesh pink,. and stili another, of a jnuchi deeper pinki which the petals; ,are incurved and pointed. The -Tangerinîe" and the ',Estelle" are two beautiful, specirnens propa- Pated in recent years in the Samuel- On gardens, and no-w officially named.- The naine of the former indicates .ts color. The -Tangerine" hiossoni sfromn 9 to 10 inches in, diameter. The "Estelle,','a littie lanrger. is Most beautiful at this' season.. in i t s -,twvo 'hades of coral red. MRS. MARY WLE M DES N1r.s. Mary Wilhielin, 221 Linden avenue, died suddenly of a heant at- Y-o-1-, --r-ti westen Unîversitv SeptemI>er 2.3. Mr. and M1rs. George F. Shipman. Hýtrrv, V. Crooks, 615 Cumnor road- . Jean Keith, 310 Warwick.road, Ken- NIr. and Mrs. A. G. Keck. their 432 Warwick road, Kenïlworth, andKeiwrh left Thursday of Iast week' ilworth, Ieft Iast Friday for Colorado'1' ugliter, Retty, and son. Richard, of caughter, MNiss Elizabeth, have re- for New *ork City. Mrs. Crooks leaves university at Boulder. Harold Keit]h 9)12 reenleaf avenue. have returned turiied from their summer home at Syl- the first of Octoher. Mr-. Crooks' busi- leaves this week for Boulder, and Har- f rm a two weeks' visit with the Ud- van 'Beach, Mich., .\%here they have been]ns i aig bmter.frat leas* rnet Keith wilI resume herwork at the wn Simms family on their ranch at for ten days. j a year.J Art institute in Chicago.j Au Gres, Mich. 1 1

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