IY.u Re-roNow! Aie* Shiaglo Co., JOHN S-MAN VILLE APPROVED ROOFERS 1137 Central Ave. WM. 14 Fountain Peu Sale Pens that w iII give -good Servie for sehool use-Sicë and 01.00. Mfeehaneal peneis to match. WILMETTE STATIONERY & GIIFT SHOÉ Wihmette Avel . 351 J. A. WARD VFURRIER-TAILOR ,% ?xONo,.%cEs4 the ar- rivai of the New Fali very'Iategt mos t or bthb Far and Cloth Garmuts. 1172 Cetral Ave. WiL. 3303 Pluznbiumg - H.ating Contractor 514 E. RaiIrod Ave- WILMETTE 22 COFFY'S AUTO REPAIR BATTERY 'SERVICE Itupair R.charging Rentais 120>7 WASHINGTON AVE. SHAWNEE TAILORS FURRIERS RELINING AND ALTERA- TIONS 1)0NE BY EXPERTS 521 4TH STREET. PhtoneWl!. 1907 14 RoiService MILLER ý& MILLER' mz-îth St. Phone. W& - se" Ouly $hiop lu towu wbere y'Our elothes are >aetually pressedi y a W. Cali and Deqiver 815 Ridge R«L Wl!. 2433 MO8I9LGAS Tax warrants and al toupons, > arcepted at lf aue e Servie Station 421 Mai. St. WiL S410 EXPERT HAT CLEANING 1V. Cali anad Deliver Fre* CENTRALSIIOE REPMIR IDéàncilig their wvay int the hearts of spect ators inthe Childre 'ons * teater opi thc Bnjchunited Islanid ai .4 Geniury of Progress tlwouqhonut sÇi1- mier afternoons and evc;ings, has been -t/is group of girls, tuo of hOmj arc frorn- Wilrncttc. T/'y.are "Sititity" Biser, 1Ih /e door'zwv at the h'f t. aud Elcanor HoctelIi, ini the doortvav ai thé right. The iîostý recent aP 1 Par- allces of thie group, were, Wednersday v ze#tiig, September 13, and Saturday ' nagSqle r 6.As a grpup the children dantce t/he Spa.nis Butter- 14- and a Ger»îia)eBand danîce. The girls are pujdls ot Gladys Hiqht. TO CRUISE MEDITERRANEAN Lloyd Willis, 326 Essex rpad, Ken- ilworth, left Friday, September 8, for Europe, accompanied by Chicago friends. They are taking the Mediter- ranean cruise along the Itàlian Riv- iera, their first stop being the Azores. They expect to be gone two months. ..Mr. and. Mrs. Howe Willis recently returned from the east, wheré they visited Mrs. Willis' mother and bro- ther in Dorest, Vt. They also visited in Albany and New York City,ý and stopped to visit the senior Mrs. Wil.- lis' f amily. i Sandusky, Ohio. The Walter Noble Gillett farnily, 533 Roslyn roadî Kenilworth,. have returned frmLudington, Mich., Mrs. Gillett spending part of ber time witb bher mother in Evanston while recovering from an accident. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Littell, 322 Woodstock avenue, Kenilwortb, enter- tained a few f riends on Saturday eve- ning, September 16, to meet Mrs. Alex Hannab, who is bere f rom California. HoId Rousing Party for iDog License Delinquent s About sixty Wilznette residents. were cordially invited to appear he- fore Police Magistrate John J. Pe-, ters Wednesday of this week to ex- plain their continued neglect to se- cure 1933 dog licenses. In some of the cases, it was said, the defeîndants no longer owned the dogs, and just forgot to notify the Village authorî- ties to that effect. The pâlicy of the authorities in, the matter of ve'hicle andI dog licenses has been one of lenieticy, it is stated, but the approaching close of the year ren- ders that attitude no longer a virtue. Hence the pressure being applied at this time. Mary Bernice, dai«ghter of thecWil'- liamn P. Kinsellas 'of 143. Abingdon avenue, Kenilwortb, bas retul ned to. Rosary college, River Forest, 111. 0o Mr. and Mrs. James D. Baker and, Wilmetto, and. we sou It on a guaariatee. IRFNN!CKAA'S Wflmette Wilniette 98.29 Henry 's & Mart/ia's Beauty Salon II CHESàTNUtT ST. PH. WINNETKA .119 du