Parking Spa ce ilnette, Prompt Deliv.ry NO WAUTUNi.G- NO Grapervult Seations Tie f resh fruit jes highi now. The. canned 1p roduct is delicious - for, salade ai well as for ' No-. 2 POT ROAST 0F UBEEF> Have youa JIuteh Oveti? Tihen yQu'I1 like thi.s Brown ,t he meat. in ,but- énough four and -water to make a rich gravy, then acd an oni on, one -bayleaf, six cloves and two peppercorns, cover and roast ini oven froni 2~~to 3 hours. IL.]L5c CARRYUNG - WHEN FOOD' IS "What shahl we eat today?" is 1a. byword i n every 'hôusehoid. "Where shall we buy itP"lis another important .question". Botb are easily answered when the mar- keting is done here. Whether shopping is donc, in person 1or over-h eehnit is always qickly expedited. Our -,low prices include delivery. white Bass Here's a real fish treat, bake or'hoil and serve wîth baked potatoes and fresh Lima beans, L i c l4b. aiverage. I 9 IndlviduaI Pilke An ideal luncheon entree when fricd in lots of butter.dlb21 Colonial Dry Ginger Alep-Root Deer There isn't axny better buy on the, market thau thie-Keep it on Ige. 24-oz.25 ice for ail occasionS3 botties Doz. 85c Plus deposit Seedlesu Grapes They'1re wonderfull.y sweet now. -malaga. Gvapes Ideal for fruit salad, as well a s good to ent juet as tbe.y are. lbs. 15 SELECTED'HEftlE Oder Vimegar. Putting up« pickles'? Tho n. you'Ill want ,to take advantageè of thise wks Iow prices. Heinz, qte. 171C Commodore, qts. i 5 Fresh Porek TendIevlotO Ail meat, s. good with eweet . 1 potatoes. ~- .-- - -~ %;aàvesu'» equcn.1 'us Creamed or bresded end fried, they're equally delicioe and lookl. 9 at tii. price!, SfrlIen Ste"k Deliciously tender, the. ideal steak for the larger fanily. and over, b.2170 lb. ý250 Weleh's Grape juie Just the. pure juice ofthe grapes-A won. derful tonic and slenderizer, - Drink a glassful three tinles a day and before rig each3 pints 49C mw M - - - I1 1 lbIt. WILME11E 402 Lindon A».. WINNETKA 718 Elm Si. LAKE VIEW 3959 Broadway ROGERS PARK