YOU SIIULD KNOW TYPE WRITERS For Sale: or Rett Eibbons for 'alU machines Paper, Envelopes, Cajrbolm Paper, Stenclse WILMETTÉ, STATIONERY & GIFT'SHOP 11595 Wilnsett. Ave. WiI. 3051 VFURRIER-TA ILOR &lqloviqcÉs the ar- rivoJ of the NTew FaJli Katrlaa nti'the very latcat models for botb Fer Ond ýCloth <larinicts. 1122 Central.Ave. Wil.ý 3303 -~ g Wiliam B. Lucke11' Prùm bing - Heating Contractor 514 E. Railrod Ave. WILMETTE 2020 COFFEY'S AUTO REPAI Put Tour C'fr In~ Shape Noiv. RF- LUIE BRAK1ES Cm »VA LVES4 Expert MecbsOlcal Servqice 1207 WASHINGTON AVE:. .Rear of Telephione C'o. PHONE WILMETTE 3242 <BEAUTYSHOPI Beeuty Seri Ice CYRILLE.-WfINNIE ReIahi Automoble. Repairing & 24 Ifour Service MILLER £ MILLER 732-izî L . Po Wall. 50 WILMETTE TAILORS & ýCLEANERS Oniy shOP là town where your cohsare actually pressedby a We Cati anid Detiver si5 Rtidge Rd. Wil. 2433 j- MO0BILGAS 'l'x warrants and ail eoupon)" liceePted et face valUe IIILL'8 Service Station 421. Main St. 1 WiL. 5410 EXPERT HAT CLEANING. 500. We Cai and.JJeliver, Free CENTRAL SHOE REPAIR 1128 Central Ave. Wil. 5361' HOME BAKERY Personai Attention r. Alil Order Opposite Village Hall -Mrs. Atari Houston, Jr., of Winnetka Is the militarist propaganda to the. each week are obtair4ng new niem- effect that the Uniited States (in bers. Friday of this week these merely strengthening the navy ta groups wilI meet.for luncheon at The meet treaty requirements) is actually Tavern in The Chimneys in Winnet- preparing ta fight japan, becoming ka to talk over the campaign's prog- effective? ress *and formulate plans for its de- w îIll ber porM' lead japan to velopmi1 ent. "conquer" China,. only -to be swa:l- lowéd up.and absorbed byber, enemy Mete.,mprvemntsonl -the fate which befeli the Manchus? Avoca Schuol Buiwhdtng ereal situation The -Avoca school ori Ashland a1v e- orThee questiowhh rPhldn nue west of Locust roaci opened fo r the atenqtions hikere n oAmerig the new term Wednesday,. September tod'attentionlobe dinscussndat 9 :30 6, with an enrolIment of ff tfieoock î il ex Sun sday oning 9u:3h pupils. Mrs., Glen *Clinebeiftagai Comknet HuseaofMte ilmete principal of the school and teaches muntHusoth Wiet' the uper grades. Mrs. Mae eMurphy Parish Methodist E piscopal church has the lower grade room. A nqm-by Dr. C. M. Rape, who bas lived i be]r of imProvemeuts> bave been made. the Orient for nearly thirty years., Th'ese include new i ndividual, mov- Dr. Rape was for1 years the su per- able seats for the upper grade room intendent of the high school ini the and a- new drinking fountain on the city of, Chungking, acmerca same floor as the class rooms.. Paint- cneofmrtan8000POl)ul; ing work also 'was doue during the' ton, located on the Yangtze river, summiner., about 1,400 miles from the coast. It is the principal city of the province, TO LIVE IN WASHINGTON of the same name; the population oi Mrs. Thonmas Mathieson and ber so, .which. is more thari 2,500,00W. He bas Tommy, Jr., are leaving Kenilworth been in intimate toucb with the-peo- the end of September to join Mr. pie, and knows tbeir Point of view." Mathieson in Washington, D. C., wiHee-l e is 'equally weIi acquainted with, they will live at least a year. They the '.Far-East .Situation" f rom the have reuted tleir home at 545 Ex, view point'of -the japanese. moor road. Mrs. Mathieson and ber s0i The meeting Sunday morning %will returned receutly after spending sixbe attended by the Men's ciass, le d. weeks in Washington. by J. D. Cox; the Friendiy circle, ied. by Mrs. Thomas H. West: the Mr. and Mrs. Warren Hillis, 512 Philathea class, led by Mrs. Danliel Central avenue, are entertaining the Stecker, and the Y oung People's latter's brother-ii-Iaw and sister, Mr. group led by Mrs. Oscar Thornas and Mrs. Irving Babcock of Bloom- Qîsoti and Harry C. Kinne; All àdts field flilis, Mich., also *Mrs. William -whlo are interested luiii ea ring the Salisbury of Birmingham, Mich. The truth about the Far East are being fam'Ily recently motored to Minneapolis illvited to attend the meeting. ____________tedMrs Guy Fletcher. Dr. Rape, -C'ho is shortly to, retuien --____ -to Chungkiug. wil address the churcli school of the Xilmtte church Sn NACHNUDdav morning, Septe m ber 24,'onv the suhject of,"Missions .in Ch.ina and, the KATHERINE HEDGLIN Oin. PIANO Miss Margaret Fitch, 416 Cumno'-r road, Keuilworth, was a guest of, Florence Klingensmith at ber birthday Chickum andi Steak Dinmer . ý........35c .- Plate Lunch 25c 811 Ridgo Rd. WiL 5319 RELINING AND ALTEF TIONS DQNE BY EXPEIR 521 4TH STREET Phn. WiL 1907 u HIOFFMANN BDRUS. 1208 Centrai Avenue For More That#,Fgrty Y cars . . 0 rell, el5?ýIlmle111A